How many puppies can a chihuahua have?

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How many puppies can a chihuahua have?
How many puppies can a chihuahua have?
How many puppies can a chihuahua
How many puppies can a chihuahua

Whether we are thinking of breeding our Chihuahua because that is what the vet has recommended, or if she has already become pregnant, without a doubt this is one of the main questions that arise. Because it is such a small breed of dog, knowing exactly how many puppies it can have is essential for planning the delivery of the mother-to-be.

Before entering this new and beautiful experience, we must reflect on it and be completely sure that it is the best option for our dog, and not for us. We must bear in mind that problems may arise during childbirth, as well as needing a caesarean section in case of not being able to give birth naturally. Is our dog ready to go through this whole process? It's really necessary? From our site we recommend consulting with your regular veterinarian about this decision before making it and carrying it out. If you have the approval of the specialist, read on and find out how many litters a chihuahua dog can have

What to consider before riding

If you have noticed that your Chihuahua dog has the dire need to be a mother, or it has been her veterinarian who has recommended it to you, you should take into account some recommendations before proceeding to fulfill her wish.

  • It is recommended that the male be smaller than the female Although it has not been proven that this fact makes the future mother conceive smaller puppies small, all precaution is little when it comes to breeding what is considered the smallest dog breed in the world. However, we repeat, this is not a proven fact, since, as with us, the genes of the parents' ancestors also come into play. In this way, if the future mother's grandfather, for example, was larger than her, one of the puppies can adopt that size.
  • Find a good vet Precisely because the Chihuahua is such a small dog, the chances of suffering problems during pregnancy or childbirth are they accentuate Therefore, having the services of a professional is essential, not only to monitor the pregnancy, but also to perform a caesarean section if necessary. In particular, Chihuahua dogs weighing less than 3 kilos have a greater propensity for cesarean section. In this regard, you should bear in mind that raising a Chihuahua involves money, as well as time and dedication.
  • It is not recommended to breed dogs from the same family. As with humans, raising dogs from the same family increases the chances of giving birth to puppies with malformations or genetic diseases.
  • The dog must be over two and a half years old. Regardless of breed, before this age the bitch is considered too young to undergo pregnancy.

Having said that, you must ask yourself the following question: "why have my chihuahua bred?". If the answer is none of those mentioned above, and you have decided to do it for profit or because you want your dog to live this experience, you should know that you are wrong. As we discussed, Chihuahuas are more likely than other breeds to suffer from problems throughout their gestation period, so is not recommended for the sheer sake of the owners. Keep in mind that the consequences of subjecting her to this could be very serious, so consult your veterinarian and ask for advice before proceeding with the mount. On the other hand, if you have observed that your dog suffers from psychological pregnancies and you consider that you should breed her to avoid them, you should know that this will only make this hormonal imbalance occur more frequently. The only solution to end psychological pregnancies in female dogs is sterilization.

How many babies can a chihuahua have

If the vet has finally given you approval to breed your chihuahua and you've wondered how many puppies it can have, you should know that the number will depend on both the time of mating and the size of the parents. As with women, female dogs go through an ovulation cycle that has more and less fertile phases. If mating occurs during the most fertile phase ("estrus"), more eggs will be fertilized and, therefore, more Chihuahua puppies will be gestated. For more information, we advise you to consult our article on heat in female dogs. Likewise, if the female is of medium size, the chances of having a greater number increase, while if she is toy, it is most likely that she will not exceed three pups

Although, as we mentioned, the number is largely determined by the time of mating and size, A female Chihuahua can have from one to six puppies, being the most usual to have between two and three.

How many puppies can a chihuahua have - How many puppies can a chihuahua have
How many puppies can a chihuahua have - How many puppies can a chihuahua have

How long does the female chihuahua's pregnancy last

The duration of a Chihuahua's pregnancy is no different from that of any other breed, so the average is between 58 and 68 daysRarely does the birth go ahead, but if it does, you should call the vet as soon as possible so that they can attend to your Chihuahua's premature birth. If day 68 arrives and delivery does not occur, do not be alarmed, this situation, on the other hand, is frequent and can last until day 75. If this time is exceeded, then you should go to the vet to see what happens.

