Medicinal plants for dogs

Medicinal plants for dogs
Medicinal plants for dogs
Medicinal plants for dogs
Medicinal plants for dogs

From the time of Galen (considered the father of pharmacy) to the present day, pharmacological treatments have advanced at a frenetic pace, being an excellent help against numerous pathological conditions both in human medicine and in medicine. veterinary Medicine.

Nevertheless, not all are advantages, since drugs involve an extraordinary job for the liver that must metabolize them, on many occasions they also interfere with the body's immune responses and there is also always the risk of developing various Adverse effects.

For this reason, more and more owners consider that pharmacological treatment should not be considered as a first-line treatment, since our pets can also benefit from the action of numerous natural resources such as phytotherapy, which is therapy with medicinal plants.

In this AnimalWised article we help you to treat your pet more naturally and we provide you with information about medicinal plants for dogs.

Medicinal plants are not harmless

There are numerous plants that are toxic for dogs, in the same way, we can also find several plants that are very useful for their he alth, however, a therapeutic plant is not always a harmless plant.

Medicinal plants are characterized by having a plant drug, which is the part or parts used therapeutically, which obviously have one or several active ingredients that will modify the physiology of the organism.

The active ingredients contained in medicinal plants follow the same process as drugs: on the one hand, the animal's body releases the active ingredient, absorbs it, distributes it, metabolizes it and finally excretes it, On the other hand, this active ingredient has a certain mechanism of action and a pharmacological effect.

Medicinal plants for dogs, if used properly, are a valuable aid, however, you should know that may be contraindicated in numerous times e interact with various drugs.

Medicinal plants for dogs - Medicinal plants are not harmless
Medicinal plants for dogs - Medicinal plants are not harmless

Medicinal plants for dogs

The medicinal plants that we show you below have properties that make them useful for treating various conditions in our beloved pets, in a natural and respectful way with their organism:

  • Aloe Vera: Aloe vera juice applied externally reduces skin inflammation, has anesthetic properties and also promotes the regeneration of the cells of the dermis. It can also be applied internally to improve the general he alth of the dog, relieve gastrointestinal illnesses and improve the response of the immune system.
  • Valeriana: Valerian for dogs is an excellent option to calm nervousness, relieve insomnia and also reduce pain and inflammation, since although this property is not as well known, valerian acts as an excellent muscle relaxant.
  • Hawthorn: Hawthorn acts as an excellent cardiac tonic, being very useful to prevent congestive heart failure in older dogs, It is generally not used in young dogs unless they suffer from heartworm, in which case hawthorn can help them survive this disease.
  • Milk thistle: Milk thistle contains a powerful active ingredient called silymarin, which acts as a protector and regenerator of liver cells. It is useful to improve the he alth of dogs in any context and is especially necessary in cases of polypharmacy, as it will help the liver to metabolize drugs without causing any damage.
  • Arnica Montana: This is an excellent plant for treating trauma, as it relieves pain, reduces inflammation and prevents hematoma formation. It should be used topically or through the application of a homeopathic remedy.
  • Manzanilla: Dogs can also benefit from this popular medicinal plant, it is very useful as a light sedative and is especially indicated for problems stomach problems, such as heavy digestion or vomiting.
  • Harpagofito: Harpagofito is one of the best natural anti-inflammatories for dogs, it is useful in any condition that produces inflammation, being especially indicated for muscle and joint problems.
Medicinal plants for dogs - Medicinal plants for dogs
Medicinal plants for dogs - Medicinal plants for dogs

Use these plants under the supervision of a veterinarian

Medicinal plants for dogs can be applied in different ways, whether in infusion, in capsules, in fluid extract or topically. Each presentation contains a different concentration of active ingredients, so it is essential that a veterinarian supervises the treatment, preferably a holistic veterinarian with a good command of phytotherapy.

The dose of the treatment is not the only reason why veterinary care is essential, since it should also be assessed whether the plant presents any contraindication for the dog's he alth status or if, on the contrary, it interacts with any of the drugs that the animal may be taking.
