Why do my dog's PAWS SMELL? - Causes

Why do my dog's PAWS SMELL? - Causes
Why do my dog's PAWS SMELL? - Causes
Why do my dog's paws smell bad?
Why do my dog's paws smell bad?

The smell of dogs' feet, specifically the pads, is characteristic. Some caregivers draw a comparison and point out that their dog's paws smell like fried food. In this article on our site we will talk about this special smell, as well as this important and delicate part of the canine anatomy that is the paw pads. We will also learn to keep them he althy and to distinguish when the smell is no longer normal and we have to go to the vet.

If you're wondering why your dog's paws smell bad, keep reading and discover the most common causes.

What are the dog's pads like?

Although some caregivers wonder why their dog's paws smell bad, the truth is that his particular smell is normal and, in most cases, does not correspond to any pathology. In fact, when there is a problem, the smell changes.

The pads present particularities that make their smell differ from that perceived in the rest of the dog's body. In addition, they perform important functions that often go unnoticed. The paw pads are the dog's footholds and are made up of a thick layer of keratin Keratin is a protein that forms horn tissues. Under this layer, the pad is made up of fat and elastic tissue, so when we touch it, we notice it fluffy. This conformation is what allows it to cushion the impacts suffered when walking, running or jumping and distribute the load in a balanced way between the four legs.

This cushion structure also makes it easy to navigate the most difficult terrain, hot or cold. On the other hand, they are well supplied with nerve endings, which makes them sensitive and explains why many dogs resist being handled or feel considerable pain when they are damaged. Their vascularization means they can bleed easily.

Why do my dog's paws smell bad? - How are the dog's pads?
Why do my dog's paws smell bad? - How are the dog's pads?

Dog Pad Functions

Before explaining why dog paws smell bad, or put another way, why dog paws smell like Cheetos as described by some dog groomers, let's take a look at their functions, since they will influence this smell. The main functions of the pads are:

  • Cushioning the tread and insulating it from the ground, as we have explained.
  • Sudar, as dogs concentrate their sweat glands on them. Discover in this other article all the information about "How dogs sweat".
  • Marcar, when dogs step on they leave their scent, as when they scratch the ground with their paws, in which case they do not they only mark by smell, but leave visible traces on the ground.

Why do dog pads smell bad?

Thus, the special smell of dog pads is the result of the mixture of sweat, microorganisms from the normal microbiota of that area, such as bacteria and fungi, plus everything that the animal steps on. This set is what explains why a dog's paws stink, or at least that's how some keepers perceive it. It is a normal odor and does not indicate the existence of any disease, but we must ensure that this odor does not change.

Recommendations for caring for dogs' paw pads

The pads undergo changes over time as they wear out, lose elasticity, dry out and even crack. You only have to compare the pads of a puppy with those of an adult dog to notice the difference, but this deterioration does not explain by itself why our dog's paws smell bad.

Throughout the dog's life, but even more so as it ages, pads should be checked regularly. This will allow us to detect damage early, as well as prevent problems or even remove parasites that can be located in the interdigital spaces.

You have to bear in mind that being in permanent contact with the ground makes them very vulnerable. The pads can be protected with specific products, such as moisturizing creams which, applied in time, help prevent the formation of annoying cracks, which, in addition to hurting, can be complicated by infections. The hairs in the area can also be trimmed, very carefully, as long as they are too long.

If the dog has an injury or has to move through potentially aggressive terrain, we also have the option of putting dog shoes But the best is to avoid, as far as possible, walking on this type of surface or on terrain that is too hot or cold. When you get home, it's a good idea to dry the area, as moisture can cause problems.

Why do my dog's paws smell bad? - Recommendations to take care of the pads of dogs
Why do my dog's paws smell bad? - Recommendations to take care of the pads of dogs

When is it unusual for your dog's paws to smell bad?

Sometimes, it is no longer that we are surprised that our dog's paws smell like cheese, Fritos or Cheetos, but that, directly, they smell bad. It's going to be a smell different from the usual and, if we look closely, it's normal that we notice other signs that something is wrong, like somewound or erosion , a darker coloration of the hairs between the fingers due to continuous licking, inflammation, pain of greater or lesser intensity or lameness.

There are several causes that explain why a dog's paws smell bad, for this reason, and for the inconvenience and difficulties that damage to the paw pads entails for the dog to develop its normal life, it is makes it necessary to go to the vet to obtain a diagnosis and the corresponding treatment. Thus, it is not surprising that, given its permanent contact with the ground, burns, abrasions, wounds or foreign body encrustations may occur, these being the main causes of Bad smell in this area. If you find any stone or crystal, you could try removing it at home with tweezers, but don't force it. If you don't see it clearly, go to the vet. Also if you have managed to remove it, but there is a deep wound or it does not stop bleeding, visit the veterinary clinic.

As a first aid, don't miss this article: "How to heal wounds on dogs' paw pads?".
