MEXICAN AJOLOTTE - Characteristics, habitat and diet

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MEXICAN AJOLOTTE - Characteristics, habitat and diet
MEXICAN AJOLOTTE - Characteristics, habitat and diet
Mexican Axolotl
Mexican Axolotl

The axolotl or Mexican axolotl is an amphibian that belongs to the family Ambystomatidae, a group known as mole salamanders and to the order Ambystoma. Within the latter there are more than 30 species, but we can affirm that the Mexican axolotl is the most representative of the group for various reasons.

Among the aspects that stand out are: its endemism, peculiarity of development within amphibians, tonalities, cultural relationship in Mexico and the current state of conservation. As we can see, there are not a few peculiarities that this animal possesses. If you want to know in detail the characteristics of the Mexican salamander,as well as where it lives and its habitat, keep reading this information sheet that we present on our site.

Characteristics of the Mexican axolotl

The main characteristic of the Mexican axolotl is the maintenance of larval traits even in adulthood, a biological phenomenon known as neoteny. In this sense, in an adult axolotl, common structures of a larva can be observed, such as the dorsal fin that covers almost the entire body and three pairs of gills that protrude from the base of the head backwards and resemble feathers. All of the above is summed up in that this amphibian does not develop metamorphosis,being a peculiarity of these animals.

The average size of the Mexican salamander is generally 15 cm, although it can measure more, but it does not exceed30cm The legs are short , the front ones have four toes, while the back ones have five and it doesn't develop nailsThe head is both wide and robust, the eyes small, without eyelids; the body elongated and flattened on each side. The skin is generally smooth, although it may have some rough areas that can only be seen up close.

The other peculiar characteristic of the axolotl is its coloration, since in the wild its shades are dark, being seen asblack, gray, brown or intense green However, this animal, thanks to the expression of various genes for color and selective breeding, in captivity can show a variety of dissimilar shades between Yes. Thus, we can find black, albino, pink albino, white albino, golden albino and leucistic (black-eyed white) axolotls.

Habitat of the Mexican salamander

The Mexican axolotl was previously distributed in several habitats in the central valley of Mexico, made up of lakes and wetlands Despite being a species amphibian, lives exclusively in water bodies Where does the Mexican axolotl live? Currently, it only has a fairly reduced distribution range, being found only in three specific places: the Xochimilco canals (where the climate is temperate and sub-humid), Lake Chalco and Lake Chapultepec.

The Mexican axolotl requires a deep-water habitat, either natural lakes or artificial canals with abundant vegetation, which It is used for its reproduction but also many times to camouflage itself in the aquatic bottoms. The ecosystem for its development must be stable, both in composition and in the flow of water. Turbidity, oxygen concentration and temperature not to exceed 20 and 22 or C are important requirements for the habitat of the Mexican salamander. Thus, the axolotl is a native and endemic species of the Federal District of Mexico.

Mexican Axolotl Customs

The Mexican axolotl is of solitary and elusive habits, meeting with other individuals almost exclusively for mating. It spends most of its time submerged in the turbid bottoms, since it breathes by gaseous exchange through the gills that it maintains even when it is an adult. However, since it also has moderately developed lung sacs, it can eventually reach the surface of the water and take in air.

This animal has a close relationship with the inhabitants of Mexico, not only from a scientific point of view, since it is highly studied due to its peculiarities, but also from a cultural point of view, it has an important meaning. In relation to the latter, it is also known as Axolotl which means water monster and is linked to the deities of the country's culture. In addition, it is a species that lives in captivity very frequently.

Feeding of the Mexican axolotl

What does the Mexican axolotl eat? The Mexican salamander is carnivorous, with a varied diet when in the wild. In this sense, it can consume small fish and mainly newborns such as tadpoles, insects, earthworms, molluscs and freshwater crustaceans. When they hatch, they prefer copepods, water fleas and rotifers.

In captivity their diet varies and they are fed with worms, crickets, tenebrios. Also with pieces of meat, chicken, turkey or beef and industrial food for turtles.

When feeding, they suck up the water and retain the prey with their teeth, then swallow it whole. They can also practice cannibalism.

Reproduction of the Mexican axolotl

The Mexican axolotl reaches maturity at 1, 5 years approximately and they reproduce only once a year between the months of December to February. They have sexual dimorphism, since males differ from females by having a longer cloaca.

In these animals there is a courtship phase, in which they get together and do a kind of dance. Then, the male moves away from the female a little and performs a series of previous movements to finally release the spermatophore that the female will collect and introduce it into her body so that fertilization occurs internal

Once fertilization occurs, it takes approximately 24 hours for the female to release up to 1,500 eggs, which she will go depositing gradually over the course of a few days. This process is done by placing the eggs in the aquatic plants present in the habitat, so that they are camouflaged and protected against predators. In a period between 11 to 15 days, the birth of offspring will occur.

Conservation status of the Mexican axolotl

The Mexican axolotl is declared as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Mexican axolotl is a terribly threatened species, so if the necessary measures for its population stabilization are not carried out, it will become extinct in the wild.

Water pollution and the drying up of these bodies,are the main cause of the deterioration of the habitat of the Mexican salamander and therefore of its significant population decline. Although the international trade of the species for its breeding as a pet and the consumption of its meat seems to have stopped, these are still reasons that impact it.

There is an action plan on the Mexican axolotl that includes the maintenance of several international hatcheries, although these are mainly focused on the studies carried out on it. It has been included in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, although it is currently undergoing periodic review. On the other hand, because the main cause of its risk of extinction is habitat alteration, there are also some educational plans linked to tourism and care of the nature.
