How to stop my cat from hiccuping? - Helpful tips

How to stop my cat from hiccuping? - Helpful tips
How to stop my cat from hiccuping? - Helpful tips
How to get rid of hiccups in my cat?
How to get rid of hiccups in my cat?

We all probably know how annoying a hiccup can be. Like us, our cats can also be affected by these sudden and involuntary movements. Although hiccups in cats are not very common, they don't find it a pleasant sensation either.

Cats usually recover quickly from hiccups, so in principle it is advisable not to intervene and Let your body recover naturally But if we observe that the hiccups become very intense or that the animal shows symptoms of discomfort or difficulty breathing, it may be important to help them control this situation. Of course, we advise you to consult your trusted veterinarian if you notice that your cat hiccups frequently or with great intensity. However, in this article on our site, we teach you how to get rid of a cat's hiccups and we also give you some tips to prevent this uncomfortable situation.

Why is my cat hiccuping?

The inspiratory sound and the characteristic sensation of hiccups are the result of two natural organic phenomena that occur involuntarily. The base of hiccups (or its first part) occurs from an involuntary movement of the diaphragm, which consists of a sudden and intermittent contraction. This involuntary contraction causes a temporary and very rapid closure of the epiglottis, which produces the characteristic "hip" sound.

Although attacks of hiccups appear suddenly, without us being able to identify a specific cause, the truth is that some behaviors can favor their development. In cats, the most common causes of hiccups are:

  • Eating or drinking too quickly.
  • Binge eating or excessive eating.
  • Formation of hairballs in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Hyperactivity, anxiety, stress, or excessive excitement.
  • Metabolic disorders (such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) that can lead to overexcitement, hyperactivity, or increased stress.
  • Exposure to cold can promote involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, causing hiccups in cats.

The first two causes cause the cat to hiccup after eating, so if this is your case, do not hesitate to observe it during me altime to check if it really eats the food too quickly.

How to get rid of hiccups in my cat? - Why does my cat hiccup?
How to get rid of hiccups in my cat? - Why does my cat hiccup?

What to do if my cat has hiccups?

As we have mentioned, hiccups in cats are usually harmless and last a few seconds, as the body is prepared to naturally recompose itself. Therefore, it is usually best not to intervene and to observe carefully to ensure that the cat recovers satisfactorily.

If we find that it has any difficulty in recovering, or we see that the cat always hiccups, the ideal isgo to the veterinary clinic Sometimes, guardians may have difficulty differentiating hiccups from the noises that the cat can produce when a foreign body is stuck in its throat, therefore, Before using any home method, it is better to have the specialized attention of a veterinarian.

However, it is essential that all guardians take some preventive measures to prevent their cats from experiencing a bout of hiccups. Below, we summarize some basic tips to prevent your kitty from hiccuping.

Tips to prevent hiccups in cats

  • Avoid water and food being eaten too quickly: although the bad habit of eating too quickly is more frequent in dogs, cats can also hiccup for this reason. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to offer their food and water in higher containers, which reduce the risk of binge eating by requiring more effort to reach the content inside. It is also important to establish a regular routine in feeding your cat, avoiding exposing it to periods of prolonged fasting.
  • Prevent the buildup of hairballs in your gastrointestinal tract: Although hiccups are usually harmless, if they are associated with difficulty remove hairballs, deserves special attention. The accumulation of hairballs in the cat's gastrointestinal tract can cause vomiting, constipation and other digestive discomfort. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the cat manages to expel the hairballs from its body. In this sense, catnip usually helps purge, in addition to regularly brushing the cat's coat to prevent excessive ingestion of hair.
  • Rule out possible allergies: If you notice that your cat always has hiccups or very intense hiccups, it is advisable to consult your trusted veterinarian about allergy tests for cats In many kittens, hiccups can be a symptom of allergies, therefore, it is important to confirm if your cat has any allergies and identify which agent causes this hypersensitive reaction to establish a specific treatment or a hypoallergenic diet.
  • Caring for him from the cold: cats are sensitive to cold and low temperatures can seriously harm their he alth, in addition to causing ahypothermia picture If we want to avoid hiccups and take care of the he alth of our kitten, it is important not to expose it to the cold and pay close attention to conditioning our home.
  • Provide a positive environment: Stress and negative feelings are very detrimental to the he alth of our kittens. Therefore, a he althy upbringing must include a positive environment in which the cat feels safe and finds the optimal conditions for its development.
  • Offer adequate preventive medicine: Allergies and metabolic disorders can affect behavior and cause unfavorable moods in our kittens. To diagnose them early and avoid the aggravation of their symptoms, it is essential to provide adequate preventive medicine to our cats, making visits to the veterinarian every 6 months and respecting their vaccination card and regular deworming.
How to get rid of hiccups in my cat? - Tips to prevent hiccups in cats
How to get rid of hiccups in my cat? - Tips to prevent hiccups in cats

Hiccups in small or newborn cats

As happens with adult cats, when baby cats hiccup, it is usually due to an involuntary response of the diaphragm after excessive milk intakeor after having ingested the milk with very intense and very fast Thus, it is common to see newborn cats with hiccups, or small cats that they begin to be introduced to solid food or orphaned cats that must be bottle-fed. Now, if this cause has been ruled out and it is unknown why a small cat hiccups, due to his young age, it is imperative to go to the vet as soon as possible to find the reason.
