Antihistamines for Cats - Dosage, Brands and Side Effects

Antihistamines for Cats - Dosage, Brands and Side Effects
Antihistamines for Cats - Dosage, Brands and Side Effects
Antihistamines for Cats - Dosage, Brands and Side Effects
Antihistamines for Cats - Dosage, Brands and Side Effects

Antihistamines are drugs widely used in human medicine for the treatment of allergy symptoms But this does not mean that because It seems to us that our cat is allergic, we can give them on our own and without consulting the veterinarian.

If we suspect this or any other disease in our feline, the first option is always to go to the professional's office. In this article on our site, we review the antihistamines for cats, their use and possible side effects.

What are antihistamines for cats and what are they for?

Antihistamines are drugs associated with the treatment of allergies Allergies are hypersensitivity reactions of the body to different innocuous elements, that will receive the name of allergens, which should not cause any problem. For example, pollen, dust, spores, fleas or any food. This reaction causes different symptoms that can be controlled with antihistamines. In other words, they are not drugs that are going to cure the allergy, they only serve to relieve the symptomatology that it causes.

This is why antihistamines may be prescribed when a cat is diagnosed with allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc. Allergy symptoms often include itching, hair loss, or breathing problems. These are related to the release of histamine, hence the use of drugs with an antihistamine effect, in an attempt to end the pruritus.

However, there are currently other treatments to treat allergies in cats, which are gone in a second flat to antihistamines. And it is that these are not effective in all cats and in others an improvement is only seen when they are combined with other drugs. In addition, sometimes you have to try several until you hit the one that works. Of course, its use allows reducing the dose of medications such as corticosteroids. In any case, allergies are a complex problem that will require a multimodal treatment that includes drugs and control measures.

Antihistamines for cats - Dosage, brands and side effects - What are antihistamines for cats and what are they for?
Antihistamines for cats - Dosage, brands and side effects - What are antihistamines for cats and what are they for?

Dose of antihistamines for cats

We insist in this section that before giving our cat antihistamines it is essential that they have been prescribed by the vetLikewise, only this professional can prescribe the appropriate dose for each case and we will always have to respect the dosage that he prescribes, as well as the frequency and time of treatment. Of course, we cannot give you any antihistamine that our doctor has prescribed for us.

Many brands of antihistamines are marketed and in different formats. The dose, obviously, will depend on the specific antihistamine that the veterinarian prescribes. For example, chlorpheniramine is prescribed at a rate of 2-4 mg twice per day orally. On the other hand, hydroxyzine is recommended 1-2 mg for each kg of weight also twice a day.

Cat Antihistamine Brands

There are different brands of antihistamines that will vary in strength. More than the brand, what is important, and what the vet will focus on, is the active ingredientThese are divided between first and second generation. The most used for cats are the following:

  • Chlorpheniramine: it is the first generation and has the advantage of producing few side effects. It is considered more effective in relieving itching when combined with omega 3 fatty acids. An example is Histamil, an injectable product.
  • Cyproheptadine: it is related to adverse effects such as sedation, vomiting or changes in behavior.
  • Hydroxyzine: it has teratogenic capacity, that is, it can cause malformations in pregnant kittens if we give it to a pregnant cat. It's first generation.

Other antihistamines are diphenhydramine or cetyridine. Keep in mind that some of those commonly used in human medicine can be toxic to cats.

Contraindications of antihistamines for cats

As we have said, we cannot give our cat antihistamines if they have not been prescribed by the vet. Not only could we cause adverse effects, as we will see, but there are some situations in which the use of this type of drug is not indicated. For example:

  • Pregnant cats: care must be taken if we want to treat a pregnant cat, since these drugs can cause fetal malformations.
  • Glaucoma or epilepsy: they are also not recommended for dogs suffering from glaucoma or epilepsy.
  • You take other medications: In addition, interactions with various drugs may occur. Hence the importance of communicating to the veterinarian any treatment that we are administering to our cat before giving him antihistamines.

If you don't know if your cat may be pregnant or if the medication she is currently taking could be harmful if she is taking antihistamines, ask your vet.

Antihistamines for cats - Dosage, brands and side effects - Contraindications of antihistamines for cats
Antihistamines for cats - Dosage, brands and side effects - Contraindications of antihistamines for cats

Side Effects of Antihistamines for Cats

If you get the right antihistamine and give it the right dose, there are usually no adverse reactions. But you also have to be aware of side effects of antihistamines for cats such as the following:

  • Sedation.
  • Incoordination.
  • Seizures.
  • Mydriasis, which is the dilation of the pupils.
  • When used for a long time, digestive problems such as loss of appetite, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea.

Poisoning caused by the use of an inappropriate drug can trigger vomiting, convulsions and hemorrhage. Of course, these cases require the immediate intervention of the veterinarian.

Natural antihistamines for cats, do they exist?

Some products based on plant extracts promise an antihistamine effect. They usually act as supplements, but they should not be administered without the prescription of the veterinarian, since they are not suitable for all cats. In addition, it is necessary to verify that there is scientific evidence that supports its effectiveness. They base their operation on supporting histamine blockade They can be used together with antihistamines for cats like the ones we have mentioned or alone.

On the other hand, it has been proven that the effect of antihistamines improves with the addition of fatty acids, so they are also a good option to include or add to the diet. Remember that any supplement offered must be supervised by the veterinarian.
