PUMI DOG - Origin, characteristics, character, care and he alth

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PUMI DOG - Origin, characteristics, character, care and he alth
PUMI DOG - Origin, characteristics, character, care and he alth

The pumi is a breed originally from Hungary, which has characteristics typical of the Terrier. Originally it was used as a sheepdog, although throughout history it has been used for very diverse tasks. It is an intelligent, restless and very bold breed, which at the same time is characterized by being quite shy in front of strangers.

Origin of the pumi dog

The Pumi is a dog originating in Hungary, which appeared between the 17th and 18th centuries from the cross between the primitive Puli with terrier-type dogs of German and French origin. Originally, was conceived as a fast, fearless,sheepherder capable of moving herds through the pastures of western Hungary.

The International Cinological Federation recognized the pumi as a breed in 1954, including it within group I (sheepdogs and cattle dogs), section I (shepherd dogs). Today it is a rare breed outside of Hungary, although in Sweden and Finland it is a relatively frequently used dog in Agility.

Characteristics of the pumi dog

The most outstanding characteristics of the Pumi breed standard are the following:

  • It is a medium-sized dog: females weigh between 8 and 13 kg and are 30-44 cm tall, while that males weigh between 10 and 15 kg and measure between 41-47 cm.
  • They have a relatively long head: with a barely perceptible stop (fronto-nasal depression).
  • His look is lively and intelligent: the eyes are dark brown, oval and set slightly oblique.
  • All mucous membranes are well pigmented: including the nose, lips and eyelids.
  • The ears are very characteristic: they are triangular in shape, although the upper third is bent forward. In addition, they are covered with thick, curly hair, which gives them a “pom-pom” look.
  • The tail is set high: it is kept coiled over the rump.
  • The hair is wavy or curly but never straight: it is made up of a stronger outer layer and a softer inner fleece.

Now that we have seen some of the characteristics of the pumi, let's see what the colors of this breed are.

Pumi dog colors

The pumi's coat can have several shades, although the color is always unique (solid):

  • Grey: in different shades. Generally, these specimens are born black and the color turns to gray over time
  • Black.
  • Tawny.
  • White.

In addition, they may have white spots on the chest or on the fingers.

Pumi dog character

This breed is characterized by its great intelligence, agility and audacity, which is why it has been used throughout history to various tasks (herding, hunting, guarding and defense, etc.)

Its indefatigable and lively temperament makes it Always active and ready to act They are restless dogs, constantly alert and looking for action. In addition, it is characterized by being a rather noisy breed, which usually communicates by means of intense barking.

Shyness is a typical trait in them. They are generally distrustful in front of unknown people, although when they are surrounded by familiar faces they are close and affectionate dogs.

Pumi dog care

The Pumi dog breed is a fairly hardy breed, which makes it an easy dog to care for. However, despite the fact that they do not have very specific demands, they require minimal care to stay physically and mentally he althy.

  • Nutrition: As with any other breed, their diet should be he althy and appropriate to their age and activity level. Both commercial feed and homemade rations are perfectly valid options, as long as they are adapted to the needs of the animal.
  • Exercise: The Pumi is a very active and energetic dog, requiring regular physical and mental exercise to stay he althy. Although these dogs can adapt to life inside the home, it is important that they have access to an outside garden or patio, and that they take at least one long walk a day.
  • Grooming: The Pumi's coat needs to be combed every 3-6 weeks. After brushing, it is recommended to moisten the coat to make it curl again.

Pumi dog education

As with any other breed, it is essential to start education from an early age to avoid behavioral disorders in later stages. In addition, it is especially important for the pumi to make a correct socialization since they are puppies,given that they tend to be quite shy and reserved dogs with strangers. In the event that they are going to live with children, it is important to work on this socialization between the two, to prevent them from seeing the little ones in the house as a threat.

In general, they are very intelligent dogs, which learn quicklyand they have a great predisposition to work As a note, it should be considered that they are quite vocal dogs, so it is important not to reinforce barking during training to prevent them from becoming too noisy dogs.

You may be interested in this other article on The socialization of the dog, to have more information on the subject.

Pumi dog he alth

In general, the Pumi is considered a he althy breed of dog, with a life expectancy of between 12-13 years. However, like other breeds, it is not exempt from suffering diseases, some of the most common being:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Patella dislocation
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Eye disorders

Where to adopt the pumi dog

As we have mentioned, the Pumi is a rare breed outside its native Hungary. Therefore, it can be a complicated task to find a specimen of this breed in the animal shelters of our country.

If you are thinking of including a pumi in the family, we recommend that you contact the breed clubs, or a canine societyof the place where you live, so they can guide you in the search for your future pet. However, remember that what is really important when including a new member in the family is not that they meet any racial standard, but that you can accommodate their needs and lifestyle

Pumi's photos
