One of the walking problems that our dog can suffer from is hip dislocation It is a disorder that is going to need, without a doubt, veterinary intervention, being a situation that will require rapid attention, since, as we will see, it will completely affect the life of the animal, which will see its mobility compromised, in addition to suffering considerable discomfort. In this article on our site we are going to review the symptoms that can cause hip dislocation in dogs, in addition to explaining what the treatment of choice will be.
Dog's hip
The hip bone plays a very important role in our dog's ambulation. The femur of each leg is articulated in its acetabulum, therefore, depending on the place that is affected by the dislocation, movement, that is, the dog's ability to walk, will be more or less compromised. To dislocate a hip you need a very strong blow, like the one that can be caused by a fall from a considerable height or in an accident, since in order to move this structure a large force must be applied. It can also be caused by a bad fall. Hip dislocation in dogs is usually accompanied by other injuries caused by the accident. Without wasting time, we must take our dog to the vet to proceed to its evaluation.
Symptoms of hip dislocation in dogs
Within the clinical picture that can cause hip dislocation in dogs, the following symptoms stand out:
- Pain of sudden onset.
- Difficulty or Inability to walk.
- Depending on the dislocation, one or both legs in an "abnormal" position, for example, with the knee out and the heel in.
Treatment of hip dislocation in dogs
The veterinarian must assess the extent of the injury. It must be a veterinarian with up-to-date knowledge of traumatology, since it is important to make a good diagnosis, as well as to implement an adequate treatment. The presence of associated fractures must be ruled out. The chosen test is usually radiography. It is not uncommon for the dog to be sedated, firstly to avoid the pain that handling would entail, which is necessary for a correct diagnosis, and secondly, to achieve the immobility required to position the dog so that the X-rays are well done. what is basic to be sure of the diagnosis. In addition, to return dislocated bones, it is necessary to anesthetize the animal.
Depending on the extent of the injury, the veterinarian will choose immobilization or surgery, accompanied, in any case, byanti-inflammatory and analgesic treatment to minimize pain. Sometimes, antibiotics are also prescribed, especially if there are wounds (remember that it is easy for hip dislocation in dogs to be due to a blow) or if surgery is required. In addition, we must keep the dog under control, with minimal mobility and preventing it from performing sudden activities or jumping, especially if surgery has been chosen, which will require a postoperative period with sufficient rest for complete recovery. It may even be necessary to confine the dog in a cage if the specialist considers it appropriate.
The rides must be done on a short leash. Also Physiotherapy is recommended, with exercises that passively move the joint. It highlights the beneficial role of swimming that will help restore muscle tone and joint flexibility. And, about recovery, although it is possible for the dog to completely recover the functions of its leg or legs, sometimes, especially in the case of associated injuries such as fractures, it may maintain a slight limp that will not prevent it in any case. carry out their usual activities.