meloxicam is an active ingredient frequently used in veterinary medicine. In this article on our site we are going to talk specifically about meloxicam for cats We will see in which cases the veterinarian can prescribe it and what are the adverse effects that we can expect both at your usual dose and if we exceed it.
Remember that, as with any drug, it should only be administered if it is prescribed by the veterinarian and scrupulously following his instructions regarding dosage and guidelines. Read on to learn more about this drug.
Anti-inflammatory for cats
Meloxicam is one of the anti-inflammatories that can be given to cats. We can find it under different commercial names such as Metacam, Meloxoral or Loxicom cats. All of them are going to be composed of the same active ingredient, that is, meloxicam, since the different names only indicate that they are manufactured by different pharmaceutical laboratories.
This product can be dispensed in several formats, since it can be injectable or oral administration Meloxicam for cats in drops will be the presentation that we will use normally, since it implies an easy dosage and administration, as it can be added to the animal's food, which facilitates its intake without having to give it to it by force. It can also be given directly in the mouth.

What is meloxicam for cats used for?
Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug or NSAID with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects, that is, it contributes to the reduction of inflammation, pain and feverIt is usually prescribed in cats to control inflammation and acute or chronic pain generally derived from musculoskeletal problems.
Dosage of meloxicam for cats
Meloxicam oral suspension comes in bottles with a dosing syringe, making it even easier to administer. As the veterinarian will indicate, the initial dose, that is, the one we should give the cat on the first day of treatment, is 0, 1 mg per kg of weightThe following doses are halved, which would be 0.05 mg per kg of weight Cats are very sensitive to an overdose of this drug. For this reason, we must be especially respectful with the dosage.

Meloxicam for cats: dosage
One of the advantages of meloxicam, in addition to its easy administration, is that it only needs to be given once a day. Therefore, its dosage is one dose every 24 hours In this way we achieve a good therapeutic effect, minimizing discomfort for the cat. The vet will tell us how many days we should extend the treatment. It will also explain how to conclude it, since sometimes it is necessary to withdraw the drug gradually.
Meloxicam side effects in cats and contraindications
Meloxicam tablets for cats are not marketed, as they are more useful for dosing and administering the oral suspensionTherefore, even if we have meloxicam pills at home, we should not give them to a cat. It is also not a good idea that we administer meloxicam from humans to cats.
The adverse reactions that this medicine can produce are loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, apathy and kidney failure They usually subside at the end of treatment but the vet should be informed, as they could be very dangerous for the cat's life.
Meloxicam should not be used in cats with gastrointestinal, liver, heart or kidney disorders or, of course, in those cats that are allergic to the active ingredient or to any of the excipients. It should also not be given to kittens less than 6 weeks old or to dehydrated or hypotensive adult cats because kidney function could be severely affected. Do not give to pregnant cats or lactating
If the cat is already taking any medication and the vet is not aware of it, we must notify him, as interactions between them may occur. In the same way, we should not self-medicate a cat that is taking meloxicam.