Nolotil is a medicine that is quite commonly used in human medicine It is for this reason that many caregivers may have it in their home medicine cabinet and ask yourself the question of whether or not it is appropriate to administer Nolotil to your cats as soon as they perceive any pain.
In this article on our site, we are going to explain what this medicine is, in which cases it is recommended and what are the contraindications and the side effects it can produce. As always, let's remember that only the vet has the authority to prescribe Nolotil for cats
Can I give Nolotil to a cat?
Yes, but not always Nolotil is a drug with analgesic and antipyretic effectThis means that it relieves pain and reduces fever. More precisely, it is a non-opioid pain reliever. In addition, it has a slight anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, reducing inflammatory processes and providing gentle relaxation of smooth muscle. It is included in the group of pyrazolones.
Its active ingredient is metamizol, which can be magnesium or sodium. We can also find it with the name of dipyrone or novalgin. It is metabolized in the liver. It is important to point out that Nolotil is a drug for human use, therefore Nolotil for cats is not the first treatment option for this species. Medications specially formulated for cats are preferred, which guarantee greater safety, as well as efficacy, such as meloxicam. Therefore, if we think that our cat may be experiencing pain, the indication is, in all cases, to go to the veterinarian. Only this professional can say if we can give our cat Nolotil.
Another frequently asked question is whether cats can take paracetamol. If you also have doubts, we encourage you to read this other article on our site on Can I give my cat paracetamol?
Uses of Nolotil for cats
In general, Nolotil is used in those acute processes, that is, those that start suddenly, and that are considered to cause a pain of medium intensity or moderate. Thus, it is usually prescribed for:
- Pain at the visceral level.
- Traumatic pain.
- Pain from arthritis, neuralgia or neuritis.
- Dystocias or expulsion difficulties during delivery.
- Fever.
When it is assessed that the pain is strong, always within those initiated acutely, it is possible to use Nolotil, but by injection. In any case, the assessment of the cat's clinical picture is the exclusive competence of the veterinarian. This professional can also use this active ingredient as part of the preanesthetic protocol, that is, the drugs chosen to prepare the cat for a surgical operation. In this case, its analgesic effect is sought preventively. In this way, less anesthesia can be used during the intervention and postoperative recovery requires less medication.
Since cats do not usually show signs of pain, we leave you this other article on 10 signs of pain in cats so you know how to identify it quickly.

Dose of Nolotil for cats
The dose of Nolotil necessary for our cat can only be determined by the veterinarian and this is decided based on his clinical picture and his features. In addition, it also varies depending on the route of administration. This can be intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous, which will be supplied by the veterinarian, or oral, which we could take care of at home.
As an example, a dose of Injectable Nolotil intramuscularly or intravenously would be around 0.2 ml for every 5 kg of cat weightThis dose can be given two or three times a day or as little as once, at the veterinarian's discretion. Orally it can be administered in the form of drops directly in the cat's mouth or diluted in water and repeated every 4-6 hours Of course, the supervision of the treatment by the veterinarian is always necessary. In addition, in the event that these are prolonged, the cat must be evaluated periodically.
Contraindications of Nolotil for cats
Metamizole or Nolotil is not recommended for cats in the following cases:
- If they are taking other drugs, such as barbiturates, chlorpromazine or phenylbutazone.
- If they suffer any alteration in the blood cells.
- When diagnosed with chronic gastrointestinal, liver or kidney disease.
- Of course, in cats allergic to this active ingredient.
- It is not recommended for pregnant or lactating cats, as it passes into breast milk.
- Extreme precautions must be taken in the case of very old cats or those with cardiovascular diseases.
At this point, you may also be interested in this other article on How do I know if my cat is sick?

Nolotil side effects for cats
This is a safedrug, so it is unlikely to cause any adverse effect or, even less, intoxication. We can point out that when metamizole is administered by subcutaneous injection it can cause irritation right at the point of inoculation. It should also be borne in mind that it increases the risk of bleeding due to suppression in the formation of prothrombin, which is a protein that is part of the coagulation process. Finally, an overdose of this drug can cause seizures.