My dog pretends to swallow saliva constantly - 8 CAUSES

My dog pretends to swallow saliva constantly - 8 CAUSES
My dog pretends to swallow saliva constantly - 8 CAUSES
My dog is constantly gulping - Causes
My dog is constantly gulping - Causes

Sometimes we can notice that our dog swallows saliva many times in a row. This gesture may be accompanied by drooling, noises and movements of the abdomen that may be a consequence of nausea and it is likely that he will end up vomiting.

Dogs have a tendency to vomit, so not always that we discover this situation will be indicative of a disease. When a dog pretends to constantly swallow saliva, it can be due to more disorders that will need veterinary attention. We review them in this article on our site. Take note!

1. Rhinitis and sinusitis

Rhinitis is a nasal infection that can spread to the sinuses, in which case it is called sinusitis. The clinical signs that cause both diseases are sneezing, thick nasal discharge with a bad smell and nausea due to the postnasal drip that occurs, that is, the secretion that passes from the nose to the mouth is what leads the dog to constantly gulp.

There are several causes that can trigger rhinitis and sinusitis, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi or, especially in older specimens, tumors or tooth infections. Therefore, a picture like the one described should make us go to the vet, since it is necessary to prescribe a treatment.

two. Strange bodies

With the denomination of foreign bodies we refer to objects such as fragments of bones, splinters, hooks, balls, toys, spikes, ropes, etc. When they stay lodged in the mouth, throat or esophagus, we can notice that our dog pretends to swallow saliva continuously and smacks his lips, seems to choke, hypersalivates, does not close his mouth, rubs it with his paws or against objects, is very restless or has trouble swallowing.

It is important to go to the vet, because the longer a foreign body remains lodged in the body, the greater the risk of complications and infections. In addition, in some cases the dog could drown. We should only try to extract a foreign body ourselves if we visualize it whole and have good access. Otherwise, we run the risk of aggravating the situation. In any case, never pull sharp objects to avoid tears and injuries.

3. Pharyngitis

This is inflammation of the throat, usually affecting both the pharynx and the tonsils. These diseases are often associated with oral or respiratory infections. In these cases we will notice that the dog pretends to swallow saliva constantly, has a cough and fever, loses its appetite and the throat is red and there is even a secretion in it.

All this picture is a reason for veterinary consultation, since it is the professional who must determine the cause of the inflammation and based on it, prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

4. Esophagitis

Esophagitis refers to inflammation of the esophagus, which can be due to different causes. We will notice that the dog pretends to swallow saliva constantly, it hurts, it hypersalivates and it regurgitates. When this condition becomes chronic, the dog loses its appetite and consequently ends up losing weight. In any case, it is a problem that the veterinarian has to treat to establish the cause and its subsequent treatment.

5. Vomiting

As we pointed out at the beginning of the article, we can notice that our dog constantly swallows saliva and is restless just before vomiting. They are the nausea or retching followed by visible contractions in the abdominal area and finally, a relaxation in the lower part of the esophagus. This is what allows the contents of the stomach to be expelled through the mouth in the form of vomit, although not all episodes of nausea end this way and they can only be retching.

Dogs are quick to vomit, so it is not uncommon for them to do so for different reasons without worrying. For example, when they have eaten garbage, grass, too much food, they are stressed, dizzy or very nervous.

But, of course, there are also multiple diseases that manifest themselves with vomiting among their clinical signs, such as the dreaded parvovirus or some chronic conditions such as kidney disease. Torsion-dilation of the stomach is also a cause of nausea without vomiting, in addition to great agitation and abdominal distension.

Therefore, it is advisable to observe the dog that vomits in case it presents or has presented other symptoms and decide if it needs the intervention of the veterinarian. This aspect is especially important in the case of puppies, elderly dogs or in weakened dogs or already diagnosed with some pathology.

6. Brachycephalic dog syndrome

Brachycephalic breeds are those that are characterized by having a wide skull and a short snout. They are, for example, the bulldog or the pug The problem is that this particular anatomy is related to a certain degree of airway obstruction, which is why it is common that Let's hear these dogs snoring or snorting, especially when it's hotter or they exercise.

Brachycephalic dog syndrome occurs when several deformities occur at the same time, such as the narrowing of the nostrils, the elongation of the soft palate or the so-called eversion of the pharyngeal ventricles. In these cases, we can notice that the dog pretends to constantly swallow saliva at the moment in which the elongated palate partially obstructs the respiratory tract. In addition to gagging, it is common to hear snorting, snoring or stridor The vet can solve this with surgery.

7. Kennel Cough

Kennel cough is a well-known canine disease, especially for its ease of transmission in communities. It is caused by several pathogens that can occur alone or in combination. Undoubtedly, the most typical clinical sign of this pathology is dry cough, but, as it is not uncommon for it to be accompanied by retching, we can see that our dog is constantly swallowing saliva.

Kennel cough is usually mild, but there are cases that are complicated by pneumonia, which also causesfever, anorexia, runny nose, sneezing, or difficulty breathing Puppies can become more seriously ill. Hence the convenience of always going to the vet.

8. Chronic bronchitis

In chronic bronchitis the dog will have persistent cough for months. The cause is not clear but it is known that there is a inflammation in the bronchi The cough will occur in fits, for example when the animal gets very nervous or exercising. When coughing we can also notice that the dog pretends to swallow saliva constantly, since the cough causes retching and expectoration, not vomiting. It is, again, a disease that the veterinarian has to treat to prevent it from becoming complicated and causing irreversible damage.

If it is necessary to take your dog's temperature, we will explain in a visual way how to do it.
