Vitamins for malnourished cats

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Vitamins for malnourished cats
Vitamins for malnourished cats
Vitamins for malnourished cats
Vitamins for malnourished cats

Optimal nutrition is essential to maintain the he alth of our pets since food is directly related to the functionality of the body and is a therapeutic tool as effective as natural that we must keep in mind whenever he alth loses its balance.

Cats are characterized by typical feline behavior where the need for independence stands out, but we should not stop monitoring their diet, especially to prevent conditions that can be serious, such as the desnutrition.

In cases of lack of food we must ensure an adequate supply of micronutrients, these must be administered to prevent the cat from reaching a state of starvation, for this reason, in this article on our site we talk to you about vitamins for malnourished cats

Causes of malnutrition in cats

There are two main causes of malnutrition in cats: nutrient absorption disorders or lack of food.

Sometimes the lack of food is not linked to an inability to ingest it, but to a disease that is causing anorexia or lack of appetite. There are many pathologies that cause our cat to lose its appetite, however, the following should be highlighted:

  • Renal insufficiency
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Cavities
  • Pancreatitis
  • Viral diseases
  • Bacterial diseases

Because the lack of appetite and consequent malnutrition can be caused by serious illnesses, an initial evaluation by a veterinarian is essential.

Vitamins for malnourished cats - Causes of malnutrition in cats
Vitamins for malnourished cats - Causes of malnutrition in cats

How can vitamins help us in case of malnutrition?

Vitamins are micronutrients that, although they are found in low proportion in the cat's body, are of vital importance for its proper functioning, since they participate in many chemical reactions essential for life.

Supplying vitamins to a malnourished cat reports the following benefits:

Adequate assimilation of macronutrients is favored: carbohydrates, proteins and fats

Diseases secondary to a vitamin deficiency are prevented

It allows the cat's body to more easily maintain its vital functions

Vitamins are essential to support the functions of the immune system

Some specific vitamin combinations for cats are formulated with the goal of increasing appetite

Vitamins for malnourished cats - How can vitamins help us in case of malnutrition?
Vitamins for malnourished cats - How can vitamins help us in case of malnutrition?

Specific vitamins for cats

Self-medication in cats is an irresponsible practice by owners that can put the life of the animal at risk, even more so when we use drugs or nutritional supplements that have only been approved for human use.

Fortunately today we can easily find specific vitamins for cats, also in many formats: pastes, gels, sweets and capsules.

These products have a dosage format suitable for the cat that can also be adapted (and must be adapted) to the weight of the feline. These are preparations that can be of great help to combat states of malnutrition where there is a lack of vitamins

As we have mentioned before, this administration will not only be useful to restore the vitamin supply but will also support the immune functions of our pet.

Vitamins for malnourished cats - Specific vitamins for cats
Vitamins for malnourished cats - Specific vitamins for cats

If you are malnourished, you should go to the vet

As we mentioned initially, it is essential that before giving vitamins to your cat you go to the vet to carry out a complete examination, and below we show you the why:

The vet will be able to determine the underlying cause of the malnutrition and treat it appropriately
