The most curious courtship rituals in animals

The most curious courtship rituals in animals
The most curious courtship rituals in animals
The most curious courtship rituals in animals
The most curious courtship rituals in animals

According to natural law, both animals and humans are in constant search for a partner with which to mate in order to reproduce. For this there is a whole process, first, there is the selection of the subject, then the courtship and finally the crossing of the goal.

Love is everywhere, even in the animal kingdom. Animals kiss, hug, pamper, feel jealous and even fight. In the wild world there are all kinds of couples, depending on the species, there are stable unions, one-off encounters, seasonal ones or even lifelong bonds.

One of the most key parts in this process is the sexual or nuptial courtship. As nothing is free, male animals must also strive to get the attention of their possible female, and for this, they perform multiple and curious rituals where they exhibit all their finery, skills and aptitudes. On our site, as we love animals, we want to show you 5 of the most curious courtship rituals in animals

What is sexual or nuptial courtship?

Courtship is the act by which the male (in most cases) performs a series of physical rituals before the female, in order to show her that he is fit to mate with her. The female, having a natural instinct, analyzes the characteristics of each male and she must select the one that is stronger and more capable of generating good offspring.

These rituals can take the form of dances, shouts, songs or aggressive approaches to other males. Courtships are usually the most curious, artistic, original and some can even be strange.

Ultimately, the female will only mate with the best of her kind. Courtship is one more proof that demonstrates how evolved animals can become.

The eternal procession of seahorses

Seahorses love to dance and do so for hours. This romantic dance can last up to 8 uninterrupted hours, in which tails and trunks come together and the seahorses float placidly among the bubbles of the sea, being one of the rituals of curious courtship in animals.

Although it seems like an eternal dance, in a few hours, the horse is conquered and changes color to show that it is ready and ready to be mated. An interesting fact about this species is that, unlike others in the animal kingdom, although it is the male who initiates the courtship, it is he who subsequently becomes pregnant. Yes, the male horse is the one who has the responsibility of carrying the new offspring in his womb.

The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The eternal courtship of seahorses
The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The eternal courtship of seahorses

The song of the gibbons

Although sometimes they seem cheesy, serenades will always be a successful formula to conquer the loved one and the gibbon monkeys keep this tradition alive. To attract potential mates, these animals sing sweet, sensual tunes that can reach up to a kilometer away. They are the most evolved Romeos in history!

This species is naturally monogamous, so if the song is successful and any female is caught by the spell, the male can stay calm, because you will have your special partner for life.

The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The song of the gibbon
The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The song of the gibbon

The simplicity of the gentoo penguin

In the animal kingdom, luxuries don't count. Diamonds, jewels, flowers and exotic chocolates went out of style. For gentoo penguins simplicity is what matters, they conquer their female through a stone All their efforts are concentrated on finding the right stone with which to win the heart of a cute little penguin.

Sure, Hollywood movies were based on this courtship ritual of penguins to make the classic scene in which the lover walks alone along the beach, picking up stones as he goes. Our penguin marches for hours searching and selecting the perfect object of his affection. After finding it, the stone is presented to the female and she (only if he accepts it) places it in her nest as a token of her approval.

The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The simplicity of the gentoo penguin
The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The simplicity of the gentoo penguin

You can make a little house from a twig

"A sign of appreciation that will never go to waste is to build a house for your girlfriend. If you put heart into the subject, you could finally win her over." This is how scientists think about the courtship ritual of bowerbirds or bowerbirds

These females are among the most demanding in the entire animal kingdom. The pergoleros males, in addition to attracting attention with typical dances, songs and tests of strength, must build "little huts" with their beaks. The largest and most decorated house (made of branches and fruits) is the winner. These little birds are all architects!

The most curious courtship rituals in animals - A little house is made from a twig
The most curious courtship rituals in animals - A little house is made from a twig

The magnificent rifle bird, quite an artist

This is one of the most curious courtship rituals in animals The rifle bird, a bird that at first glance might seem normal, It is black in color and handles a most interesting and captivating behavior. He has the peculiarity of making his female fall in love with a "performance" worthy of being seen and appreciated.

These birds expand their wings fully, discovering internal colors like blues and greens until they practically become another bird, and then they begin to perform a choreography that does not seem to be choreography, with movements for all sides at different speeds and rhythms. The females choose the best dancer, so the more extravagant, the better. Undoubtedly, the freedom of these birds goes far beyond their flight.

The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The magnificent rifle bird, an artist
The most curious courtship rituals in animals - The magnificent rifle bird, an artist

Do you know other curious courtship rituals in animals?

Although these are the 5 most curious courtship rituals in the entire animal kingdom, if you know other equally impressive rituals or, simply, you want to leave your opinion about those already mentioned, don't hesitate and leave your comment!

Now that you know how these impressive species mate, do you want to know which animals are the most faithful to their mate? Enter our article and find out!
