Steps to follow when bitten by a snake

Steps to follow when bitten by a snake
Steps to follow when bitten by a snake
Steps to take when bitten by a snake
Steps to take when bitten by a snake

A snake bite can be more or less dangerous depending on the species of snake that causes it. What is clear is that it will never be something to which we give little importance and that is why we must try to avoid it.

But, if we can't avoid one, from our site we tell you the steps to follow when a snake bites.

Snake bites endanger our he alth whether it is a poisonous snake or not. If it is a poisonous snake that has attacked us, the effects of the poison are fast and can paralyze us through more symptoms and even lead to death. In the event that the attack comes from a non-venomous specimen, we will also have a wound which will have to be treated properly since they become infected very easily and this infection progresses quickly.

We should know that most snakes are more active in the hot months, since they hibernate when it gets cold, so they spend the winter months lethargic and hidden. But in summer we must be more careful since we can easily and without realizing it disturb them by invading their space, for example when we walk in the mountains.

These are some of the more common symptoms that will appear faster after a snake bite:

  • Pain and swelling at the bite site
  • Bleeding which will surely cost to stop
  • Respiratory distress
  • Thirst, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting
  • General weakness
  • Hardening of the bite area and little by little the areas closest to it

Next, we are going to tell you what to do and how to act in the event of a snake bite. Whether it happens to us or if we have to attend to someone injured, these are the steps to follow:

Stabilize the victim of the bite. We must move the injured person away from the area where he has received the attack to avoid to be repeated, calm her down and let her rest, as it is very important that she does not make efforts or movements that will accelerate the poison in the body. Care must be taken that the area affected by the bite remains below the level of the heart to slow down the flow of venom. We will remove any object such as bracelets, rings, shoes, socks, among others, that could squeeze the affected area since in a short time it will swell a lot.

Steps to follow before a snake bite - Step 1
Steps to follow before a snake bite - Step 1

Call emergency. If there are more people, it is vital that this step is done at the same time as the first one to save time. If there is no one else who can help us, once we have the person who has been attacked stabilized as well as possible, we must call the emergency medical service reporting the situation. It is very important to have taken a good look at the snake that has caused the bite, because that way the doctors will know if it is a poisonous species or not and, if it is, what is the antidote that they should administer to the victim.

Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 2
Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 2

Clean the wound. Gently clean the wound with a damp cloth to remove possible residue and prevent infection. Then we will cover it carefully with a clean cloth without squeezing the wound. It is very important that this cloth does not exert pressure on the wound, it is only to protect it from possible contaminating agents that can cause an infection.

Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 3
Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 3

Continuously check vital signs. We should be aware of any new symptoms and the vital signs of the person bitten by the snake. Breathing, pulse, consciousness, and temperature must be controlled. We must have this information so that when medical help arrives, we can explain everything that happened and how the affected person has evolved. If the person goes into shock and pales quickly, we should lay him down and raise his legs a little above the level of the heart so that he recovers a little until medical help arrives. If the bite is from a poisonous snake and it has occurred in the legs, the state of shock is the only case in which we will raise the legs a little above the level of the heart. In addition, we will ensure that the victim of the attack does not become dehydrated and we will offer him water to drink slowly.

Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 4
Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 4

Medical attention and treatment. Once the medical help arrives, we will let them act and we will explain everything that happened and observed. It is very important that once we are discharged from the hospital, we carefully follow the rest and treatment guidelines that have been indicated to us in order to finish healing the wound and to stay out of danger from the poison, if any.

Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 5
Steps to follow when bitten by a snake - Step 5

Things we should never do. It's good to know both what to do in case of a snake attack and what not to do we must do. For this reason, we are going to tell you a list of things that it is better to avoid:

DO NOT try to catch the snake or chase it to get a better look at it, since it already felt threatened before, it is very likely that it will attack again to defend itself

We will never perform a tourniquet. If we need to slow down the action of the poison to buy time while we wait for help, we can place a bandage 10 centimeters above the wound and allow us to place a finger between the area where we have put the bandage and the wound itself. This will ensure that although reduced, the blood flow continues to circulate. We should check the pulse in that area every so often and if we notice that it decreases too much or that it disappears, we should loosen the bandage

We will NOT apply cold water compresses as they would only worsen the situation of this type of wound

We will NOT give alcohol to drink to help pass the pain to the person victim of the bite. Well, with this we will only make the hemorrhage greater, since the alcohol will increase the blood flow and it will be even more difficult for us to stop the hemorrhage

We will NOT administer medications that we carry and that have not been expressly indicated by the doctors in the emergency call that we have previously made

We will NOT suck the wound and suck out the poison, because it is not as effective as we might think and we run the risk of poisoning ourselves
