How to RELAX a CAT?

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How to RELAX a CAT?
How to RELAX a CAT?
How to relax a cat?
How to relax a cat?

In these times when much of the world is confined to their homes due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the cats that live with us are directly affected. Spending so much time at home disrupts your routines and can be a major source of stress that aggravates or originates previous behavioral disorders.

For all these reasons, in this article on our site, we are going to explain how to relax a cat during confinement.

Stress in cats during quarantine

Cats are creatures of habit that, in general, are very sensitive to changes in their environment, even those that they are imperceptible to us. As is inevitable, confinement will alter this routine, as it causes companionship and interaction between cats and caregivers to increase, which is not always well tolerated by cats, especially if there are children in the home less respectful of their limits. More interactions mean more potential for conflict.

Furthermore, cats accustomed to having access to the outdoors can see this freedom curtailed, with consequences for their behavior at home. Another aspect to consider is that caregivers who are confined tend to be more aware of the cat as a way to keep busy. For this reason, it is normal for the search for interaction with him to increase, for him to be handled more, to be offered food more frequently, to be encouraged to play, etc.

Symptoms of stress in cats

Taking all these changes into account, it is not uncommon for cats to display behavior changes as indicative of stress. Some of the symptoms of stress in cats are:

  • Aggressiveness towards people or other animals.
  • Destroy.
  • Inappropriate Disposal.
  • Marking.
  • Hide.
  • Stop eating.

Therefore, during confinement it is important that we know how to relax our cat and, of course, consult the vet in case, instead of stress, we were facing a physical problem. Although the clinics are closed, the veterinarians are essential services and continue to work by phone. They can tell us how to go to a consultation, if it is essential, with all the security guarantees. Here's how to relax a cat by paying attention to all five senses.

How to relax a cat? - Stress in cats during quarantine
How to relax a cat? - Stress in cats during quarantine

How to give a cat a massage?

If you are interested in how to relax your cat, you can start by stimulating the sense of touch. To do this, nothing better than a massage, which brings benefits to both those who give it and those who receive it. Of course, we should always do it when the cat is receptive Forcing it would be totally counterproductive.

Relaxing massages for cats must focus on the areas where he himself seeks our contact. If we look closely, the cat rubs us with:

  • Head.
  • Cheeks.
  • The neck.
  • The loin.
  • The tail.

That will be the sequence to follow in the massage, always starting it at the right time when we are both calm.

For the massage we can use our extended fingers and apply gentle pressure with the fingertips, always with delicate movements, which can be circular. We should know that cats release some calming pheromones from the cheek area, with which, in addition to the sense of touch, we stimulate the sense of smell.

In addition to the cheeks, there are two other sensitive points on the head: behind the ears and the chin We can go down the neck, back and tail with an outstretched hand, making several passes. With both hands, this same movement can be repeated on the sides, without descending towards the abdomen, since it is an area in which many cats do not allow contact. The duration of the massage will not exceed 5-10 minutes, although the cat can interrupt it whenever it considers.

How to relax a cat? - How to give a cat a massage?
How to relax a cat? - How to give a cat a massage?

How to reassure a cat? - Food and Bach flowers

In this sense, the food comes into play, which must be the usual, without exceeding the prizes. These should never exceed 10% of daily caloric intake. This is a good time, yes, to turn to our cat's favorite foodsto promote his well-being

Also, in the food or water we can add relaxing drops for cats An example is Bach flowers. Although studies attribute only a placebo action to them, since they do not have side effects, they can be used to keep cats calm. If you are interested in knowing how to relax a cat with them, you just have to add them to the water from the drinker or to their food, although they could also be given directly, if the cat is not stressed. A well-known and widely used one is called Rescue Remedy, which combines various flower essences to combat stress.

How to relax a cat? - How to calm a cat? - Food and Bach flowers
How to relax a cat? - How to calm a cat? - Food and Bach flowers

Pheromones for cats

The sense of smell is very important for cats. We have seen that massage can also stimulate it, since among the relaxing aromas for cats, those of the appeasing pheromones that they emit in moments of peace stand out. These pheromones are used in various products thought to calm cats. Thus, they are marketed both in spray and plug-in and are already a classic option if we are concerned about how to reassure our cat, although they are not equally effective in all of them.

An especially pleasant smell for cats is that of catnip, which can be purchased directly to plant at home or present it in different types of toys or prizes to which it is added.

What scent NOT to use on cats?

In this pandemic period, we must take into account a smell that is becoming common these days. It's the one for bleach, which is used to disinfect. It is good to know that some cats reject this smell, so, to avoid stress, it would be advisable limit its use or look for a substitute On the other hand, for other cats the smell of bleach is very attractive and they urinate on the surface they detect it on.

Relaxing music for cats

Another novelty in this state of pandemic is the frequency with which noisy events occur that can be highly stressful for cats. We refer to the applause, the casseroles or the concerts that are held daily in many countries. If this is the case with our cat, we must provide him a place to take shelter with the greatest possible soundproofing. For example, a carrier covered by blankets and located in an interior room with the shades down and the windows closed.

But, if what interests us is how to relax a cat through the ear, we can resort to relaxing music for cats The best thing would be go testing different melodies and observe the reaction. Classical music is usually a hit, as long as it doesn't contain too many scratchy or loud sounds, which can be annoying to feline ears.

For more information, you can consult this other article on our site about Do cats like music?

Environmental enrichment for cats

Finally, cats love to explore, best from heights. That's why it's a good idea to offer them a high place from which they can observe both the street and the interior of the home. And we must not forget the environmental enrichment

All cats, especially if ours was used to going outside and now cannot do so, they need an environment in which they can develop their natural behaviors such as climbing, run, stalk, scratch, etc Thus, how to relax a cat is to take into account all these needs. That he enjoy a space to spread out, scratching posts, a sheltered place to rest, water and food, play, affection, a suitable litter box and, above all, respect are the keys to a relaxed and happy cat.

How to relax a cat? - Environmental enrichment for cats
How to relax a cat? - Environmental enrichment for cats

General recommendations for cats during confinement

In summary, and in addition to knowing how to relax your cat, keep in mind the following guidelines to make confinement more bearable for everyone:

  • Respect the limits set by the cat: let him be the one to seek interaction and never force him. You should also not disturb him when he sleeps or rests. He is more likely to be receptive to the game in the evening, but when he gets tired and leaves, don't insist on prolonging the interaction.
  • Safe zone for your cat: Establish a safe zone where the cat can be alone without anyone approaching it.
  • Watch the children: watch the children's contact with the cat and make sure that they also know the rules and respect it.
  • Alert to stress symptoms: signs such as marking, inadequate elimination, loss of appetite or apathy are warning signs that they should make us rethink the cat's routines.
  • Balanced diet: maintain the proper diet and do not overdo the treats to avoid digestive disorders or being overweight.
  • Consult the veterinarian: if the cat's stress does not decrease, the use of drugs must be assessed, of course, always under veterinary control, and resort to a specialist in feline behavior such as an ethologist. You always have to rule out a he alth problem first.
