Differences between BULL AND OX

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Differences between BULL AND OX
Differences between BULL AND OX
Differences between bull and ox
Differences between bull and ox

Did you know that there are some differences between bull and ox? Although both terms are used to designate the male of a same species (Bos taurus), they refer to different individuals. This difference in the nomenclature is not due to the breed or the species of the animal, but depends on the role it plays in a certain productive activity, such as livestock.

In this article on our site, we will explain in detail the differences between a bull and an oxIn addition, we will help you better understand the meaning of other "livestock" terms, such as cow, steer and calf, among others. Keep reading!

Difference between bull and ox

As we have mentioned, the terms bull and ox are used to designate the same species, more specifically the male cow (bos taurus). However, these terms do not refer to the same type of individual. To better understand the differences between bull and ox, let's see the meaning of each of these words.

What is a bull?

The term " bull" is used to refer to the adult and fertile maleof Bos taurus. It is characterized by being "whole", that is, it has not been castrated. Basically the bulls are the reproductive males or stallions that are crossed with fertile females to obtain offspring.

What is an ox?

The term " ox" is used to designate the castrated adult male, which has been sterilized after reaching sexual maturity. However, when is an ox castrated? Veterinarians recommend doing it during the first months of life, since after 12 months the animal usually experiences high levels of stress that can even lead to death.

These animals perform heavy work in production fields, such as the well-known and ancient "blood traction" moving carts and plows. Although not very common, bulls and even cows can also carry out these same functions.

However, in the popular culture and language of some countries, the word "ox" is used to refer to all the males of the speciesBos taurus, regardless of breed, age and function.


Having clarified what the terms "ox" and "bull" mean, it is easier to differentiate them. Clearly, the differences between bull and ox are fundamentally based on the roles attributed to each animal, according to the productive logic of our society and the pomegranate/farming activity.

As we have mentioned, the bull is an adult male, fertile and sexually active, which is mainly dedicated to reproduction. For this reason, it can also be used as "breeding" animal, fulfilling the role of progenitor of the new bovine litters. The ox is a male that has been castrated after becoming sexually active, so it is no longer capable of generating offspring.

Let us remember that, for many centuries, there have been no machines that could be used in agricultural production. Back then, it was common to use animals with great physical strength and endurance, such as oxen and horses, to perform the heaviest tasks, such as pulling plows and carts in the fields, as well as to transport the productions to the points of commerce or exchange of merchandise. For this reason, the custom of castrating part of the cattle has been adopted to control behaviors associated with sexual desire and facilitate their domestication

Fortunately, technology is our great ally in the fight against the so-called "blood traction". Little by little, the culture and the vision of animals are changing, encouraging them to stop being seen as "work tools" to be perceived as intelligent and sensitive beings who deserve to enjoy a decent life.

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Differences between bull and ox - Difference between bull and ox
Differences between bull and ox - Difference between bull and ox

Other names for cattle

As we have told you in the introduction, there are other terms that designate the Bos taurus species, depending on their age, sex and the role they play in the productive logic of the field. Here's a summary of these "cow names" to help you understand traditional "cattle vocabulary":

  • Cow: The term "cow" usually refers to a sexually active, fertile adult female that has already had at least one a baby However, in some countries, this word is also used to designate any specimen of the Bos taurus species, regardless of its race, age, sex and reproductive condition.
  • Calf: this term refers to all calves, both male and female, that are in the lactation period and not yet have reached ten months of age.
  • Heifer - Heifers are young, fertile females that have not yet experienced a pregnancy. They are usually between one and two years old.
  • Novillo: usually designates young males that are castrated before becoming sexually mature. As steer or young bull meat is highly valued in the gastronomic market, it is difficult for these specimens to reach adulthood.
  • Calf/calf: This word almost always designates young, "whole" males that are still in the lactating stage, not having reached sexual maturity. Its meat is also highly appreciated on the international market, so its destination is usually no different from that of steers.
  • Freemartín: this is a new and not so popular term that is used to designate specimens, both males and females, they are sterile and will not be able to generate offspring throughout their existence. In general, they are trained to carry out the classic heavy tasks of oxen in productive fields.

Finally, it is worth remembering that these nomenclatures may vary slightly depending on the country or region where we are. But in this article, we have tried to summarize the main differences between bull and ox to help you better understand this emblematic species.

If you know other differences between bull and ox, do not hesitate to leave us your comment to help us improve our content and share the best information with those who are passionate about the animal kingdom.

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