Differences between wolves and dogs

Differences between wolves and dogs
Differences between wolves and dogs
Differences between wolves and dogs
Differences between wolves and dogs

The dog is considered to be man's best friend, however, the perception we have of the wolf is very different, since even knowing that it has a common ancestor with the dogs, we are capable of intuiting that both Animals harbor important differences. Obviously these differences are reduced if we talk about Nordic dogs or hybrids between dogs and wolves. However, if we take a broader view we can say that the line that separates to dogs and wolves it is quite thick and well defined.

Would you like to know more about the differences between wolves and dogs? Then this article on our site will be of great use to you.

Same species, with obvious changes

Did you know that both wolves and dogs belong to the same zoological species? It is the species Canis lupus, to which all wolves belong and also the domestic dog, whose subspecies name is Canis Lupus familiaris.

The Canis lupus species is mostly made up of different types of wolves, such as:

  • Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus)
  • Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)
  • Russian wolf (Canis lupus comunnis)

Although the species is the same, this more detailed classification into subspecies makes it very clear that there is a wide gap between the domestic dog and all existing wolves. This is mainly due to the domestication process that gave rise to dogs, which is not only evident in the behavior of both animals but has marked important differences physiological and anatomical.

Anatomical differences between dogs and wolves

The long time that separates dogs and wolves has meant that most canine breeds present a different appearance from that of the wolf:

  • Greater diversity of sizes: the size of a wolf can vary very little from one individual to another, instead, a canine breed with respect to another it can present a great difference in this aspect.
  • Muzzle: many canine breeds have a short muzzle, although the bite may be more powerful in these cases, they have been mostly selected these dogs for aesthetic reasons. Wolves always have an elongated snout.
  • Ears: some canine breeds may have drooping or hanging ears, however, all wolves have erect ears when they are adults, since wolf pups don't have them erect yet.
  • Fur: The wolf has shorter fur than the dog's and has a very narrow variety of colors.
Differences between wolves and dogs - Anatomical differences between dogs and wolves
Differences between wolves and dogs - Anatomical differences between dogs and wolves

Differences in the stomach of the wolf and the dog

Both the wolf and the dog are clearly carnivorous. However, due to domestication and the varied diet of many dogs, they have become produced small changes in the physiology or function of the digestive system.

Due to the inclusion of carbohydrates in the dog's diet, they can digest starch. In contrast, wolves could not adequately absorb the nutrients provided by many dog-friendly foods.

Differences in behavior

The behavior of the wolf and the dog also harbors important differences, among which we can highlight the following:

  • Socialization: Dogs have a social nature and enjoy the contact of other pets and a good human family. Wolves are more territorial and are cautious in situations they are unaware of or consider dangerous, such as the presence of humans.
  • Bark: wolves don't bark but growl and howl at the moon as they have always said.
  • Family Ties: Although both animals move in packs, wolves maintain a very complex social structure. In addition, a reproductive pair of wolves is established in the pack, which does not dissolve until one member of the pair dies or disappears.
  • Wildlife Behavior: Wolves are self-sufficient in the wild and need to further develop their predatory instinct. Likewise, they do not reproduce in times of food scarcity. The dog, on the other hand, has become accustomed to a domestic environment.
Differences Between Wolves and Dogs - Differences in Behavior
Differences Between Wolves and Dogs - Differences in Behavior

Let's take care of the differences between dogs and wolves

The wolf population is getting smaller and smaller and this is directly related to the presence of humans. Although in some areas they are protected species, in others they are hunted and used to be crossed with dogs.

It is important to be aware of this in order to avoid, as far as possible, the wolf being considered an animal in danger of extinction again and, therefore, we can continue to enjoy the differences between dogs and wolves, seeing the latter being free and living in their natural habitat.
