Prehistoric marine animals - Curiosities and Images

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Prehistoric marine animals - Curiosities and Images
Prehistoric marine animals - Curiosities and Images
Prehistoric marine animals
Prehistoric marine animals

There are many people who are interested in studying or searching for information about prehistoric animals, those that lived on planet earth long before the appearance of human beings.

We are actually talking about all kinds of dinosaurs and beings that lived thousands of years ago and that today, and thanks to fossils, we have been able to discover and name. They were large animals, giant and threatening animals.

Keep reading to discover prehistoric animals through our site.

Prehistoric marine animals

The planet earth is divided into land surface and water representing 30% and 70% respectively. What does this mean? That there are probably more marine than terrestrial animals hidden in all the seas of the world today.

The difficulty of researching the seabed makes fossil hunting tasks arduous and complicated. As a result of these investigations new animals are discovered every year.

The megalodon or Megalodon:

This is a large shark that lived on earth until a million years ago. It is not known with certainty if it shared a habitat with the dinosaurs, but it is undoubtedly one of the most chilling animals of prehistory. It was about 16 meters long and its teeth were bigger than our hands. That certainly makes it one of the most powerful animals that has ever existed on earth.

Prehistoric marine animals - Prehistoric marine animals
Prehistoric marine animals - Prehistoric marine animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals

The liopleurodon:

This is a large carnivorous marine reptile that lived in the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Liopleurodon is considered to have had no predators at the time.

The size of this generates controversy on the part of researchers although we generally speak of a reptile of about 7 meters or more. What is certain is that its enormous fins made it a deadly and agile hunter.

marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals

Livyatan melvillei:

While the megalodon reminds us of a giant shark and the liopleurodon of a s altwater crocodile, the livyatan is certainly a distant relative of the sperm whale.

It lived about 12 million years ago in what is now the Ica desert (Peru) and was first discovered in 2008. It was about 17.5 meters long and looking at its huge teeth you can't there is no doubt that it was a terrible predator.

marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals


The size of the great predators was also marked by the size of the prey they had to hunt, as is the case of the Dunkleosteus, a fish that lived 380 million years ago. It was about 10 meters long and it was a carnivorous fish that ate even its own species.

marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals
marine prehistoric animals

Sea Scorpion:

It was nicknamed this way due to the physical similarity it has with the scorpion that we now know, although the reality is that they had no relation: it descended from the family of the xiphosuros and arachnids. Its real name is Eurypterida.

Some 2.5 meters long, the sea scorpion was devoid of poison to kill its victims, which would explain its subsequent adaptation to fresh water. It became extinct 250 million years ago.
