LIPOMA in DOGS - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

LIPOMA in DOGS - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
LIPOMA in DOGS - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Lipoma in Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment
Lipoma in Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

When we see that a dog has a lump, it can quickly come to mind that it is a tumor process, something that alarms and worries the guardians a lot as it gets worse. It is true that on many occasions tumors are malignant, but on many others they are also benign, the best example being the canine lipoma.

Lipomas in dogs are a tumorous accumulation of fat cells or adipocytes. It is a benign tumor of mesenchymal origin that mainly affects older dogs of certain breeds, although no dog is free from suffering from it at any time in its life. The diagnosis is made with cytology, by observing a large number of adipocytes, and it is generally not removed if it is not bothersome to the dog and does not include very deep layers of the skin. Keep reading this article on our site to learn more about lipoma in dogs, what it is, its symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.

What is lipoma in dogs?

A lipoma is a neoplasm or benign mesenchymal tumor consisting of an excessive accumulation of adipocytes, which are fat cells. It is a tumor with a firm, soft and spongy consistency that can be solitary or multiple tumor nodules appear. Adipocytes are clustered with fine cell borders. When processed with methanol they dissolve, being fat.

Lipomas in dogs develop in the subcutaneous tissue, especially of the extremities or the abdominal or thoracic cavity. Sometimes they can also include deeper layers, although it is not so frequent.

Causes of lipoma in dogs

The main cause of lipoma in dogs is genetic character, the most affected breeds being the following:

  • Doberman.
  • Cocker.
  • Labrador retriever.
  • German shepherd.
  • Pinschers.

It is usually more frequent in older dogs and females seem to be more susceptible. However, they can be detected at any age, race and gender.

Other causes of lipoma in dogs

In addition to genetics, it is seen more frequently in dogs that are overweight or obese, perhaps due to poor metabolism that produces a low capacity to metabolize fat, so it tends to accumulate.

They can also be caused by the body's inability to adequately detoxify toxins due to liver, intestinal or kidney disorders.

Lipoma in dogs - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment - Causes of lipoma in dogs
Lipoma in dogs - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment - Causes of lipoma in dogs

Symptoms of lipoma in dogs

A lipoma in dogs has a variable size, from less than 1 cm to several cm. If they are large they can compress or annoy the animal, but in most cases it does not limit them at all on a day-to-day basis. Lipomas can be individual or several, and consist of nodules of consistency:

  • Sign.
  • Smooth.
  • Soft.
  • Encapsulated.
  • Circumscripts.
  • With sharp edges.

These tumors are usually located in the subcutaneous tissue of the extremities, neck, abdomen or chest They usually have good mobility as they do not coalesce usually to deep tissues, which is somewhat more indicative of malignancy. However, they can sometimes grow into muscle tissue, appearing firmer, harder and less mobile without indicating that they are malignant tumors.

The malignant variety of the lipoma is the liposarcoma, which can produce metastases to other locations in the dog's body, such as the bones, lungs or other organs. It is a tissue with the appearance of a lipoma but infiltrating, which invades muscle tissue and fascia. For more information, you can consult this other article on Tumors in dogs - Types, symptoms and treatment.

Diagnosis of lipoma in dogs

The clinical diagnosis is easy. After detecting the lump, it is thought to be a tumor and you should go to the veterinary center to diagnose what type of tumor it is and whether it is benign or malignant. In the latter case, it is also necessary to investigate for metastases The differential diagnosis of lipoma in dogs includes other canine nodules such as:

  • Liposarcoma.
  • Mastocytoma.
  • Soft tissue sarcoma.
  • Sebaceous cyst.
  • Epidermoid cyst.
  • Histiocytoma.

The definitive diagnosis of lipoma in dogs is obtained with a fine needle aspiration (FNA), placing the cell content obtained in a portal and visualizing it under the microscope, where a multitude of adipocytes will be seen, clarifying the diagnosis.

Adipocytes are seen as cells with vacuolated cytoplasm and small, pyknotic, flat, eccentric nuclei. In the case of suspicion that it affects deeper planes, advanced imaging tests will be necessary, which will also help the surgeon to plan the removal.

Canine lipoma treatment

Treatment may be surgical removal, but usually you choose to leave it and observe its evolution. If it continues to grow to a considerable size, causing discomfort, dermatological lesions or affecting some structures of the dog, it should be removed.

Keep in mind that leaving a lipoma is not dangerous for your dog. These tumors do not metastasize or endanger the life of the canine.
