Spending time with our dog is essential to keep it he althy, this not only provides social and emotional well-being, but also allows us to know what the normal behavior of our furry companion is. Knowing their usual behavior will make it much easier for us to detect any disorder and treat it in time.
Does your dog scratch a lot, continually shake his head and is restless? Then it's time to check his ear canal for any symptoms that could be indicative of pathology. Thinking about it, in this article on our site we talk about the symptoms and treatment of dog ear mites, keep reading!
What are ear mites in dogs?
Mites in dogs are a common cause of infestations that can affect various areas of the body and be caused by different parasites. When we talk about mites that affect the ear canal, we refer to small, practically microscopic parasites, which appear as white spots about the size of the head of a pin. Observing them with the naked eye is very complex, but we can suspect their existence through all the symptoms they cause.
The mites that usually affect dogs' ears are called Otodectes cynotis, which cause otodectic mange, or Demodex canis, which cause localized demodectic mange. These mites inhabit the skin of the dog's ear canal and feed on both wax and natural oils.

How are ear mites spread in dogs?
All dogs are susceptible to this type of infestation, however, it is especially common for mites to inhabit the ears of puppies, since their contagion is very easy if it is caused by Mother. Thus, in both puppies and adult dogs, contagion occurs by direct contact with an infested dog.
When infected by mites, the eggs that are introduced inside the ear hatch in just four days. The larvae feed on the wax and natural oils contained in the ear canal and in the later nymphal stage mating begins again.
This reproductive cycle is carried out very quickly, this being the main problem of this pathology, since in a short period of time it can cause a large infestation and serious symptoms.
Do ear mites in dogs spread to humans?
The mites that cause ear scabies in dogs can be spread to humansand other animals such as cats. The causes of demodectic mange are not contagious to people or other animals.
Symptoms of ear mites in dogs
As we will see later, it is very important that the treatment of ear canal mites begin as soon as possible in order to control the disease and eradicate it completely. Therefore, if you notice any of the following symptoms in your dog, it is essential that you go to the vet as soon as possible:
- Intense itching.
- Continuous scratching.
- Shaking and jerking of the head.
- Auditory secretion dark brown.
- Bad smell due to secondary infection.
- Hearing bleeding due to rupture of small blood vessels.
- Red, crusty ears.
- General malaise and restlessness.
If left untreated, ear mites can develop in affected dogs. If you suspect that this may be the case with your dog, consult this other article on external otitis in dogs.

Diagnosis of ear mites in dogs
The diagnosis of mites in the dog's ears is very simple, although it should also be carried out by a veterinary professional.
It involves extracting a sample of cerumen with the help of a cotton ball and then observing it under a microscope. As we mentioned before, in the case of mites small white moving spots will be observed.
Dog Ear Mite Treatment
Currently, in pet stores we can find numerous products to treat this condition, however, not all of them are as safe as advertised. Do not practice self-medication with your dog, you should also keep in mind that many products suitable for adult dogs can be very harmful for a puppy dog.
It is essential that the vet recommends the most appropriate product. In general, specific antiparasitics are used to combat ear mites, which come in the form of drops or for topical use, such as ivermectin[1] Likewise, some veterinary medicine professionals recommend the use of antiparasitic in the form of tablets, generally used for parasites such as fleas or ticks, since they tend to treat also mites. In any case, we insist, it is essential that the specialist determines the best product to remove mites from your dog's ears.
On the other hand, in addition to the antiparasitic treatment, it is recommended to carry out correct hygiene of the ear canal in order to favor the effect antiparasitic and avoid future infestations.
Due to the ease of contagion of the mites that cause otodectic mange, any other animal that lives in the home must be treated to avoid an infestation.
How to prevent ear mites in dogs?
Mite infestation cannot always be prevented, but by adopting some tips and hygienic-dietary measures we can reduce the risk that these parasites infest our pet's ear canal:
- It is important to clean the dog's ears on a regular basis.
- Periodically wash the dog's bed and its accessories.
- Keep your dog's defenses in optimal condition through a he althy and quality diet.
- Don't forget to take it to the vet as often as necessary in each case.