Giardiasis in cats - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT

Giardiasis in cats - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Giardiasis in cats - SYMPTOMS and TREATMENT
Giardiasis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment
Giardiasis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Parasitic diseases are very common in mammals. Although the mode of transmission and the damage they can cause in the body vary depending on the parasite, in all cases it is advisable to go to the veterinarian, since many of these diseases are transmitted to other animals and even to humans.

In this article on our site we will talk about one of these diseases in particular, giardiasis in cats, symptoms and treatment, a problem relatively common in cats that can also have consequences for people.

What is giardia?

Giardia is the flagellate protozoan that can be seen under the microscope and causes giardiasis. Although we talk about Giardia lamblia, Giardia intestinalis or Giardia duodenalis, there are not several types of giardia in cats, but one that receives different names. This parasite is located in the intestine and its activity on it is responsible for the symptoms, although this does not occur in all cats with giardia, as there are asymptomatic.

Throughout its life, giardia has two forms: the trophozoite, which is the protozoan with flagella that allow it to move through the intestine, and the cyst, which is a hard form without flagella that can live outside the cat, lodged in its feces, waiting for a new host.

Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is giardia?
Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is giardia?

What is giardiasis in cats?

As we go on, the disease caused by giardia is called giardiasis and affects the intestine, causing different alterations of greater or lesser intensity. This disease does not only affect cats, but can also be transmitted to dogs, cattle or even humans.

It is more common to find clinical signs of giardia in baby cats, adult cats with a weakened immune system, such as those suffering from feline leukemia or feline immunodeficiency, in very old animals, as well as, also, in those who live overcrowded or in large colonies of cats, both on the street and in shelters.

Giardiasis rarely causes death, but cats with severe clinical signs that do not receive the treatment they need can die. On the other hand, it must be remembered that giardia is contagious, and can even be transmitted to humans.

Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is giardiasis in cats?
Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - What is giardiasis in cats?

How is giardia spread in cats?

The contagion is caused by contact of the cat with feces contaminated by giardia cysts. For example, cats staining themselves with feces and then licking the dirty area is enough for the parasite to enter their body.

But contagion is also possible if the cat drinks from puddles of water contaminated with giardia cysts or, in general, comes into contact with food or similarly contaminated surfaces. Remember that a cat with giardia may not show symptoms, but there is the same risk of infecting other animals and even people in the house.

Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How is giardia spread in cats?
Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How is giardia spread in cats?

Symptoms of giardiasis in cats

In cases in which cats show clinical signs derived from the presence of giardia in their intestine, we should go to the veterinarian. The most common symptoms are as follows:

  • Mucous or watery diarrhea of acute or chronic presentation.
  • Flatulence.
  • Intestinal sounds.
  • Dehydration in cases of more intense diarrhea.
  • Weightloss.
  • Anorexy.
  • Vomiting.
  • Apathy.

Diagnosis of giardiasis in cats

The diagnosis must be made by the veterinarian and is based on the direct visualization of the parasite in a stool sample. But this is not always easy. Theoretically, giardia cysts should be discovered by faecal flotation techniques. However, not all stool contains the parasite, so detecting its presence is not always easy.

If giardiasis is suspected and the parasite cannot be seen in the sample, it is recommended to repeat the test several times on different days. It takes three negative tests to rule out the presence of giardia. Another option is to detect proteins of this protozoan using an Elisa test.

Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of giardiasis in cats
Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of giardiasis in cats

How to eliminate giardia in cats? - Treatment

Giardiasis treatment includes the use of an antiparasitic and an antibiotic, of course, always prescribed by the veterinarian. It can last from 3 to 15 days, depending on each case. In addition, it is advisable to offer the cat, while showing clinical signs, a specific diet for digestive problems. You also have to control hydration

It is advisable to clean the faeces as soon as we discover them and it is also recommended to clean the cat's anal region and hindquarters. If your cat has long hair, it is a good idea to trim the fur in this area a bit. Use gloves for this and wash well to minimize the risks. You should also clean all the spaces with bleach, letting it dry for 48 hours, and wash the accessories and utensils at more than 60 ºC.

Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How to eliminate giardia in cats? - Treatment
Giardiasis in cats - Symptoms and treatment - How to eliminate giardia in cats? - Treatment

How to prevent giardiasis in cats?

Giardiasis in cats can be prevented by following a few simple steps. We list the following:

  • Clean the environment well.
  • Wash drinkers and feeders.
  • Remove stool and dispose of it.
  • Keep the cat well groomed. This prevents the cysts from spreading.
  • Any cat with diarrhea should see a vet.
  • If we introduce a new cat into the house, it is advisable to quarantine it.
