Does the antiparasitic pipette go away with the water?

Does the antiparasitic pipette go away with the water?
Does the antiparasitic pipette go away with the water?
Does the antiparasitic pipette go away with the water?
Does the antiparasitic pipette go away with the water?

When the warm season arrives, external parasites become more active. The risk of them affecting our furry friends is much greater, so it is essential that we protect them with repellent and antiparasitic products. This is the case of antiparasitic pipettes, a liquid that is applied to the animal's back, preventing bites.

However, with the arrival of the heat also come bathing in rivers, beaches and swimming pools. Our dog needs to take dips in the water to cool off, so we have to ask ourselves if the antiparasitic pipette goes away with the water In this article on our site, in collaboration With Vectra 3D, we tell you how an antiparasitic pipette works and how water affects its effectiveness and durability.

What is an antiparasitic pipette?

To know if the antiparasitic pipette goes away with the water, we must understand what a pipette is. It is a liquid that is applied to the animal's back. Its function is to reduce the possibility of external parasites biting our dog thanks to repellent substances. In addition, many pipettes contain insecticide, so that if any parasite manages to bite the animal, it will die almost instantly.

Therefore, pipettes help us fight against external parasites, very annoying and dangerous bugs for our pets. Among them are ticks, fleas, sandflies and mosquitoes, arthropods that not only feed on the blood of our dogs and cats, but also can transmit diseasesas serious as babesiosis, heartworm disease or leishmaniasis.

For this reason, using antiparasitic products is essential. We must do it throughout the year, but it is much more important when the parasites have their period of greatest activity, that is, during the warmest time of the yearDue to climate change, this season is getting longer, currently being from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. Although depending on the area, we can find parasites all year round.

How do antiparasitic pipettes work?

As we have already indicated, the pipettes contain repellent substances that are unpleasant for mosquitoes, fleas and ticks, so they help us avoid bites of these parasites in our dog.

In addition, pipettes often contain insecticidal substances, such as permethrin. Some of them work only when the parasite ingests them when biting our pet. Others work by contact, that is, they kill the parasite as soon as it lands on the dog's skin, avoiding the bite. Some may include within their composition an IGR (insect growth inhibitor) that prevents the development of flea eggs and larvae, keeping our home free of fleas.

And how do pipettes work? The insecticide and repellent substances are absorbed through the skin of the dog, spreading over the entire surface of the animal. In this way, they remain on the skin for a certain time that depends on each pipette and its effectiveness, as well as on whether its application is correct. For this reason, we recommend this other article on How to put a pipette on a dog, as well as reading the manufacturer's instructions.

Does the antiparasitic pipette wash off?

As we have indicated, each pipette has a certain effectiveness time. However, some external factors can make its effect last less. This is the case of continuous exposure to water. But, is it true that the antiparasitic pipette goes away with the water? Again, the answer depends on the individual pipette, its composition and how it works.

In most antiparasitic pipettes and collars, the insecticide and repellent substances disappear progressively when the dog's skin gets wet frequently, even more so if we use shampoo. On the other hand, the VECTRA® 3D pipette maintains its effectiveness throughout the month even if the dog is wet weekly in water.

VECTRA® 3D keeps external parasites away, repels them when they come into contact with the skin and prevents the development of flea eggs and larvae. Its effectiveness is maintained even if the dog gets wet or even if it is shampooed 2 weeks after treatment. If your dog is a water lover, don't miss the opportunity to go to bathing places with your furry friend. Apply the Vectra 3D pipette and enjoy!

How long does it take for the pipette to dry?

After the application of the pipette the dog should not be bathed, since the active substances are still on the hair and the surface of the skin, that is, they have not yet been absorbed. For this reason, it is very important that we wait until the process is complete to bathe the dog or go to bathing areas. In the case of Vectra 3D, you must wait at least 48 hours from its application to make the dip.

And, can I touch my dog after the pipette? It is recommended not to touch the dog in the area where we have applied the pipette until it is dry. Therefore, we recommend that you read the package insert for this medicine and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
