Borzoi dog: characteristics and photos

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Borzoi dog: characteristics and photos
Borzoi dog: characteristics and photos

The borzoi is also known as the Russian greyhound,Russian Hound for hunting or Russkaya Psovaya Borzaya and is one of the most popular and appreciated Russian dog breeds in Russia, as it is an inherent part of popular culture. We are talking about a dog breed that was developed directly by the great tsars, which could explain such a elegant and unique morphology

In this tab on our site we will talk about the borzoi dog breed, one of the most outstanding hunting sighthounds around in the world, also as a racing or decoy hunting dog. Today, appreciated as a companion dog, the borzoi continues to arouse the curiosity of those who have the opportunity to cross paths with it.

Origin of borzoi

The dog breed borzoi is part of the history and national culture of RussiaHowever, the fact that their origin was closely related to the tsars almost ended the breed, since after the fall of the tsarist monarchy the borzoi were practically extinct. It is estimated that it was developed more than nine centuries ago.

The first specimens are recorded in the 11th century, when the French Chronicle recounts how three large borzois accompanied Anna Iaroslavna, daughter of the Grand Duke of kyiv, when she came to France to marry Henry I. Some of the more notable figures who owned borzoi dogs were Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Nicholas II, Puchkine, and Tourgueniev. In fact, a well-known kennel called "Perhinskaya Okhota" was opened and was run by Grand Duke Nicolai Nicolaevitch and Dimitri V altsev.

Another notable figure that stands out in the history of borzoi is Queen Victoria of England, who received a pair of purebred dogs borzoi as present. Later, the breed spread throughout Europe and America and became popular thanks to its speed in racing and its aptitude for hunting.

Characteristics of borzoi

The borzoi is a large-sized dog which is classified in FCI Group 10, "Sighthounds", and in the Section 1, "Long-Coated or Wavy-Coated Sighthounds." It stands out for its slim and robust build, as well as slightly elongated, which gives it an unmistakably elegant appearance, which some even describe as "aristocratic".

We note that the females are slightly longer than the males, but both have strong bones without being massive. The head is thin, long and narrow, with a slightly marked nasal-frontal depression. The nose is large and mobile. It has a strong jaw, with white teeth, which offer a scissor or piza bite. The eyes are large and expressive, usually hazel or dark brown. The ears are thin and mobile, which also tend to point backwards. The neck is long and thin, like its limbs, which are particularly long and muscular For its part, the tail is saber-shaped and is long, thin and thick. low implantation. It hangs down, but in movement it usually rises.

The height at the withers of the borzoi dog is as follows:

  • Machos: between 75 and 85 cm.
  • Females: between 68 and 78 cm.

To finish we will talk about the coat, which is soft, loose and wavyIn a natural way we should observe short curls. In the area of the head the hair is satin and short. On the body it is longer and wavy. The mantle of the neck is much denser and wavy. Practically all color combinations are allowed, except for blue, chocolate and their derivatives. It also has "bangs" which are usually lighter

Borzoi character

It is not easy to determine the character of borzoi dogs, but in general we can determine that it is a balanced and calm dog Even so, the education provided by the owner will end up forming the character of each specific individual, which can be very variable. We should also know that, due to its past as a hunting dog, the borzoi can have a rapid and impetuous reaction in certain situations.

Although they can be reserved and distrustful with strangers, in the family nucleus they are dogs that form a very close bond with their owners. However, their relationship with other people, animals and environments will depend directly on their socialization stage, in which the owner must make an effort to offer them positive and varied experiences. All this will also influence his adult character.

They can suit all types of families, but tend to be a better fit for experienced dog owners who lead a proactive and independent lifestyle, because the borzoi do not stand out for being particularly attached dogs, but they show a very unique character.

Borzoi care

The coat of the borzoi requires regular care, therefore, it should not miss a brushing routine that we will carry out two or three times a week. This will help us keep your coat he althy and free of knots. We can use a metal brush for moulting times (only once a week) and a soft card the rest of the year. Knot-removing brushes can also be helpful.

As for bathing, it is advisable to perform a bath every one or two months, always using a specific shampoo for dogs and If possible, a conditioner, which will help us keep the coat softer and brighter.

Continuing with the care of the borzoi, we will pay close attention to the routine of walks and exercise. It will be essential to take a minimum of between two and three daily walks, of at least 30 minutes, to keep your muscles in tone, encourage sniffing, allow you to do your needs and socialize it with other dogs, people and environments. We will combine one or two walks with physical exercise, whether we are talking about jogging, fetching the ball or simply playing.

We must also ensure adequate mental stimulation, by practicing obedience, canine skills or tricks, but we can also practice intelligence games, scent games or various activities. All this will help us keep your mind active.

Borzoi education

Borzoi training should begin early, socializing the puppy with all kinds of people, animals and environments This period is especially sensitive, as it will directly influence the adult character of the dog and help us prevent the appearance of various behavioral problems, such as fear and aggressiveness. It is highly recommended that during this stage we encourage tranquility and positive behaviors through caresses, kind words and even prizes.

We will also teach the puppy to inhibit bite and urinate in a newspaper, until he is vaccinated and ready to learn to urinate in the street

Later on we will introduce the borzoi dog to basic obedience exercises, which include sitting, lying down, standing still and responding to calls. This learning is essential for a correct communication with the owner and for controlling the dog when we are away from home. We will work on the basic commands always using positive reinforcement, never through punishment.

Borzoi he alth

We must carry out regular veterinary visits, every 6 or 12 months, to ensure that our dog receives adequate preventive medicine. This includes following the vaccination schedule and deworming routine. Likewise, a visit to a specialist will help us detect any pathology quickly, which usually offers a better prognosis.

However, as occurs with most standardized dog breeds, the Borzoi dog is susceptible to various hereditary diseases,among which which stand out:

  • Wobbler Syndrome
  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome
  • Microphthalmia
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Tricuspid valve dysplasia
  • Waterfalls
  • Hypothyroidism

We will end this file on the breed of the borzoi dog with its life expectancy, which is between 7 and 12 years old.

Borzoi photos
