Wrinkled Dog Breeds
Wrinkled Dog Breeds

Ironically, in the world of dogs, it seems that wrinkles are a symbol of cuteness and beauty, and the more wrinkles, the more adorable it will be. This is something we humans could also learn to see and appreciate.

Wrinkles in dogs do not occur in all breeds and it is not due to old age, they are caused by a genetic predisposition, which produces a large amount of hyaluronic acid, generating a heavy, fleshy skin And width. These wrinkles are not like those of people, but rather are like folds in the skin, which, however adorable they may seem, it is important to take care of and protect because in some cases they are very sensitive.

Do you love wrinkled fur hairs? Well, we invite you to read this article on our site, where we will show you dog breeds with the most wrinkles.

The shar pei and its multi-wrinkles

Without a doubt, this breed of dog takes first place in the competition of who has the most wrinkles, and who also wears them with more pride; is that the shar pei are mini bears in the form of dogs. Anyone who has seen a Shar Pei puppy, has not been touched by that tender look, nor wanted to run to pick it up and hug it, has no heart. When they are puppies they have more wrinkles, so if you have a Shar Pei or are thinking about taking one home, take advantage of taking as many photos as you can while your dog is a baby.

These Chinese dogs are a very loyal, affectionate and serious breed, so if your desire is to hug them constantly, you will have to raise your pet with this intention, as they appreciate and respect their personal space a lot. Despite their docile and overly placid appearance, Shar Peis are very protective and could surprise you. They have skin that is extremely delicate and prone to bacteria due to the accumulation of moisture in the spaces between wrinkles.

Wrinkled dog breeds - The Shar Pei and its multi wrinkles
Wrinkled dog breeds - The Shar Pei and its multi wrinkles

English bulldog

English bulldogs have earned the reputation of being the brave dogs of cartoons, but this is far from reality. These dogs are very calm nature and love to be around children and play with them, although they also enjoy moments on the sofa next to their companion human.

All puppies are beautiful, but English bulldogs are in a class by themselves. The most special wrinkles are those on their face, which, accompanied by their distinctive underbite, give them that tough-dog look, like an Italian mafia.

Wrinkled Dog Breeds - English Bulldog
Wrinkled Dog Breeds - English Bulldog

Pug or Pug

Pugs have those wrinkles in the middle of their foreheads, like they're always worried about something. When a pug looks at you with those eyes, you completely melt and it's impossible to be mad at them, you just want to give them all your love.

But pugs never seem to worry, because although they don't have a very high energy charge, they are one of the most playful and cheerful breedsthat exist, being very popular all over the world.

Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Pug or Pug
Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Pug or Pug

Neapolitan mastiff

The Neapolitan mastiffs with those wrinkles on their faces, are the "good-natured old men" of the dog troop, even as puppies they look like little old men Like the shar pei, this breed has wrinkles almost all over its body and only causes you to curl up in them like a large velvety carpet or swing in its eternal curtains of skin.

They are famous for their drooling and for their calm and relaxed attitude, perfect for accompanying large families with small children.

Wrinkled dog breeds - Neapolitan Ma-t.webp
Wrinkled dog breeds - Neapolitan Ma-t.webp


This breed of dog is called " the gentle giant". It is that the dogs (although I do not know the rule), the bigger, the friendlier and better character they are. The bullmastiff if raised properly, will never be a threat to his human companion or his family, on the contrary, he will be the best guard dog / best friend. You just have to be a little careful because they don't control their weight and strength and they could be a bit rough when playing.

Your wrinkles are mostly on your face and neck, softening a bit, your strong and titanic presence.

Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Bullma-t.webp
Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Bullma-t.webp

Dogue de Bordeaux

Another wrinkled dog breed is the Dogue de Bordeaux or Dogue de Bordeaux. It is a Molossian dog with a good-natured, calm and faithful character whose appearance is most impressive. The most striking thing about the Dogue de Bordeaux is its enormous head in proportion to its body.

But what interests us most in this article are his enormous wrinkles, which are above all in your head.

Wrinkled dog breeds - Dogue de Bordeaux
Wrinkled dog breeds - Dogue de Bordeaux


Nor can we forget the bloodhound, also known as the Saint Hubertus dog. It is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world and is also one of the most imposing due to its large size.

One of the most striking features of this dog is its surprising thin and hanging skin which forms huge wrinkles on its body, especially on your neck and head.

Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Bloodhound
Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Bloodhound

French Bulldog

Although its wrinkles are not as amazing as other dogs, it is indisputable that the French bulldog is a wrinkled breed of dog. It is a dog small but robust, as well as good-natured and affectionate.

Physically, the French bulldog is similar to the English bulldog, but smaller and proportionate. He has a flat, wide nose, large, dark eyes, and folds and wrinkles in his skin.

Wrinkled Dog Breeds - French Bulldog
Wrinkled Dog Breeds - French Bulldog

Basset hound

Another wrinkled dog is the basset hound. It is a dog that belongs to the group of hounds and is originally from France, where it gained fame as the hunting dog.

He has a very large and elongated head, which is covered with wrinkles both on his forehead and around his eyes. In addition, he has a big jowls and upper lips that hang over the lower ones, making the lower ones invisible. On the other hand, their large ears also stand out.

Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Basset Hound
Wrinkled Dog Breeds - Basset Hound

Chow Chow

The chow chow is a friendly-looking dog characterized by having abundant fur and a blue tongue. It is originally from China and the color of its tongue has been the subject of many legends.

Robust in appearance and medium in size, the Chow Chow has a face, especially above the eyelids, and hanging lower lips.
