Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires

Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires
Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires
Pet friendly hotels in Buenos Aires
Pet friendly hotels in Buenos Aires

When you decide to take a vacation, what do you do with your pet? We usually turn to friends or family who can lovingly care for our best friend, but fortunately today there are other options and your pet can also enjoy a well-deserved vacation in a certain way.

In Argentina, a country where the rate of animal abandonment continues to be dramatic, there is also an increase in those services that help us provide the best care for our pet.

In this AnimalWised article we show you 5 hotels for pets in Buenos Aires.

Club Pilar Pets

Pet Club Pilar is a hotel that offers our pets comfort, security and recreation in equal parts. One of the most positive aspects of this hotel is being located in a natural environment where ideal recreational games are scheduled to prevent our friends from getting stressed.

If our pet needs some type of pharmacological treatment, the hotel offers a supervised follow-up by a veterinary professionalThe Pet Club facilities Pilar have remote monitoring cameras, swimming pool and ceiling fans.

Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires - Pets Club Pilar
Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires - Pets Club Pilar

The moons

The Las Lunas facilities offer accommodation for cats and dogs, they are characterized by having very large spaces where dogs can spend the day in full freedom and in homogeneous groups that allow optimal socialization. For cats, the Las Lunas hotel has large cat flaps perfectly decorated.

The food they provide to our pets is of great quality, in addition, they have veterinary assistance in case of emergencies, follow a daily routine of asepsis of the environment and pick up and accompany pets to your home, always in suitable equipment and by trained personnel.

Pet friendly hotels in Buenos Aires - Las Lunas
Pet friendly hotels in Buenos Aires - Las Lunas

Zama canine pension

Zama pension canina is one of the best pet hotels in Buenos Aires, characterized by its 4,500 square meter park, where dogs can freely enjoy their stay.

They also have separate gardens for elderly dogs or dogs with behavioral problems.

This canine pension offers personalized attention, it also has very comfortable spaces for rest and organizes games and walks to keep shape our friend.

Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires - Zama canine pension
Hotels for pets in Buenos Aires - Zama canine pension

Four Seasons

The Four Seasons can be considered a hotel for pets, since pets and owners can spend a great vacation there.

Each pet has a suitable bed in the room, personalized food, toys and daily walks through the hotel gardens, This option perfectly combines your vacations and those of your dog, in this way you can continue having a good time together.

Upon arrival the pet also receives its own registration card to enjoy a safe stay and with all its needs covered.

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