Can guinea pigs eat orange? - Benefits and how to offer it

Can guinea pigs eat orange? - Benefits and how to offer it
Can guinea pigs eat orange? - Benefits and how to offer it
Can guinea pigs eat orange?
Can guinea pigs eat orange?

The orange (Citrus sinensis) is the fruit of the sweet orange tree, a tree of the Rutaceae family. It is a citrus fruit native to southeastern China and northern Burma, which has been known in the Mediterranean area for around 3,000 years. Their great popularity, especially in the fall and winter seasons, has many keepers wondering if guinea pigs can eat orange

If this is your case and you are wondering what happens if you give your guinea pig orange, don't miss the next article on our site, in which we will talk about everything you need to know about this fruit in the diet of guinea pigs.

Is orange good for guinea pigs?

Before explaining whether oranges are good for guinea pigs, we must make an important note about their diet. Guinea pigs are herbivorous animals whose diet must consist of three fundamental components:

  • Hay (70%)
  • Fresh Food (20%)
  • I think (10%)

Within fresh food, the vast majority (75%) should be leafy vegetables, such as spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, lamb's lettuce, escarole, watercress, cabbage, collard greens, etc. The remaining 25% must be made up of other vegetables and fruits.

Orange is one of the fruits that can be included in the diet of guinea pigs, since it provides a series of nutritional benefits. However, a series of considerations must be taken into account before giving this fruit to guinea pigs, since improper administration can lead to significant damage to their he alth. To learn how oranges can be included in the diet of guinea pigs safely, we recommend that you join us in the following sections, in which we will detail the form and quantity in which this fruit should be offered.

Benefits of oranges for guinea pigs

Including oranges in the diet of guinea pigs has a series of nutritional benefits:

  • It is a low-calorie fruit: including orange in the diet of guinea pigs does not lead to a notable increase in the energy value of their ration, which helps to maintain stable body condition of these animals. This is especially important in the case of guinea pigs, since they are rodents with a great tendency to become overweight.
  • Has a high amount of vitamin C or ascorbic acid: an essential micronutrient for guinea pigs. Like people, primates, and some bats, guinea pigs are unable to synthesize vitamin C on their own, which means they must consume it through food. Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, so their contribution contributes to meeting the needs of this micronutrient in guinea pigs. We talk more in depth about this topic in this other post: "Vitamin C for guinea pigs".
  • They provide carotenoids with provitamin activity A: carotenoids are transformed into vitamin A in the body and act as antioxidants, helping to protect the body against the harmful effects of free radicals.
  • Contain organic acids: such as malic acid and citric acid. The latter enhances the action of vitamin C, favors the intestinal absorption of calcium and facilitates the elimination of toxic waste from the body.
  • They are rich in flavonoids: such as hesperidin, neoshesperidin, naringin, narirutin, tangeretin and nobiletin. These phytonutrients have many properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.

How to give orange to my guinea pig?

Oranges should only be offered fresh, natural Orange juice, dehydrated orange and preparations such as marmalades or jams should never be added, due to their high sugar content. It is also not recommended to offer the fruit too cold (frozen or directly removed from the refrigerator), but it is preferable provide it at room temperature

To prepare the orange it is enough to peel it, remove the seeds and cut it into small pieces that are easy for guinea pigs to handle.

Dose of orange for guinea pigs

As we have seen, the orange is a suitable fruit for guinea pigs. However, this does not mean that you can consume this fruit daily or in large quantities.

Guinea pigs should consume a daily portion of fresh food that includes about 5 different vegetables (mainly leafy vegetables). Once a week, this fresh food ration can include a small serving of fruit. If you wish, a few times a month you can offer the orange as a weekly serving of fruit. In terms of quantity, it will be more than enough to provide one segment per guinea pig

Discover the complete list of good fruits for guinea pigs in this other article.

Can guinea pigs eat orange? - Dosage of orange for guinea pigs
Can guinea pigs eat orange? - Dosage of orange for guinea pigs

Side effects and contraindications of orange for guinea pigs

Although guinea pigs can eat orange, it should be taken into account that an excessive intake can produce some harmful effects on the he alth of these animals:

  • The calcium/phosphorus ratio is high, which can favor the formation of stones in the urinary system.
  • Its acidity can cause sores or ulcers in the mouth.
  • Its sugar content can cause obesityd and favor the proliferation of harmful bacteria in your intestinal tract.
  • Its sweet taste and juicy texture can make some guinea pigs prefer fresh food and reject dry food (hay and dry food), which can cause important nutritional imbalances, dental and digestive problems.

In addition, there are certain situations in which your administration may be counterproductive:

  • Guinea pigs with urinary disorders.
  • Guinea pigs with food allergies or intolerances.
  • Some guinea pigs may not tolerate this fruit well and have diarrhea after consumption. Whenever any fruit or vegetable is introduced into the diet of guinea pigs, it should be offered for 2-3 days in a row in small quantities and, if any negative effect on their he alth is observed, it should be removed from the diet and not offered again..
