Kangal dog: characteristics and photos

Kangal dog: characteristics and photos
Kangal dog: characteristics and photos

The kangal is the national dog of Turkey His name It comes from the Kangal district in the Sivas province, where the breed would have originated. This dog is not a herd guide, but rather a sheep guardian and protector His size, courage and determination make him rush to defend his flock against any predator or thief.

For the International Cinological Federation and for the American Kennel Club, there is no breed called Kangal. This name is considered only as a colloquial term for the Anatolian shepherd. However, the Kangal is recognized as a different breed by other smaller weight canine societies such as the United Kennel Club. As of 2013, it was also recognized by the British Kennel Club, a very important organization worldwide. In Turkey, things are different and most of the cynologists in that country do not accept the Anatolian Shepherd, which they consider a group of mixed breeds and dogs, but they do accept the Kangal as a pure breed.

If you are thinking of adopting a dog of this breed, don't miss this file on our site.

Origin of the kangal

The Kangal dog is part of a group of herding dog breeds or herding dogs called Çoban Köpegi. The only thing that is known for sure about this breed is that it is very old and that it comes from the Kangal district of Sivas, Turkey. The rest are theories about its origins, but the most widely accepted is that this breed already existed in the Roman Empire, and that soldiers used these dogs to accompany the army on its marches.

It is also believed that it comes from 3 crosses of dogs: the dogs of the Assyrian empire, which were of the mastiff type (called "molossians of Assyria"); the Roman Molossians from Greece; and English Mastiffs. It is assumed that the Romans created this powerful hybrid to use as a protector and guardian of their herds in times of conquest.

Later, this breed was exported to other countries in southern Europe, such as Turkey, where it finished developing and training.

Physical characteristics of the kangal

The kangal is a dog solid, muscular and with a strong bone structure It is somewhat longer than it is tall and looks similar to a mastiff, although it is not one. It has a long and wide head, with powerful jaws. Their eyes are small, set well apart from each other, and golden to dark brown in color. Its ears hang to the sides of the head, they are triangular, medium-sized and with a rounded end.

The kangal's tail is long and the dog usually carries it curled over its back when active.

The coat is one of the main differences mentioned between this breed and the Anatolian Shepherd. In the kangal it should be short and dense, with a very thick undercoat. Color is another of the differences that are easily appreciated. In the Kangal, only solid color dogs ranging from dun to steel gray are accepted. In addition, the dog must have the black mask A small white mark on the chest is allowed.

Kangal Character

The kangal's temperament is serious and reserved It is a typical guard dog. It can be aggressive towards strangers and is generally aggressive towards other dogs, especially of the same sex. Therefore, their socialization from an early age is very important.

However, this dog tends to be very friendly, tolerant and protective of his own. He tolerates the pranks of the children of his family very well (but you always have to watch the interactions between dogs and children) and can get along wonderfully with pets of other species, as long as he has grown up with them.

The kangal's suspicious, aggressive and protective temperament can be a disadvantage for a pet dog, but it is an obvious advantage when a guard dog and herd protector is needed. This has allowed organizations such as the Cheetah Conservation Fund to use Anatolian Herders and Kangals in their efforts to conserve wildlife. By incorporating these dogs into the herds of sheep in Namibia, farmers stopped killing cheetahs, since the dogs were responsible for scaring them away, thus protecting the sheep and the cats.

The most common behavior problems in this breed are excessive barking and destroying things.

Kangal Care

Kangal hair care does not require much effort. Two brushings per week are more than enough in normal times. During the shedding season it may be necessary to brush the dog daily, but this has more to do with the care of the furniture than with the care of the hair.

These dogs, of course, are not suitable for living in small flats or houses They need a large garden to be able to walk and run when they are please. Even better if it is in a rural area. The fence must be high enough and well built, as kangals can easily overcome many obstacles.

Kangal Education

As happens with all dogs, we must socialize the kangal from puppyhood so that it respects, knows and begins training it as another member of our family. If they receive a cordial, affectionate treatment based on positive reinforcement, these dogs will empathize quite well with their relatives

The kangal is easy to train when using game and reward-based dog training techniques. When traditional training techniques are used, he can be a bit stubborn, since he is a cooperative dog but not a submissive one.

Kangal he alth

The breed is very resistant and there are no known preponderant diseases in it. However, due to their large size, activities that can promote hip dysplasia and overweight should be avoided.

Photos of Kangal
