Parson russell terrier dog: characteristics and photos

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Parson russell terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Parson russell terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Parson russell terrier
Parson russell terrier

Origin of the Parson Russell Terrier

Without a doubt, the roots of the Parson Russell are English, specifically this breed has its origin in the city of Birmingham, where the Reverend John Russell, a founding member of the UK Kennel Club, managed to breed this subtype of Russells in 1863, although it was not until 1990 that the same Kennel Club officially recognized the breed. In the case of the International Cynological Federation, this recognition was made in 2001, and today the standard is collected at an international level.

Characteristics of the Parson Russell Terrier

Parson Russells are considered to fall within the category of small dogs, with an average weight between8-10 kilograms and a height of 33 to 36 centimeters at the withers. Their limbs are long and solid, with strong muscles, their length is what clearly differentiates them from Jack Russells, since the latter have shorter legs. Its tail is thick, short and set high.

Its head is flat in front and thinner as it reaches the snout, with a slightly marked stop. Parson Russells have slightly deep-set, almond-shaped, dark eyes, with a very expressive and lively look. Their ears are small and are characterized by having a "V" shape, falling forward or to the sides of the head.

Continuing with the physical appearance of Parson Russell dogs, we can say that they have a dense and bushy coat, short, smooth, rough or broken and with an undercoat of hair that insulates them from the cold. This coat is usually white, with some specks or tan, lemon or black spots, which may present more than one of these at the same time and especially in the area of the head and the base of the tail.

The tail is set on moderately high, but carries very high during movement. It is thick at the base and tapers towards the tip, while also being slightly long and as straight as possible.

Parson Russell Terrier character

Without a doubt, Parson Russells are a very active and playful breed, loving games and sports, which they need to invest all your energy in a productive way. These dogs are very intelligent and assertive, so they are able to perceive the mood of their owners and give them all their affection without limits when they deem it necessary, which is often, since they are very loving and affectionateThat is why it is not the best companion for those who spend a lot of time away from home, since Parson Russells need to spend as much time as possible with them to be balanced and he althy.

On the other hand, we must take into consideration whether the animal would have to live with other animals, since it is usually quite dominant with other dogs, normally not tolerating other pets such as cats or rabbits. In addition, he is quite possessive of his toys, his bed and other supplies, so we will have to educate him conscientiously in this regard to prevent him from developing protection of resources

In the case of children, it depends a lot on the dog in particular, although as a general rule it is advised that if you have to live with children, they should not be too young, and that both parties should be educated to relate in a friendly way. a respectful and always assertive manner.

And to end the section dedicated to the character of the Parson Russell Terrier, it should be noted that it is a brave and curious dog that, as we say, you need to be properly stimulated to avoid behavior problems.

Parson Russell Terrier Care

Since they are especially active animals, they will need exercise sessions and long walks to release all that vitality in a non-destructive way, since, for example, there are specimens that when they get bored they tend to dig in patios and gardens or destroy some furniture, but nothing that cannot be avoided by educating them and providing them with both attention and toys that keep them entertained. Likewise, it is a perfect dog to start in canine sports such as agility.

Due to the peculiarities of their fur, it is recommended to brush it at least twice a week, otherwise they will shed a lot of hair and They will also show a careless and not too neat appearance. For this, it is recommended to use brushes according to their coat, in this case brushes for short-haired dogs.

parson russell terrier education

When training our parson russell terrier we have to be especially constant and patient, since sometimes they can be a bit stubborn and stubborn, as is often the case with all terriers. Therefore, it is recommended not to lose your temper and be firm with your education. We must not ignore certain behaviors or stop paying the attention they need, because in reality if we allow them to do everything we will not be doing them a favor. Of course, we will always use positive reinforcement to make them understand when something is right and feel motivated to repeat it. Punishment or yelling will only make the situation worse.

A good way to get their attention is to use games or objects that are attractive to them, in addition to selecting their favorite snacks or prizes, since this way we will get them motivated when completing the tasks that they your tutor asks you.

Parson Russell Terrier He alth

Parson Russells share many of the typical Jack Russell afflictions. Among them is patellar luxation, which consists of the patella dislocating, causing severe pain to the animal. It is a typical pathology of small breeds that will require veterinary attention both in diagnosis and treatment. Another of the typical diseases is progressive retinal atrophy, which affects sight and reverts to night blindness and later also to day blindness, leading to the extreme of total blindness in very advanced cases. To diagnose it, exams called retinoscopic exams are carried out by means of electroretinogram.

One of the most serious diseases that parson russell terriers can suffer from is Von Willebrand's disease, which can be diagnosed through genetic testing. It is a disease inherited through the DNA of their parents, which causes bleeding problems, this being quite problematic if injuries occur or they have to undergo surgical operations, since procedures and recovery are complicated, sometimes even putting this the life of the animal is in danger.

It has also been ruled that this breed is somewhat more likely than others to suffer from cervical spinal instability, or Wobbler syndrome In these cases, the spinal cord is compressed at the level of the cervical vertebrae, causing pain, lack or failure of balance and also the inability to perform movements. Although it is possible to operate on dogs that suffer from it, it is a highly complex and very expensive clinical procedure.

To avoid as far as possible these common diseases in the Parson Russell terrier, and the complications they can cause, veterinary check-ups are recommendedexhaustive on a regular basis, keep vaccinations and deworming up to date and provide the animal with the treatments and diets recommended by your trusted veterinarian.

Parson russell terrier photos
