How long does a parrot live? - Guide for parrots

How long does a parrot live? - Guide for parrots
How long does a parrot live? - Guide for parrots
How long does a parrot live?
How long does a parrot live?

Parrots make up a very broad superfamily of birds that include more than 350 different species, including parakeets, lovebirds, cockatoos, parrots and macaws. The life expectancy of these animals can vary depending on numerous factors. In the first place, it will depend on the specific species in question, with notable differences between small parrots and large parrots. In addition to the species, it will also influence whether they are wild or captive animals, habitat, diet and other individual factors. However, as a general rule, parrots are very long-lived animals that in some cases can live 80 years or more, which requires great responsibility and dedication on the part of their caretakers.

How long does a parrot live in the wild?

Parrots are among the longest living birds. In the wild, some parrots such as macaws can live up to 60 years. However, it should be noted that the life expectancy of parrots in the wild is notably less than that of captive parrots

In parrots that live in the wild it is common for life expectancy to be reduced by half. This is due, among other things, to the fact that animals in the wild are exposed to:

  • Your predators.
  • Adverse weather conditions.
  • Water and food scarcity periods.

For this reason, wild parrots are often much less long-lived than pet parrots.

You may also be interested in this other article on the Characteristics of birds.

How long does a captive parrot live?

As we have already discussed, parrots bred in captivity have a much longer life expectancy than in the wild. Companion parrots usually enjoy regular veterinary care, a balanced diet and an environment adapted to their needs, but free from the dangers that nature entails. All this means that the longevity of parrots in captivity is considerably greater.

However, a high percentage of captive parrots do not reach their maximum life expectancy because they are exposed to:

  • Bad environmental conditions.
  • The poor diet.
  • Pollution from cities or some domestic accidents (such as hitting glass or mirrors, electrical discharges from cables, etc.)

Why are parrots such long-lived animals?

One of the reasons for the longevity of parrots is the low number of predators they have in relation to other animals. Although there are some carnivores such as eagles, hawks, lizards and snakes that can hunt parrots, it is not usually something common, since they have the ability to fly away from their predators.

On the other hand, birds have a lower production of free radicals than other animals, which translates into less stress oxidation of your cells, slower aging and, therefore, greater longevity.

Also, as they are longer-lived animals, they take longer to reach sexual maturity. The fact of initiating reproduction at a later stage prevents most of the individuals that present genetic alterations from mating, thus avoiding the transmission of genetic anomalies to the offspring, which could cause a decrease of life expectancy.

We recommend this other post on our site to learn about 4 symptoms of stress in parrots.

Life expectancy according to species

The life expectancy of a parrot depends on its species. As a general rule, smaller species, such as lovebirds, parakeets and nymphs, have a shorter lifespan, while larger parrots, such as macaws, are longer-lived. Below, we detail how long parrots can live in captivity depending on their species.


Lovebirds have an average lifespan of between 12 and 15 years, although if the bird is well cared for and cared for, good environment and nutrition, it can reach a maximum life expectancy of 20 years.

Can you have a lovebird alone? Discover the answer in this article that we suggest.

Parakeet Parrot

Parakeets are among the most frequent companion parrots in our country. Their life expectancy may vary slightly depending on the variety. As a general rule, they live an average of between 5 and 8 years, although some varieties such as the Australian parakeet can live up to 15 years.

Check this post to learn about the Care of the Australian parakeet.

Macaw Parrot

Without a doubt, the macaw is one of the longest-living parrots. So much so, that their life expectancy reaches that of people. They usually live between 50 and 80 years, although some specimens live up to 90 or 100 years.

Don't hesitate to read this article about whether Is the blue macaw in danger of extinction? To learn more about the topic.

Senegalese Parrot

Although they are not large birds, Senegalese Parrots can live up to 50 years in captivity. Although unusual, cases have been described that have lived up to 70 years.

Eclectic or eclectic parrot

These parrots, characterized by their colorful plumage and high-pitched vocalizations, usually live for around 30 years, although their maximum life expectancy goes up to age 50.

African Gray Parrot

African Gray Parrots are known for their long life expectancy. They usually live to 60 to 70 years old, but there are recorded cases of Grays living up to 100 years old.

If you want to know more, you can visit this tab on the Gray Parrot or Red-tailed Gray Parrot on our site.

Amazon Parrots

The Blue-fronted Parrot (Amazona aestiva) lives about 60 or 70 years on average. The genome of this species has around 300 genes that could be related to its longevity. Among them, the Tert gene, which encodes a telomerase enzyme that prevents chromosomes from deteriorating during cell division. Likewise, its genome has certain mutations associated with DNA repair mechanisms and with the protection of cells against oxidative stress.

Other Amazon parrots, such as the green parrot (farinosa Amazon) or the orange-winged Amazon (Amazonian Amazon), have a similar life expectancy, between 60 and 80 years.

Here you can find more information about the Green Parrot.

Finch Parrot

The finch parrot is the species with the shortest longevity. They typically have a life expectancy of about 10 years.


Along with parakeets, cockatoos are among the most frequent pet birds in our country. Within the cockatoo family there are 21 species. Most are medium to large in size, weighing between 300-1,200 grams. However, there are considerably smaller cockatoos, such as the nymphs (their weight is between 80-100 grams).

The different species of cockatoos, in addition to presenting different morphologies and sizes, also have different life expectancies. Thus, the nymphs usually live between 15 and 20 years, while thelarger cockatoos (such as the white cockatoo or the galerita) can live between 40 and 60 years

Discover more about How to take care of a nymph or carolina cockatoo? or the Behavior of the nymphs in these two posts that we recommend.


Although life expectancy may vary slightly between different parrot species (Argentine Parrot, Kramer's Parrot, Asian Parrot, etc.), as a general rule they all tend to live between15 and 20 years However, there are specimens that have lived up to 30 years.

We leave you this article on the care of the Argentine parrot that you may find interesting.

In short, parrots are animals with a really long life expectancy, which entails a great responsibility for their keepers Although some individuals may have a shorter life due to pathologies or accidents that cause a fatal outcome, it is normal for them to be very long-lived animals that accompany us for much of our lives. In addition, parrots are very social, active and intelligent animals that require time and dedication from their keepers to meet their needs. Therefore, before adopting them, we must not only take into account if we have the capacity to satisfy all their needs, but also if we can guarantee this long-term care, since they are going to become our life companions for a long time.
