EYE DROPS FOR CATS - Types, Dosage and Uses

EYE DROPS FOR CATS - Types, Dosage and Uses
EYE DROPS FOR CATS - Types, Dosage and Uses
Cat Eye Drops - Types, Dosage and Uses
Cat Eye Drops - Types, Dosage and Uses

It is very common that, at some point in its life, we have to use eye drops for cats, since diseases that affect the eyes are relatively common in this species, especially in younger kittens. In addition, it is not uncommon for injuries such as scratches to occur if we live with more than one cat.

In this article on our site, we are going to talk about the different types of eye drops for cats that we can find, as well as their management and use.

Types of eye drops for cats

There are various types of eye drops for cats, depending on the origin of their condition, as we will see below:

  • Antibiotic eye drops for cats: as the name suggests, they are eye drops that contain antibiotics, so they are used when there is a bacterial infection In the eyes. These usually present with purulent discharge of a yellowish color. As an example, we highlight chlortetracycline, chloramphenicol or tobramycin eye drops.
  • Anti-inflammatory eye drops for cats: this type of eye drops is made up of active ingredients that reduce inflammation. It is avoided to administer them when there is also a corneal ulcer, since it would interfere with its healing. Prednisolone and dexamethasone stand out.
  • Antiviral eye drops for cats: Antiviral eye drops are recommended when the disease affecting the eye is caused by a virus, which can be complicated or not with a bacterial infection. This aspect determines the final treatment. Some of them are acyclovir and idoxuridine.
  • Other eye drops: anesthetic eye drops, analgesics or eye drops to dilate the pupil, used to perform certain tests or surgeries are used relatively frequently. An example is atropine. There are also lubricating eye drops to keep the eye moist and cleansing eye drops.

Eye drops can combine several active substances or the vet can prescribe more than one And that's the most important thing, that is, use only those drugs that have been prescribed by a professional. That their use is topical does not imply, far from it, that they are innocuous.

Eye drops for cats - Types, dosage and uses - Types of eye drops for cats
Eye drops for cats - Types, dosage and uses - Types of eye drops for cats

Dose of eye drops for cats

Normally, eye drops are applied in 1-2 drops to the eye This is enough to cover the entire eye and do not produce an unnecessary excess that would end up outside of it. The most important thing, in this case, is the frequency of that application Depending on the problem to be treated, the eye drops can be applied three, four or even more times each day. It is important that we scrupulously follow the instructions of the veterinarian.

Before medicating, if necessary, clean the eye of secretions by passing a moistened gauze pad from the inside to the outside of the eye, without rubbing and using a clean gauze pad for each eye. Then, bringing the cat closer to our body, surrounding it with our arm, with that same hand, we will open the eye with the index finger and thumb. With the other hand we apply the eye drops and gently close the eyelids, giving a light massage so that the product is well absorbed. With another gauze or paper we can dry the excess that falls from the eye.

For more information, consult your veterinarian. In the meantime, you can get more information in this other article on our site on How to clean an infected cat eye?

Eye drops for cats - Types, doses and uses - Dosage of eye drops for cats
Eye drops for cats - Types, doses and uses - Dosage of eye drops for cats

Eye drops for cats with feline rhinotracheitis

As an example of the use of eye drops for cats, we mention feline rhinotracheitis, a very common viral disease, especially in kittens and cats that live on the street, since it is produced by a virus that is very contagious between cats. Rhinotracheitis causes symptoms at the respiratory level, but also an eye problem characterized by inflammation and purulent discharge, indicating a complication by bacteria.

In these cases, which may be more or less serious, in addition to treating the respiratory condition, eye drops for cats with conjunctivitis will be needed, which is the inflammation of the ocular conjunctiva that originates. Cats with rhinotracheitis affecting the eyes can develop typical dendritic ulcers In addition, this type of infection has the ability to pierce the eyeball and damage the eye by point of losing vision, requiring removal.

The treatment of ulcers is complex and will combine several eye drops, such as antibiotics and antivirals, in addition to maintaining a quality of life that reduces stress and strengthens the immune system, which is ultimately responsible for eliminating the virus.

Eye drops for cats - Types, dosage and uses - Eye drops for cats with feline rhinotracheitis
Eye drops for cats - Types, dosage and uses - Eye drops for cats with feline rhinotracheitis

Eye drops for baby cats

We highlight in this section the case of the smallest kittens because they are the most prone to eye infections, usually caused by rhinotracheitis, due to the immaturity of their immune system. In general, these small can receive the same treatment as adult cats, using the same eye drops, even when they are newborns, since eye infections can manifest when the eye is still closed, which can directly damage the cornea. Hence the importance of acting quickly.
