How to keep the house clean with animals? - Infallible tips

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How to keep the house clean with animals? - Infallible tips
How to keep the house clean with animals? - Infallible tips
How to keep the house clean with animals?
How to keep the house clean with animals?

One of the recurring concerns for caregivers is how to keep the house clean with animals, especially if we are going to live with dogs and cats, although other companions, such as rabbits or guinea pigs, can also lose hair and make a considerable mess. In this article on our site we are going to look at the most important aspects when it comes to keeping the home clean and hygienic, thus facilitating coexistence with our animals.

Why do animals lose their hair?

Like humans, animals with hair, both short and long, will experience shedding on a daily basis and this will be especially significant in periods known as moult , which usually occur once or twice a year We will easily notice it by observing a large amount of hair in the resting places and when petting and brushing the animal, since a considerable volume of fur will be shed.

Moulting is inevitable but we can control the presence of hair at homeShaking the animal's bedding daily and brushing it frequently. The hair that is on the brush will not fall to the ground. Of course, it is essential to pay attention to the type of brush that we are going to use depending on the coat of our animal. Therefore, we recommend reviewing the following articles: "Types of dog brushes", "Brushes for long-haired cats" and "Brushes for short-haired cats". In addition, if we want to know how to keep the house clean with animals or how to remove cat or dog hair from the house, we must attend to other factors, as we will see below.

How to keep the house clean with animals? - Why do animals lose their hair?
How to keep the house clean with animals? - Why do animals lose their hair?

How to keep the house free of parasites?

In addition to hair, animals can shed parasites that complete their life cycle in our home. An example of this is the flea. This parasite climbs onto our dog and feeds on his blood, but when it needs to lay eggs, it seeks refuge in our house, between cracks in the floor or the carpets. There the eggs hatch and transform into larvae that, once adults, continue their cycle parasitizing any warm-blooded animal, including humans. Therefore, how to keep the house clean with animals involves, also, eliminating parasites from the environment, with cleaning and/or insecticides, in addition to regularly applying a antiparasitic product to all the animals that live in the home, being better one that inhibits the development of the eggs.

To keep the house clean, ensure adequate hygiene for your animals

If our animal has access to the outside, on its return home it is easy for it to stain with dirty paws or if it has gotten wet, leaving a visible and an "invisible" trail, which could be made up of the aforementioned parasites. However, it is not necessary to go out for us to find dirt spots in our house, such as those caused around feeders or drinkers by splashes and debris, fragments of shavings from cages or sand that can fall when the cat uses its sandbox. In this sense, using pads or special mats and placing them just below the water and food bowls or the litter box is a very useful measure to keep the house clean with animals, just like drying and cleaning regularly animals upon arrival and place feeders, cages or sandboxes in places that are easy to clean.

On the other hand, it is essential to perform a proper hygiene of the animals itself, beyond cleaning their paws after walk. In this way, depending on the animal that lives with us, we will have to follow some bathing guidelines or go to a specialized center, such as a canine or feline hairdresser. Check out these articles for more information:

  • How often to bathe a dog?
  • How to bathe a cat at home?
How to keep the house clean with animals? - To keep the house clean, ensure adequate hygiene for your animals
How to keep the house clean with animals? - To keep the house clean, ensure adequate hygiene for your animals

And if they have urinated or defecated at home?

If at any time our dog or cat relieves itself at home, it is essential to disinfect the area with enzymatic products, totally free of bleach or ammonia. Bleach encourages the urge to urinate again in the same area and, furthermore, it can be very harmful to animals if they ingest it.

To avoid this behavior it is very important to guarantee that their basic needs are covered and to teach the animals to urinate and defecate where they should. For this, we must also try to understand the reason for the behavior in the case of adult animals that do it suddenly, since if, for example, they suffer from a urine infection, it is common for them to increase the desire to urinate or to do so in different areas of the home. That said, check out the following articles if your animal is totally he althy:

  • How to prevent a dog from marking territory at home?
  • How to prevent a cat from urinating in the house?

Can you remove the bad smell of animals?

As it happens with people, some animals have a stronger body odor than others, and some guardians try to neutralize it with specially designed air fresheners For this end. In addition to these products, we can carry out the hygiene measures already mentioned, which include bathing the animal when it needs it, regularly disinfecting the home and keeping its toys and objects clean.

And if the problem lies in the bad smell given off by cat urine or its litter box in general, we can make use of some homemade and natural remedieslike baking soda. Do not miss our article on "Tricks for the bad smell of cat litter" and find yours. Of course, don't forget to clean the litter box daily!

How to keep the house clean with animals? - Can you remove the bad smell of animals?
How to keep the house clean with animals? - Can you remove the bad smell of animals?

Cleaning and hygiene of the home with animals

Hair, parasites or various remains are going to be the main problems that we must face if we want to keep the home clean with animals. Therefore, cleaning should be based on picking up the hairs, vacuuming up parasitic phases and debris, and scrubbing off dirt. All these actions can be carried out quickly, easily and efficiently if we have the help of a robot vacuum cleaner. In the market we can find some specifically designed for those homes with animals. Below we explain the characteristics of one of them: the Conga Series 1090 robot vacuum cleaner from Cecotec.

How to keep the house clean with animals? - Cleaning and hygiene of the home with animals
How to keep the house clean with animals? - Cleaning and hygiene of the home with animals

Advantages of using a robot vacuum cleaner in houses with animals

How can keep the house clean with animals a robot vacuum cleaner? Without a doubt, it is a very simple way to remove dog and cat hair with little effort, and below we present the most notable features of the Conga Series 1090 from Cecotec:

  • It is a 4-in-1 robot, which means that it sweeps, vacuums, mops and scrubs, essential actions in homes where animals live.
  • It has a special silicone brush to catch all the hairs eliminated by animals and a great suction power that ensures optimal suction of surfaces, dragging possible eggs and larvae.
  • Its brushes are capable of removing dirt on carpets up to 20 mm thick, for which it has a turbo mode.
  • Scrub distributing the water evenly, so that puddles do not form.
  • It has proximity, anti-shock and anti-fall sensors, which prevents it from throwing or tripping over feeders and other accessories.
  • It has three power levels that allow from a superficial to a deep cleaning, depending on the dirt.
  • It has a spiral cleaning mode, very useful for removing debris that accumulates in a single point, such as chips or sand.
  • It is very quiet, which reduces the stress of animals that are startled by noise.
  • Completely programmable and with an autonomy of up to 160 minutes, so that it cleans the house while we go for a walk with our dog.
  • It has a HEPA filter that retains allergens and dust.
  • It is capable of mopping and vacuuming at the same time, optimizing time.

Go ahead and try it and say goodbye to dead hair in your home! Enter the Cecotec website and discover the full range of products they offer.
