All the animals that inhabit the Earth are beautiful, the diversity that exists on our planet is practically infinite and rich in size, shapes, characteristics and colors. Thanks to the animals, which adorn all the scenes with their beauty, the world is more pleasant, mysterious and full of grace.
On our site we have decided to look for the most beautiful animals in the world and we have found them. This does not mean that the others are not, but rather that the following creatures stand out among other animals, for being very exotic and possessing an extraordinary beauty capable of attracting all the attention of those who look at it.
Here we present the ranking of the 10 most beautiful animals in the world according to our site. Beauty is a broad and subjective term, if there is an animal that you think is one of the most beautiful but that is not on the list, leave us a comment and we will take it into account for future articles.
1. Macaw
Macaws are some exotic birds that inhabit the tropical forests of South America and belong to a family of birds called Psittacidae. Its beauty is due to the combination of bright colors that its plumage has: bright yellow, crimson red, grass green, royal blue and solar orange, are the main colors of this flight. Many people have macaws as pets, perhaps for that reason the Ara ararauna are a species that must be cared for in the natural environment.
Macaws are medium-sized birds but they have extensive wings that attract a lot of attention when unfolded. These birds are very sociable, they love to travel in groups and be the most beautiful in the air It is fascinating to observe the flight of a group of macaws, it seems as if they were drawing a rainbow in the sky. It is without a doubt one of the 10 most beautiful animals in the world!

two. White Bengal Tiger
The bengal tiger is a symbol of might and strength With a majestic appearance, this creature leaves anyone who is in its mouth open Your presence. It is not surprising that the tiger has been the animal chosen to be the main character in many mythologies such as Greek, Persian and Chinese.
The mystery and mysticism in their eyes cast a spell on anyone. Due to genetic mutations there are some Bengal tigers that are born white… even more beautiful!

3. Swan
The story about the ugly duckling that turned into a wonderful swan is neither totally true nor totally false. It is true that swans are not born as beautiful white creatures, but, in the same way, when they are just a few, they are adorable and cuddly.
The swan as it grows and develops, becomes a totem of beauty and graceWhich girl has not been identified ever in her life with a swan? I admit to being one of them. The swan strikes us with its beauty and is clearly deserving of being among the most beautiful animals in the world.

4. Albino Peacock
When I was looking for the photos for this article on the 10 most beautiful animals in the world, it took me several minutes to choose the right one to represent the albino peacock. That fan-like, snow-white, painting-like plumage is very special This bird is a true supermodel, always posing and showing off her beauty to everyone who passes in front of her.

5. Dolphin
The beauty of the dolphin goes beyond its bright physical appearance, human beings have always been enchanted by dolphins and we enjoy them very much of your presence. The dolphin symbolizes joy, freedom and spontaneity in such a controlled world. When we see a dolphin or, even more, a group of dolphins swimming and surfing the waves, our mood improves and we see everything with special emotion. The dolphin looks like it's always smiling.

6. Mandarin Fish
Electric, this is the mandarin fish, which seems as if it carries an internal light that makes it shine at all times. This fish is one of the most sought after creatures by underwater photographers to be captured by their lens. Despite their own light, Mandarin fish are very shy, preferring to appear at night, when they come out to mate. They are colloquially called Mandarin because they resemble the legendary Chinese dragons.

7. Chameleon
The chameleon is the most beautiful reptile in the world. Imagine being able to change color depending on the circumstances, that will make you unique and special. Chameleons can change color because they have pigment cells in their skin called "chromatophores", which allow them to blend in with the environment, they change color every time they want to hide from a predator or dress up to perform rituals courtship.

8. Friesian Horse
Friesian horses are magnificent animals of great poise and elegance Entirely one color and striking, they take you on a journey into untamed territory and mythical. Originating in the Netherlands, the Friesian is one of the oldest domestic horse breeds in the world Its ancestor, the "tarpan" horse, became extinct in the 20th century due to excessive human hunting, is known as the wildest horse in history.
Image by Mark J Barrett:

9. Siberian Husky
How not to include a dog on this list? Siberian huskies win the canine beauty award Elegant black and white animals with piercing blue eyes always catch our attention. Its image evokes protection, strength and magnetism.

10. Crystal Butterfly
The glass butterfly or scientifically called "Greta Oto" is one of the strangest and most particular butterflies in the world. The fabric of its wings is transparent, except for the edge which is brown, so this butterfly ends up being the color of the background where it is, practically mimicking with your environment. This is an exceptional ability, which makes them camouflage with the vegetation and distract their predators.