Burmese cat: characteristics and photos

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Burmese cat: characteristics and photos
Burmese cat: characteristics and photos
Burmese cat
Burmese cat

Halfway between the Persian and the Siamese, we find this curious feline that will captivate us, in addition to its exuberant appearance, due to his long fur and his captivating look, for his calm and docile character. Thus, we are before a perfect breed for families, which can even delight us with small acrobatics. Perhaps it is because of all these charms that this breed is one of the most popular today.

If you are thinking of adopting a cat of this breed or you already live with one of them, on our site we explain everything you need to know about the Burmese cat, his care, temperament and possible he alth problems.

Origin of the Burmese cat

The Burmese cat is also called " Sacred cat of Burma" due to legend that they were worshiped by Buddhist monks. The reality is that they come from Wong Mau, a chocolate-colored cat that arrived from Burma on a ship between 1920 and 1930, when a sailor gave her to a Siamese breeder named Joseph Thompson, who crossed her with one of his copies, obtaining after several crossings litters of completely chocolate cats. Another story relates that a monk from the Lao Tsun temple gave a Burmese couple to General Gordon Russel as thanks for saving his temple and they were put on a ship that arrived in France in 1919. Regardless of the story we choose, the truth is that the Burmese arrived in France at the beginning of the 20th century and it was the French who managed to maintain the genetic purity of the breed even during World War II, crossing them with Persians and Himalayas.

However, and despite the origin of the Burmese cat, it was not until 1957 when the CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) fully recognized it as an established breed, although in 1936 it had already been included in its genealogical book.

Physical characteristics of the Burmese cat

Within the characteristics of the Burmese cat, or sacred cat of Burma, we find that it is a medium-sized animal with a strong complexion. The Burmese have short, stocky legs in a dark , as well as a long tail in the same shade, matching their ears. Its fur is semi-long and dense due to its thick undercoat, woolly and silky to the touch, with golden tones on the back, creamy white on the gloves, that is, on the ends of its legs and ears, face, tail and legs in a dark tone, contrasting with the rest of the body.

His eyes are large and almond-shaped, always blue and with a very particular look. Their weight ranges between 3 and 6 kilograms, with females weighing between 3 and 5 and males between 5 and 6. Normally their life expectancy ranges from 9 to 13 years.

The Burmese is now recognized by all major cat registries, but not all registries allow all colors. Cat friendly associations recognize two types: the Burmese and the European Burmese.

Burmese cat character

Burmese are cats calm and balanced, which will also be perfect playmates for both the family and other animals, as they It is an extremely sociable and affectionate breed, which will always be looking for our love and attention. This is why these are cats that, despite enjoying peace and quiet, do not tolerate loneliness well, something to consider if we spend a lot of time away from home and there are no other pets to provide company during those periods. Balance is the key to defining Burmese cats, since despite being playful they are not destructive or restless, despite being very affectionate they are not demanding or heavy, which makes them perfect cats for families, since they will love spending time hours playing with the children at home and enjoying their company.

The temperament of the Burmese cat is docile Likewise, it is usually curious and attentivehis owners, in addition to being remarkably intelligent For all this, it is easy to teach him tricks and acrobatics, which he will enjoy and of course we will too we will be able to delight ourselves with their fun tricks and skills.

Burmese cat care

Particular attention should be paid to regular brushing of his coat to avoid uncomfortable and potentially troublesome hairballs, which can affect the digestive system of our kitten. In addition, it is recommended to take care of their nails, teeth and pay attention to the general state of their he alth, such as their eyes and ears, cleaning them with the products recommended by your veterinarian.

Apart from brushing, within the care of Burmese cats, we highlight the fact of providing them with the attention and affection they need to remain so he althy and balanced, in return they will not disappoint us and will be faithful and attentive companions. Likewise, precisely due to its difficulties in managing loneliness, it is important to properly socialize it and educate it so that it remains calm during the times when we must be absent. To do this, it is advisable to offer a correct environmental enrichment, with a variety of toys, scratchers at different heights, etc. It may be necessary to use pheromones in a diffuser to calm the environment.

Burmese Cat He alth

Burmese cats are generally he althy cats, but there are some he alth problems that this breed is more prone to than others. Some facts to keep in mind about Burmese cats is that can suffer from glaucoma, cranial deformities or feline hyperesthesia syndrome, pathology consisting of increased sensitivity to touch or painful stimuli. They may also be prone to calcium oxalate stones in the urinary tract. For this reason, both the vaccination schedule and the periodic veterinary check-ups must be respected to prevent and detect these pathologies in time, preserving the he alth of our Burmese cat.

Burmese Cat Photos
