Afghan greyhound hair care

Afghan greyhound hair care
Afghan greyhound hair care
Afghan Hound Hair Care
Afghan Hound Hair Care

Looking for information on Afghan Greyhound hair care? Perhaps you are thinking of acquiring an Afghan hound, but you are held back by the idea that maintaining its splendid coat is extremely complicated. Fear not, it is much simpler than it seems at first glance. I enjoyed one, Naím, I can advise you on it.

You will see how simple it is if you follow some elementary rules specific to this magnificent breed, so different in its character and reactions from most other dogs. But today we will not talk about their habits, the topic will be about the care of their hair.

Basic tips

The Afghan hound is a dog with extraordinary coat quality that requires minimal but constant care. The most basic is place a hood that they sell in specialized pet stores, or you can make it yourself with a piece of cloth and a couple of elastic bands.

It is simply about making a cylinder of about 15 cm. in diameter and about 25 cm. long. At both ends of the fabric tube, both elastic bands should be sewn around, slightly gathering the two openings.

The function of this garment is to preserve the dog's elongated ears which easily insert their tips into the dog's container when it eats, dirtying without remission if they are not properly protected. Obviously, before eating, the dog's head should be covered with the hood and the ears should remain inside towards the neck. Which makes for some kind of hilarious country granny.

Afghan Greyhound Hair Care - Basic Tips
Afghan Greyhound Hair Care - Basic Tips
Afghan greyhound hair care
Afghan greyhound hair care

The bath of the Afghan greyhound

The Afghan Hound should be fully bathed depending on where the dog lives. It is not the same as the dog living in a flat with wooden or ceramic floors; or that you are in a country house in the open air, or strolling on the beach.

However, this applies to almost any breed, but it is mandatory that after each bath their hair dry well with a hairdryer and brush it thoroughlyIf the hair retains moisture, it is very prone to matting and the only way to untangle it is to cut the knots created.

Then it should be equalized, if care was not taken, at a dog groomer. Afghans don't tend to be scared by thunder like many other breeds, so the noise of the hair dryer doesn't usually bother them.

Afghan greyhound hair care - The bath of the Afghan greyhound
Afghan greyhound hair care - The bath of the Afghan greyhound

Consequences of frequent bathing

Excessive bathing of the dog is counterproductive and can damage the dog's coat and its he alth Afghans are very clean dogs at those who do not like to wallow on the ground. However, they love to swim in the beach or river, so they should be rinsed and dried well after their adventures.

An Afghan greyhound that does not compete in competitions and lives in a flat should bathe once a month or a month and a half The time of soaking, soaping and rinsing should not take more than ten minutes. Drying is where you will spend the most time, which will allow you to tell your Afghan repeatedly how handsome he is, even though he already knows it.

Afghan greyhound hair care - Consequences of frequent bathing
Afghan greyhound hair care - Consequences of frequent bathing

Presentation to dog shows

In the event that your Afghan Hound has to take part in dog shows, the fortnightly attendance at a specialized hairdresser will be essential; as long as their owners do not have the expertise and the ideal material to maintain the splendor of the magnificent animal.

In this case, upon reaching adulthood, the hair on the back should be trimmed. That in my very particular and profane opinion, is a shame. But they are specifications of the contests, which I suppose their purpose is to better assess the line and the bone structure of the horse's back.

Although the Afghan hound does not appear in competitions, it is advisable to take it to the hairdresser a couple of times a year, so that a professional polishes its appearance.

Afghan greyhound hair care - Presentation to dog shows
Afghan greyhound hair care - Presentation to dog shows

The brushing of the Afghan hound

The frequent brushing of the long hair of the Afghan hound is very convenient. One should seek advice from specialized shops on the ideal type of brush. My particular experience taught me that the stainless steel metal brushes, if handled with great care so as not to rub the dog's dermis, are the tools that achieve an appearance more vaporous in the hair of the Afghan hound.

However, for the first brushing I recommend that you use plastic brushes with the tips protected with small balls. The card will reserve it for the end of brushing.

Afghan greyhound hair care - Afghan greyhound brushing
Afghan greyhound hair care - Afghan greyhound brushing


Quality pet shampoos are convenient to use to preserve the shine of the coat. They must incorporate conditioners to facilitate brushing. Shampoos with lanolin or keratin give your hair extra shine.

Do not use perfumes; if you impregnate them with excessively perfumed essences, the dog will wallow and get dirty on purpose to recover a more natural smell to its sensitive sense of smell. Oatmeal products are also effective.

Afghan greyhound hair care - Shampoos
Afghan greyhound hair care - Shampoos

Extra care for the Afghan greyhound

A Balanced diet is essential to preserve the quality of its coat. Foods rich in Omega 3 are ideal for preserving the pearly silkiness of the fabulous coat of elegant Afghans. The coloration of Afghan greyhounds ranges from black to pale blond, there are even albinos. They often have a "tie". It is an area of generally snowy hair that covers the area of the throat and chest. They love to be slapped on that part.

An Afghan greyhound running is an exciting sight, especially when you see it jump or compete against a dog of another breed, which doubles in speed without any effort.

Encourage yourself to buy an Afghan hound if you want an independent companion who doesn't follow you until you go to the bathroom and gets upset when you go to work or buy bread, waiting sad, and feeling abandoned, your return by the door. An Afghan hound will never do it. He will wait for you sleeping peacefully in his favorite place and will be happy to see you without stressing, showing a lot of love and serene affection towards you.
