Are tennis balls good for dogs?

Are tennis balls good for dogs?
Are tennis balls good for dogs?
Are tennis balls good for dogs?
Are tennis balls good for dogs?

If you have a dog that likes balls, you have probably offered him a tennis ball at some point. But without knowing it, you are using a toy that is not suitable for your dental he alth.

Do you want to know if tennis balls are good for dogs? Discover in this article on our site what effects a tennis ball has on your teeth and what alternatives we have to be able to play with it safely.

Keep reading and discover the answer about tennis balls….

What is a tennis ball made of?

Tennis balls are made mainly from rubber and air injected into each rubber core, allowing it to bounce. A layer of glue and yellow felt is added to give the resulting tennis ball the characteristic color and texture.

The problem lies in the felt used. Most tennis balls are made of a synthetic felt, and unlike wool felt, this feels rough to the touch. As a result we are offering our dog a toy with a powerful sandpaper effect on his teethwhich causes excessive wear of the dental structure

Are tennis balls good for dogs? - What is a tennis ball made of?
Are tennis balls good for dogs? - What is a tennis ball made of?

Consequences of tennis balls in dogs

Don't be alarmed if your dog has rarely played with a tennis ball, the consequences start with repeated use of this object. If we let our dog play with a tennis ball every day, we would see how the tips of his teeth gradually wear down.

Look at the image below to see the long-term effect of tennis balls on your dog's teeth. It is basically for this reason that they are not recommended at all to play.

Are tennis balls good for dogs? - Consequences of tennis balls in dogs
Are tennis balls good for dogs? - Consequences of tennis balls in dogs

Tennis Ball Alternatives

There are many other balls that we can use to play with our best friend. Some are conventional and simple, others also fulfill an oral hygiene function. We certainly recommend this second option on our site.

These are not unbreakable balls (we must always supervise the game) but nevertheless they fulfill an important hygienic function by cleaning their teeth naturally while they playIts use is more than recommended, especially if until now we used tennis balls.

Are tennis balls good for dogs? - Alternatives to the tennis ball
Are tennis balls good for dogs? - Alternatives to the tennis ball

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