CAT SKOOKUM - Characteristics, care and adoption

CAT SKOOKUM - Characteristics, care and adoption
CAT SKOOKUM - Characteristics, care and adoption
Cat skookum
Cat skookum

The skookum cat breed arises as a result of the cross between cats of the munchkin breed, known for their short legs, and LaPerm cats, felines with curly hair, resulting in acat with short legs and curly hair Skookum cats are affectionate, loyal, sociable and loving companions, although they are also very active and playful that seek to jump and jump despite their short length of your limbs.

They are some very small cats, even considered one of the dwarf cat breeds. However, despite their small size they are strong and muscular cats. Its origin is American and it is a very recent breed, as the first specimen appeared in 1990. If you want to know more, keep reading this page on our site to learn about all the characteristics of the skookum cat, their origin, their care, their he alth and where to adopt them.

Origin of the skookum cat

The skookum cat breed comes from the United Statesand was created by Roy Galusha in 1990. Galusha was so fascinated by cats munchkin like the LaPerms, so he decided to breed them. Since then, other breeders have followed suit in New Zealand, Australia and Europe.

It is not yet a consolidated breed in the large cat associations, being considered as experimental in the association of dwarf cats, the registry of New Zealand cats and independent European cat registries, as well as by the TICA (The international Cat Association), but its name has not yet been approved. As an experimental cat breed, the Skookum can be seen at some cat shows in Australia, with the first champion being "Little Miss Moppet", bred by Twink McCabe; however, you cannot participate in competitions.

On the other hand, the name of skookum refers to its appearance and comes from the Chinook language, which belongs to an Emerindian tribe in the northwestern United States, and means "powerful or great" because, despite their diminutive appearance, they are strong cats. The word skookum was also used to refer to good he alth or good spirits and to show that something is to a person's liking.

Characteristics of the skookum cat

As we have already mentioned, the skookum cat is small in size and has shorter bones than other cat breeds In addition, they weigh less. Specifically, males weigh between 2 and 3 kg and females between 1.5 and 2 kg, which is practically equivalent to 50% of the weight of a cat standard adult. Within its physical characteristics, we can highlight the following:

  • Muscular, short and stocky body.
  • Short legs, the rear ones longer than the front ones.
  • Small, rounded wedge-shaped head.
  • Rounded and compact feet.
  • Rounded neck and chest.
  • Large, walnut-shaped eyes with great expressiveness.
  • Curly and prominent eyebrows and mustaches.
  • Big, pointed ears.
  • Tail long, hairy and rounded at the end.
  • Soft, curly, short or medium hair. That of males is usually curlier than that of females.

Colors of the skookum cat

The skookum cat breed can come in various colors and patterns, such as:

  • Solid.
  • Tabby or brindle.
  • Colorpoint.
  • Bicolor.
  • Black.
  • White.
  • Brown.

skookum cat character

Perhaps because of its size, this breed of cat can make us think that it is very delicate, little energetic and skittish, but in reality it is quite the opposite. The skookum cat combines the characteristics of the two breeds that gave it life, so it is about cats active, intelligent, affectionate, athletic, sweet and confident

Skookum cats are sociable and usually get along with other pets. In addition, they are ideal for families with children. They are also cats that show and demand a lot of affection, so it is not advisable to leave them alone for a long time. On the other hand, skookum cats love to play and are capable of learning to walk on a leash.

Furthermore, skookum cats are very trusting and sure of themselves and, despite their short legs, they don't hesitate in jumping and climbing. They like to hide and even misplace things. Being strong and energetic, they love to have fun with any activity and will not hesitate to accompany their tutors in carrying out their tasks or hobbies around the house.

Care of the skookum cat

Care for these cats is generally no different from what any cat should have: a varied and balanced diet, with all essential amino acids, high protein and good quality, adjusting calories to your physiological and physical state. It must be remembered that food changes must be made gradually so as not to cause digestive disturbances and not give them too much, because they have a tendency to obesity. Water, like all cats, tends to like it more in movement, being cat fountains a good option.

Regarding brushing, it is a curly-haired breed, so frequent brushing several times a week is important, so as to create a good sitter-cat bond that he will adore. You also have to monitor the condition of their hair, the presence of parasites or infections and periodically check their ears, looking for infections or parasites.

He alth of the cat skookum

The short legs of the skookum cat can cause spinal or bone problems since, in reality, the size of the legs is due to to a type of dwarfism called achondroplasia. This bone dysplasia is genetic and consists of a change in the genetic material (DNA) that creates alterations in the growth factor 3 receptor of fibroblasts and, therefore, Therefore, it generates abnormalities in cartilage formation, with the consequent alteration in bone growth. Because of this, kitten must be kept active and we must make sure he exercises to keep his muscles strong, as well as carry out veterinary checks to verify that everything is going good on your body. Although it seems that today it is not very common for problems to appear, raising a breed with this mutation that can condition the quality and life expectancy of a cat is questionable. It is very important that, especially these cats, they do not gain weight until they become overweight or obese, because the problems would worsen.

Apart from the above, it is still a new and experimental breed and has not had time to be associated with certain diseases, although it is thought that hypothyroidism and kidney problems may be linked to achondroplasia. The well-known "Grumpy Cat" who died in 2019 at the age of 6 had achondroplasia and prognathism (lower teeth in front of the upper ones due to a genetic deformation of the jaw), and ended up dying of complications from a kidney infection.

Although a life expectancy has not been established, it is thought that if achondroplasia does not cause pain or consequences, life expectancy of life would be the standard of any cat properly cared for and cared for.

Where to adopt a skookum cat

Adopting a skookum cat is really difficult because it is a very recent breed. If we are interested in this breed, we can approach shelters, associations or protectors and ask. Although usually in the event that there is one it will not be a baby and it will probably be mestizo. If not, you may be offered, if there is, a Munchkin or Laperm cat for its resemblance.

It should be remembered that a kitten of this breed, despite its pleasant character, has a series of somewhat different care and he alth conditions, so more care should be taken that they do not gain weight, thus how to ensure they are exercised and active. If you are not sure of being able to deal with this and to be able to give it the best life, it is best to think about another breed or not to adopt directly. Neither cats nor other pets are toys, they are beings that feel and suffer like any other and do not deserve that our whims have negative repercussions on them.
