What does a volunteer do at an animal shelter?

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What does a volunteer do at an animal shelter?
What does a volunteer do at an animal shelter?
What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter?
What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter?

Volunteering is an altruistic activity for charitable purposes that is gaining more and more followers among animal lovers. However, not all animal shelters are the same, since each one has its specific needs and, due to this, the tasks to be performed can vary enormously.

In this article on our site we will explain what a volunteer does at an animal shelter, how you can help abandoned animals that there they reside and other curiosities that you will surely love to know. Become a volunteer, every grain of sand counts!

Animal shelters, shelters, kennels, zoosanitary… Are they the same?

Before we begin to explain what a volunteer does in an animal shelter, we want to clarify the differences between the different animal centers:

  • Perrera o zoosanitario: it is a public center, administered by the city council or the county council, in charge of the collection and management of farm animals. company abandoned or seized from their owners. With the exception of Catalonia and Madrid, in most kennels in Spain sick pets or those that have exceeded a certain time limit are euthanized. Adoptions are usually cheaper in this type of center and do not usually include castration.
  • Animal protector or shelter: may be subsidized by the city council, but generally they are associations that are financed through donations and the regular contribution of the partners. Incoming pets are not euthanized and are often sterilized before being put up for adoption, which often drives up adoption rates.
  • Sanctuary: Once again, these are associations that are usually financed by members and donations, but unlike the two types of previous centres, these spaces do not welcome domestic animals, but priority is given to welcoming farm animals, for example, that have been rescued from the meat, dairy or similar industries. Their stay in these centers is usually indefinite.
  • Fauna recovery center: to finish, we could not fail to mention the fauna recovery centers, financed by the city council or the council, which is responsible for rehabilitating and reintroducing native animals into the environment, especially those that are in danger of extinction or that are considered a "vulnerable species".

Now that you know the different types of centers that exist, we will show you the most common tasks carried out by a volunteer, keep reading!

Exercising and walking dogs in a shelter

Most dogs that live in a shelter do not have the opportunity to go for a walk if it is not accompanied by a volunteer. Remember that walking is a fundamental activity for dogs, since it depends on whether they can relieve themselves, sniff, socialize with the environment… In addition, walking is a great way to help them manage the stored energy after hours of crowding in a cage.

However, due to the high levels of stress suffered by the dogs of an animal shelter, it is highly advisable to offer a calm and relaxed walk, in which the dog is the protagonist. We will avoid over-exciting him, manipulating him if he doesn't want to, or overwhelming him with orders to obey.

What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter? - Exercise and walk dogs in a shelter
What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter? - Exercise and walk dogs in a shelter

Socialize dogs and cats

Most pets, such as dogs and cats, are social animals, which means they need contact with other living things to meet their basic needs. Especially those who are in their socialization period (dogs between three weeks and three months or cats between two weeks and two months) require frequent contact with people, so that they are able to relate to them in a positive way, thus avoiding the appearance of fears or other behavioral problems in their adult stage.

In addition, socialization (both in puppies and adults) is essential to improve the animal welfare of each individual, help them to relate in a positive way and, ultimately, encourage them to be adopted at some point in their lives.

Encourage animal adoption

Most volunteers usually collaborate directly with the centers by taking photos and videos to share on social networks, thus promoting the adoption of the animals that reside there. Also, after learning about their personality and activity levels, volunteers can help adopters find the animal that best fits them.

What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter? - Encourage the adoption of animals
What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter? - Encourage the adoption of animals

Clean cages, utensils and other care

Abandoned is a sad reality in our country, for this reason, it is not uncommon to observe overcrowding and a large accumulation of animals in the same shelter, which makes it impossible in some cases to carry out an adequate hygiene routine. For this reason, some centers require volunteers to clean the animal's cages and utensils.

In some cases it may also be necessary to feed them, bathe them, offer them enrichment toys to help improve stress and anxiety levels, etc. At the center they will inform you about their needs.

Being a foster home for dogs and cats

Some pets require special attention that they cannot receive in a shelter or kennel, such as dogs and cats elderly, lactating, sick … For this reason, many volunteers offer themselves as temporary foster homes , in which the animal develops in a good environment, thus favoring its well-being, socialization and affective needs.

What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter? - Being a foster home for dogs and cats
What does a volunteer do in an animal shelter? - Being a foster home for dogs and cats

Volunteer with wild or farm animals

In addition to volunteering at a domestic animal shelter, you can also arrange a visit to a wildlife or farm animal sanctuary rescued, because just like cats and dogs, they also enjoy the company of people, the care they can offer them or the environmental enrichment that improves your day to day.

The tasks to be carried out will be the same as those of a conventional shelter: cleaning, feeding, caring, socializing… Would you dare to visit them? The animals will greatly appreciate your time and dedication!
