The Siamese cat comes from the ancient kingdom of Siam, present-day Thailand. It was from 1880 when it began to be marketed in shipments to the United Kingdom and later to the United States. In the 1950s of the 20th century, the Siamese cat began to gain prominence, being chosen by many breeders and judges as members of beauty contests.
We found two varieties of Siamese cat:
- The modern Siamese cat or Siamese is a variety of the Siamese cat that appeared in 2001 in which a finer style is sought, elongated and eastern. The features are marked and pronounced. It is the most used type in beauty pageants.
- The traditional Siamese cat or Thai It is probably the best known. Its constitution is typical of a common cat that shows the typical and original colors of the traditional Siamese cat.
Both varieties are characterized by their typical pointed color scheme, the dark coloration where the body temperature is lower (limbs, tail, face and ears) that contrasts with the rest of the feline's body tones.
Physical appearance
- The Siamese cat shows a medium height with an oriental body and is characterized by being slender, stylized, very flexible and muscular. More and more attempts are being made to enhance these types of qualities. The weight varies between males and females since they are around 2.5 or 3 kilograms while males usually weigh between 3.5 and 5.5 kilograms. Colores: Seal point (dark brown), Chocolate point (light brown), Blue point (dark gray), Lilac point (light gray), Red point (dark orange), Cream point (light orange or cream), Cinnamon, Fawn or White.
- The Thai cat Although it still displays slender and elegant qualities, it is more muscular and has medium-length legs. The head is more rounded and western as well as the body style which is more compact and rounded. Colors: Seal point (dark brown), Chcolate point (light brown), Blue point (dark grey), Lilac point (light grey), Red point (dark orange), Cream point (light orange or cream) or Tabby point.
Both types of Siamese have different color patterns although they always have the typical pointed characteristic.
It stands out for the hyperactivity common in cats of Asian origin as well as for its prodigious agility. He is a cheerful, fun and loving companion. He is an active and friendly cat.
Siamese are very faithful cats and devoted to their owners who they love and ask for attention. It is a very expressive breed and we will easily understand what it wants to convey to us, both displeasure and affection. It will depend on the character of the cat that can be very sociable and curious, although in less common cases we can obtain a fearful cat that will still be expectant before the arrival of new people at home.
He alth
The Siamese cat usually enjoys good he alth, proof of this is the 15-year average longevity of the breed. Even so, and as in all races, there are diseases that are more present:
- The strabismus
- Respiratory infections caused by viruses or bacteria
- Heart disease
- Bad circulation
- Obesity in old age
- Otitis
- Deafness
If you pay attention to your Siamese cat by taking care of it and offering it lots of love, you will get a friend who will be with you for a long time. The oldest Siamese lived to be 36 years old.
It is a breed particularly clean and calm that will spend a lot of time grooming itself. For this reason, brushing once or twice a week will be more than enough. It is also important that they do physical exercise to maintain their qualities of speed, strength and figure.
Regarding the education of the cat, we recommend being firm and patient without yelling or showing hostility, which will only generate nervousness in our new Siamese cat.
- We recommend neutering the Siamese cat because it is especially prolific, which can cause an unwanted pregnancy or infectious problems.
- Cats in heat meow especially loudly.