Can dogs eat kiwi?
Can dogs eat kiwi?

Fruits can be a very beneficial food both for human consumption and for our dogs, as well as being very useful for different recipes. It could be said that the kiwi is one of those “fashionable” fruits today because it has a large number of benefits, as well as preventing us from some diseases. There are several recommended recipes for our pets today that include fresh fruit, however, we must be very careful with the type of fruit that we intend to include in our dog's diet, and many of us will ask ourselves… Is it good for my dog to eat Kiwi?

Continue reading this article on our site and you will find out if dogs can eat kiwi, as well as the benefits of this fruit for your pet.

Is kiwi good for dogs?

If you're wondering can dogs eat kiwi, the answer is yes, dogs can eat kiwi, just like any other kind of fruits and vegetables, but always carefully, as we will see below. In fact, various animal associations and organizations have shown that kiwi is not a bad food for dogs, that is, it is not toxic for our pets.

This means that although the benefits of kiwifruit for dogs are not as great as for humans, kiwifruit is suitable for canine consumptionHowever, it is not advisable for our furry's diet to be based solely on kiwi or other types of fruit and vegetables, but rather it should only be taken as a reward, for example, for positive reinforcement in dogs.

Properties and benefits of kiwifruit for dogs

Kiwis are essential in our diet, as they provide a much higher supply of vitamin C than other citrus fruits, as well as a supply of fiber and potassium. In dogs, despite not being so beneficial, they can have positive effects. In the event that our furry has any food shortage, it is a very good idea to include a small portion of this fruit in his diet. These are the main benefits of kiwifruit for dogs:

  • Improves digestion: thanks to the fiber it contains, a piece of kiwi in the diet can improve digestion and assimilation of nutrients, facilitating the advance through the intestinal tract. Fiber passes through the intestine without being digested, helping ailments such as constipation and maintaining the microflora of the colon.
  • Reduces cholesterol: In addition, an extra supply of fiber in the diet reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, and facilitates the elimination of toxins. However, these benefits can be obtained more easily with other high fiber foods such as rice, wheat bran, apples or various vegetables such as pumpkin.
  • Antioxidant effect: kiwi can protect against oxidative damage, mainly due to vitamin C, which despite not being essential in your diet, it can reduce inflammation and degenerative and cognitive disorders.
  • Improves mobility: it also has potassium, necessary for the functioning of muscles, nerves and enzymes. It is usually present in food in the form of potassium chloride, however, some guardians prefer to supply it from a more natural source, through foods such as kiwi or banana.

Like other foods, kiwi must be carefully introduced into the dog's diet, as its nutritional requirements are 6% of the dry weight of its daily food.

If you want to know other fruits suitable for dogs, you can consult this other article on our site about Fruits and vegetables recommended for dogs.

Can dogs eat kiwi? - Properties and benefits of kiwi for dogs
Can dogs eat kiwi? - Properties and benefits of kiwi for dogs

Amount of kiwifruit for dogs - Recommended dose

We must remember that dogs, despite being a highly domesticated species in terms of their diet, are mainly carnivores, so that an excess of vegetables and fruits is never recommended. Of course, you should never give a whole kiwi to your pet, nor do it regularly, especially if it is small in size or is a puppy, as it could choke very easily. It is essential that you cut it into small pieces so that it can be eaten without any problem.

When we introduce any food into our dog's diet, it is essential that we do it gradually, so it is best that let's give him a piece the first day to see how he reacts to the food, because he might not like it. Subsequently, we can increase the dose, until giving a slice of kiwi at most Once our dog has become accustomed to the taste and texture of kiwi, the best The way to do this is by mixing these pieces with their food, always in small doses and very sporadically, since giving it to them for long periods of time can lead to problems.

For a more positive effect on the he alth of our furry, in addition to rewarding him with fruits such as kiwi, we encourage you to try natural feed. For this reason, we leave you this other article on The best natural feed for dogs.

Can dogs eat kiwi? - Amount of kiwi for dogs - Recommended dose
Can dogs eat kiwi? - Amount of kiwi for dogs - Recommended dose

Contraindications of kiwifruit for dogs

Despite its benefits, kiwi should be considered exclusively a temporary supplement and never a substitute for your pet's regular diet. As for any other supplement, we must consult our veterinarian before introducing it into their diet, in order to avoid any associated problem:

  • Sensitive stomach: avoid giving your dog kiwi, especially if it belongs to a breed with a sensitive stomach, such as the border collie.
  • Avoid the kiwi skin: Although the kiwi skin can be digested, it is not recommended to feed the kiwi with the skin, as it could choke on it.
  • The kiwi must be ripe: we must always make sure that the kiwi is ripe, because if it is too acidic or hard, it could not like it.
  • Fair amount of kiwi: a large amount of kiwi can lead to an excess of fiber in our pet's diet, which can reach upset stomach or diarrhea.

Do dogs need to eat kiwi?

The answer is no Although vitamin C is very beneficial, it is not necessary. Unlike us, dogs can produce their own vitamin C in the metabolism, so it is not usually considered by a veterinarian as an essential supplement, unless it is prescribed for the recovery of some disorder. Excessive vitamin C in dogs can lead to the formation of kidney stones, in addition to being harmful in the case of supplying it together with other medications, or if our dog has recently had a kidney-related ailment.

Like vitamin C, too much potassium can also be harmful, causing hyperkalaemia (excess potassium in the blood). Potassium, due to its action on the nerve connections of the myocardium (heart muscle) can lead to arrhythmia problems or kidney problems when it tries to be eliminated from the body for its excess. Should you notice any symptoms associated with these or other ailments in your pet, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

On the other hand, it is important to mention that there are also some fruits that dogs cannot eat, as we discussed in this other article on Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs.

Can dogs eat kiwi? - Contraindications of kiwi for dogs
Can dogs eat kiwi? - Contraindications of kiwi for dogs

Other fruits that dogs can eat

If in addition to kiwi you wonder what fruits a dog can eat, you may be interested in one of these articles on our site:

  • Can dogs eat strawberries?
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  • Can dogs eat banana?
  • Can dogs eat apples?
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  • Can dogs eat potatoes?
