First aid before the processionary

First aid before the processionary
First aid before the processionary
First aid before the processionary
First aid before the processionary

In another article we talked about the pine processionary: its life cycle, the effects it causes, the symptoms and the appropriate treatment for this dangerous insect that during its metamorphosis process comes down from the pines in the form of worm, forming an authentic procession of individuals.

This is a very dangerous caterpillar for our dogs as its fine hairs can cause serious allergies and even necrosis in the tissues of the can if direct contact is made. However, it can also transmit its effects through the air, so prevention is essential.

It is very important to avoid contact with this harmful insect, however, you should have some notions about what first aid before the processionary. Keep reading this article from our site:

The processionary and the dogs

You can easily identify the processionary caterpillar as it forms large nests in the tops of pine trees. Between the end of winter and the beginning of spring is when the caterpillar descends from the tree, forming a procession.

It is at this moment that the caterpillar is most dangerous for the dog since a more direct contact can occur when it is on the ground. The dogs, in their tireless curiosity approach trying to find out what it is.

The effects produced by the processionary in our dog are diverse, including allergies and discomfort, which we can identify through some symptoms: swollen and red (or bruised) tongue, blisters, salivation, vomiting, ulcers…

In a serious situation of direct contact, you should go to the vet as soon as possible urgently, since their stinging hairs are so powerful that they could cause necrosis and even the death of our animal. However, it is important to be clear about some of the first aid since they can help us by reducing the effects of their toxins.

First aid before the processionary - The processionary and the dogs
First aid before the processionary - The processionary and the dogs

1. Remove the caterpillar from its mouth

If your dog has approached and even tried to ingest a processionary caterpillar you should remove it from his mouth immediately although it is probably something that he will do himself before the stinging and discomfort. However, if you have clearly observed that your dog has ingested a processionary caterpillar, you should make him vomit as soon as possible.

First aid before the processionary - 1. Remove the caterpillar from its mouth
First aid before the processionary - 1. Remove the caterpillar from its mouth

two. Wash the affected area

The second step will be to wash the affected area with warm physiological saline since heat reduces the effect of the processionary toxins. However, time is of the essence so if you don't have serum you can use fresh, clean water from any source to wash your best friend's tongue.

Do not apply pressure under any circumstances as this would open the caterpillar's hairs, increasing toxicity.

First aid before the processionary - 2. Wash the affected area
First aid before the processionary - 2. Wash the affected area

3. Go to the vet

The treatment of contact between the processionary caterpillar and the dog can vary depending on the severity of the injuries. In general, a treatment of fast-acting corticosteroids will be applied, but more severe cases should also be treated with antihistamines or antibiotics.

Remember that there are human medications that are not suitable for dogs, for this reason do not hesitate to go to the professional so that they can offer you the indicated ones.

The speed and effectiveness of your arrival at the specialist will determine the he alth of your dog and may prevent death by suffocation. It is not something that can be solved at home or with natural remedies.
