Some of the most frequent problems that can appear in the rabbits we live with at home are those that affect their digestive systemOn numerous occasions they are due to inadequate nutrition. Hence the importance of being well informed of the needs of this species before adopting.
In this article on our site, we're going to talk about those times when your rabbit's guts growl. We will see what pathologies may be behind this symptom.
The digestive system of rabbits
To understand why a rabbit's guts rumble, you must first know what its digestive system is like. It begins in the mouth and continues through the esophagus, stomach, then small intestine, large intestine, cecum, rectum, and finally the anus. In addition, the salivary glands, liver, and pancreas also contribute to digestion. In the mouth of rabbits, the large incisors stand out, very sharp and perfect for cutting the grass they feed on in nature. They also have molars and premolars that have the function of grinding food. To do this, the jaw is moved sideways. Rabbit teeth grow continuously throughout their lives, so it is also important to check that your rabbit does not have long teeth.
After processing in the mouth, the food reaches the single-chamber stomach and continues its journey to the intestines, where fermentation takes place. This occurs mainly in the cecum. The end result is two types of stool: one is what is considered normal, with the appearance of small dry balls, formed by the non-fermentable fiber; the others are the so-called cecotrophs, produced in the cecum. They are moist, smaller balls, like grains of rice, which are packed together. They are very important because they contain vital intestinal flora for proper digestive function, essential amino acids, vitamins, etc. Cecotrophs are usually eliminated at night and it is very important that the rabbit eats them. They usually do it immediately, that's why it's normal feces that we'll find in the cage.
Feeding the rabbit
The rabbit's diet must consist mainly of:
- Heno: hay provides them with the fiber they need for proper intestinal transit. Their diet will be 80% hay.
- Food: the specific feed for rabbits will account for approximately 10-15% of the diet.
- Fruit and vegetables: the remaining 5-10% is reserved for fresh vegetables and fruit.
Of course, constant access to clean, fresh water is essential.
The brushing of the rabbits
Finally, keep in mind that rabbits groom themselves in a similar way to cats. For this reason, it is advisable to brush them frequently, daily during the moulting season, so that they do not swallow an excessive amount of hair that could lead to gastrointestinal disorders, especially in those specimens that do not consume enough hay. This care is essential in long-haired rabbits.

Gastrointestinal stasis or paralytic ileus in rabbits
When rabbits accumulate air in their digestive tract, they cannot eliminate it. This causes the abdomen to distend and the rabbit, annoyed, stops eating. It will also not produce feces or pass a very small amount and, in addition, it can become dehydrated and it is not uncommon for the rabbit to have rumble. It is a fairly common and very painful condition that must be treated, since they are animals that cannot go more than 24 hours without eating food. Therefore, it is considered an emergency. The rabbit could die.
Causes of gastrointestinal stasis or paralytic ileus
The most common causes of this hypomotility are:
- Inadequate diet.
- Excess carbohydrates.
- Fiber deficiency.
- Ingestion of some toxic.
- Lack of exercise.
- Pain.
- Processes of a psychological nature, such as stress.
In the next section we will see the obstructions, which are another cause of paralysis of the digestive movement. So, if your rabbit's belly is making funny noises, don't hesitate to call the vet.
Treatment of gastrointestinal stasis or paralytic ileus
To try to avoid it, you must go to the vet to determine the cause of this stoppage. He or she will perform an exam and an X-ray or ultrasound. An initial support treatment will be established with a liquid diet using a syringe or tube and, if there is no obstruction, prokinetics to stimulate intestinal motility. Fluid therapy, antibiotics, gastric protectors, analgesics, anti-inflammatories, drugs to eliminate gas, m alt, etc. are also administered. In addition, care can be completed by performing massages and encouraging gentle exercise. It must be taken into account that if there is no response to treatment, surgical intervention will be necessary.

Intestinal obstruction in rabbits
Obstructions in rabbits occur when a plug forms that prevents normal intestinal transit. It is a frequent problem in specimens that do not consume enough hay Hay provides the necessary fiber to eliminate any element that could be located in the digestive system, as hairs, which are the cause of most of the obstructions in rabbits. The plug can also be formed by ingestion of foreign bodies, although it is less frequent in this species. Other causes would be inflammation, growth of masses or dehydrated gastric contents in very dehydrated rabbits.
Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in rabbits
The affected animals, in addition to noises, will have:
- Pain.
- They will be cold.
- They will not eat.
- May have increased heart rate.
Treatment of intestinal obstruction in rabbits
Your vet can confirm the diagnosis by performing a blood testIf glucose is elevated, it is a blockage andit will be necessary to operate It is a complex operation with possible complications. Therefore, to avoid this problem, it is important to provide the rabbit with a suitable diet for its species and brush it regularly.
For more information, we encourage you to read this other article about Hairballs in the rabbit's stomach.

Bacterial enteritis in rabbits
The main symptom of enteritis is diarrhea. We can see liquid feces stuck to the anus and, in some cases, dehydration. There are several causes that originate it, such as:
- Diet changes.
- A menu very rich in carbohydrates that favors the growth of bacteria.
- Problems in the digestive flora due to the consumption of antibiotics.
- Stress.
- Intestinal parasites, such as coccidia.
If your rabbit's guts are rumbling and they also have diarrhoea, they may be suffering from enteritis. You have to go to the vet.
Treatment of bacterial enteritis in rabbits
Mild cases, in which there is no dehydration, can be resolved by administering antibiotic by mouth, a diet rich in fiber and, if necessary, analgesics. In the face of dehydration, fluid therapy should also be prescribed. In the sickest rabbits, prokinetics may be prescribed. In addition, if there is no response to treatment, there is the option of transplanting feces from a he althy rabbit.
In summary, if we review the causes of a rabbit's guts, we will see that it is essential to establish good management at home, providing an adequate diet and essential care. It is the best way to prevent these pathologies. To do this, we encourage you to read this other article on the care of rabbits.