Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects

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Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects
Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects
Amoxicillin for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Amoxicillin for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

Amoxicillin is a very commonly used antibiotic in both veterinary and human medicine. Therefore, we may have it in our home medicine cabinet. But this does not mean that we can give amoxicillin for cats without any veterinary control. Not all antibiotics work for all bacteria and not all infections are bacterial. For this reason, it is essential to use antibiotics responsibly, as we will explain in this article on our site.

Below, we explain what amoxicillin is used for in cats, in which cases it is recommended to be administered and its possible side effects.

What is amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin is a well-known, broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic. This means that it is effective against a good number of bacteria. It belongs to the group of aminopenicillins and has a bactericidal effect In other words, it kills bacteria. Specifically, it acts against certain Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Administered orally, in one or two hours it already reaches its maximum plasma concentration. It is mainly eliminated through the kidneys. Likewise, it is excreted in milk in small amounts. It is frequently found associated with clavulanic acid.

Amoxicillin for cats can be found as a paste, as an oral suspension or as tablets. In this way, we can choose the most appropriate format to administer to our cat. There is also an injectable version.

Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is amoxicillin?
Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is amoxicillin?

What is amoxicillin for cats used for?

As it is an antibiotic, its use is to combat infections caused by bacteria Given the broad spectrum of amoxicillin, it is commonly used in different types of infections. For example, it is suitable for the treatment of abscesses and wounds Bacteria that are usually present in these cases have been found to be sensitive to amoxicillin. These types of injuries are more frequent in cats with access to the outside and without castration, since it is more common for them to fight with other males. It also works for other dermatological problems.

Equally, it is valid for the treatment of infections in the urogenital system, more common in males due to the characteristics of their anatomy, and respiratory infectionsIn the latter case, it is common for the disease to be caused by viruses. Amoxicillin does not act against them, but is used to combat or prevent secondary bacterial infections that may arise taking advantage of the weakness that this has caused. A typical example is rhinotracheitis Thus, it is possible to use amoxicillin for cats with viral colds, such as rhinotracheitis, because it can also occur a bacterial infection, as we have discussed. In these cases, the most common is to administer amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. Finally, it can also be prescribed in digestive infections

In any case, antibiotics should only be used at the discretion of the veterinarian. Only this professional can choose the most suitable for the infection that our cat presents. The ideal would be to always do a culture to know exactly what bacteria are present and thus decide on the antibiotic that eliminates them. But normally it is treated based on the type of infection and only if there is suspicion that the antibiotic is not working is it decided to do a culture.

Can amoxicillin be used for baby cats?

Yes, it is possible to use amoxicillin in small cats with any of the mentioned pathologies. In fact, rhinotracheitis is very common in baby cats, which is why the prescription of this medication is common. Of course, especially in kittens, it is essential that the veterinarian indicate the use of amoxicillin because in them the consequences of poor administration can be worse.

Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is amoxicillin for cats for?
Amoxicillin for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is amoxicillin for cats for?

Dosage of amoxicillin for cats

First of all, you have to be especially careful with antibiotics. We can never give them on our own and whenever the veterinarian prescribes them, we must respect the dose as much as possible, as well as the frequency and the days of administration. It is proven that the misuse of antibiotics, for example, when they are taken without being necessary, in inadequate doses or on fewer days than prescribed, causes bacterial resistance. This means that the antibiotics that we know can stop being effective. If there are more and more resistant bacteria, more and more powerful antibiotics will be needed and there may even come a time when we don't have any that work. Of course, it is a serious problem for animal and human he alth and measures are already being taken worldwide.

As for the amount of amoxicillin for cats, that is, the recommended dosage, is determined by their weight and the format of chosen amoxicillin. It oscillates in a range of safety and efficacy between which the veterinarian must choose based on the characteristics of each clinical case.

Amoxicillin can be given one to three times a day and taken with food. The tablets can be broken for easy administration. Amoxicillin treatments last at least five to seven days, although they can be prolonged depending on the infection. In any case, if no improvement is seen during the first few days of treatment, the vet should be notified.

Contraindications of amoxicillin for cats

Amoxicillin Interacts with some drugsTherefore, if our cat has taken or is taking any other medication, we must inform the veterinarian if he does not know this information. In the case of pregnant or lactating cats, the veterinarian will have to assess its use based on the risks and benefits, since there are no studies on its safety. Of course, if our cat has previously shown an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, it is not recommended to give it again.

Side Effects of Amoxicillin for Cats

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that, administered as directed by the professional, does not usually cause any adverse side effects. Some digestive disorders do appear, such as diarrhoea, vomiting or loss of appetite. We must inform the veterinarian, although it is not usually necessary to suspend the treatment. The symptoms subside when it ends.

In addition, some cats may experience hypersensitivity reactions, with the appearance of skin rashes, fever and, in the most severe cases,, anaphylactic shock. In these cases, go to the vet immediately and modify the treatment.

On the other hand, if the cat consumes a very high amount, poisoning could occur with kidney and liver damage, respiratory problems and cardiac disorders. In these very infrequent cases, transfer to the veterinary center is necessary.

As you can see, amoxicillin in cats must be prescribed by a veterinarian due to all of the above. Likewise, the dose of amoxicillin for cats will be set by the professional, which is why, we insist, it is not appropriate for us to self-medicate to animals without any knowledge of vet.
