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Can dogs eat pistachios?
Can dogs eat pistachios?

Although today commercial dog food is widespread both in feed and canned format, there is also a current that supports the diet based on home preparation. Whether we want to cook ourselves or opt for a commercial menu, but want to introduce some variation, it is normal for doubts to arise. And one of them is whether dogs can eat pistachios In this article on our site, we answer this question.

Benefits and properties of pistachios

We know that the benefits of nuts are numerous, as they provide essential nutrients that are highly recommended for being part of a he althy diet. Of course, we also know that their consumption should be moderate, since they have a high fat content But doubts may arise when it comes to canine feeding, since we know if the benefits of these foods for people can be extrapolated in the same way to dogs.

So, in the case at hand, if you're wondering if dogs can eat pistachios, the answer is yes Include pistachios in the diet of our dogs, as long as we do it properly, it can provide them with interesting benefits. Among the properties of pistachios we can highlight its high nutritional power It is a source of vegetable protein, lipids and carbohydrates and provides the following:

  • Fiber
  • Unsaturated fats.
  • Phytosterols.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Fatty acids.

Highlights include vitamin A, B1 or thiamin, B2, B6, E, K, folic acid, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium or zinc.

Can dogs eat pistachios? - Benefits and properties of pistachios
Can dogs eat pistachios? - Benefits and properties of pistachios

Is it good to give dogs pistachios?

Yes, dogs can eat pistachios, just like other nuts, but not all. To make sure, we should always check before giving our dog a nut or any other food, as there are some that are completely prohibited, since they are toxic to this species. An example is Macadamia nuts. But, going back to pistachios, these are among the allowed nuts, which does not mean that a dog's diet should be based on them, or even that it is a food to be included in the daily menu.

You have to be clear that dogs can live and be perfectly nourished without eating pistachios. In fact, they are carnivorous animals, although they accept other types of food. Today, we have a huge variety of food marketed and prepared specifically for dogs. There is feed, wet food, dehydrated and a large number of ranges for any stage of life, such as puppies or senior dogs, or for different pathologies, such as diabetes or kidney disease. This makes a diet that covers all the nutritional needs of all types of dogs very accessible to everyone.

Although, obviously, there are different qualities and prices for all pockets, it is difficult for dogs to be malnourished today. Therefore, they will not need to eat pistachios, we do not have to insist that they eat them and, only if our dog likes them, we can offer them in a occasionally and in very small amounts, as a reward or as a way to strengthen our bond by sharing food with them.

Can dogs eat pistachios? - Is it good to give pistachios to dogs?
Can dogs eat pistachios? - Is it good to give pistachios to dogs?

How to give a dog pistachios?

If your dog loves pistachios and you've read this far, you already know that dogs can eat pistachios, but not often, but as an occasional treatIf we overdo it or the pistachio we give is processed, we run the risk of causing gastrointestinal problems, which will manifest as vomiting and diarrhoea. Always keep in mind that a mini breed dog will not accept the same number of pistachios as a giant one. You have to be aware of this fact to avoid going overboard.

In addition to taking into account the spaced consumption, you have to know that pistachios must always be given shelled On the other hand, they must be al natural, without added s alt or sugar and, of course, they cannot be fried, at most we can choose the lightly toasted ones, since none of these processes goes to be beneficial for the dog. We are only interested in the fruit as it is. The shells could cause digestive problems, such as blockages, since they are not digested. Fried foods and s alt are not recommended for dogs.

On the other hand, if you feed your dog homemade food, of course always following the advice of a veterinary nutrition professional, and some of the recipes include nuts, pistachios are a good option, whose nutritional value we have already discussed. In this case, the pistachio can be added to the trough chopped, minced or ground, so that its use in the digestive system is made easier, and it can also be included as an ingredient if we make bars, cookies or homemade bread for our dog.