Pregnant chihuahua care

Stress during the pregnancy of the chihuahua bitch is totally discouraged, not only because it could result in problems during pregnancy, but also because the puppies that are in the womb are affected by all situations by which the mother spends. To avoid this, it is highly recommended to increase the number of daily walks of the Chihuahua dog and offer her all our attention and affection. In parallel, we must offer you the following care:

  • We will provide you with quality food throughout the process.
  • In case of observing changes in her stool, we will have to change her diet and consult with the veterinarian about the most suitable for the pregnant chihuahua bitch. In this sense, the consumption of food for puppies is totally recommended.
  • From the second half of the pregnancy, we will increase the dose of food by 5% each week until delivery. If we see that you lose weight, we will have to increase it a little more.
  • In a complementary way, we can offer you a daily glass of milk in order to stimulate lactation.
  • We will take the pregnant dog to the vet regularly.

In addition to paying attention to feeding her, caring for a pregnant chihuahua also includes providing her with a comfortable bedfor her and her puppies. When choosing the bed, keep in mind that the edges are not too low, since the puppies could get out and hurt themselves. Two weeks before giving birth, it is possible that the bitch begins to look for the corner in which she wants to give birth and establish her nest. It is at this moment when we must pay attention to her behavior and place the bed where she decides. Keep in mind that, if you can't go to the vet in time, it is likely that she will give birth in it, so put a towel on it to prevent blood staining on the mattress. For more information, don't miss our article on pregnancy in the bitch.

How many puppies can a chihuahua have - Caring for a pregnant chihuahua
How many puppies can a chihuahua have - Caring for a pregnant chihuahua

Possible problems during delivery

Being such a small breed of dog, it is best to have a chihuahua assisted by a veterinarian when giving birth. However, when the date approaches, it will be essential that we are attentive at all times to help our dog and go to the specialist. Only in those cases in which, due to schedule, there is no veterinarian available, we should be the ones who attend the birth of the puppies.

If there are no complications, Delivery usually lasts between five and 24 hours, depending on how many puppies the Chihuahua has. Puppies can be born within minutes of each other, or an hour. If more than an hour passes, we will have to go to the specialist because it is possible that there is a problem that prevents the birth of the next puppy. Likewise, if the delivery lasts more than a day, we will also have to call the vet.

In addition to the complications already mentioned, the following may arise problems during the delivery of the chihuahua bitch:

  • A puppy gets stuck and cannot be born.
  • One of the puppies has died in the womb and is therefore stillborn or unable to come out. In such a case, we will never let the mother eat her placenta, since she may cause an infection.
  • When a puppy is born, the mother does not remove the placenta. In this case, we will have to be the ones to break the placenta so that the puppy can breathe, otherwise she will suffocate
  • The puppy is born but the placenta remains inside. In this case, we will have to carefully pull the puppy's umbilical cord to remove it.
  • The dog does not cut the umbilical cord. So, we will have to do it for her after a couple of minutes after her birth. To do this, we will have to use previously sterilized rounded tip scissors, tie the cord with a thread about six millimeters away from the navel and make several knots to cut off the circulation, cut the cord on the outside and disinfect it. For greater precision, we advise you to ask your veterinarian the days before delivery to be prepared in case he could not be present.
  • The puppy is not responding. We will have to resuscitate it following the instructions provided in our article on resuscitating newborn puppies.

Although other problems can arise during labor, these are the most common. Especially if we observe that our dog cannot give birth, it will be essential to go to the vetbecause it is most likely that she will need a caesarean section. Remember that, especially if it is a toy chihuahua, they tend to need assistance to give birth.
