The Betta fish (Betta splendens), also known as Siamese fighter, is one of the most popular fish in the world, mainly due to its spectacular physical characteristics, which make it unmistakable. The care of this species is relatively simple , although it is important to know certain guidelines to keep them in good he alth and ensure that they develop properly.
In this article on our site we will show you all about the care of the Betta fish, explaining how their environment should be, the compatibility of these fish with members of the same species or another, the most suitable diet and much more, keep reading!
The Betta Fish Tank
To ensure that a Betta fish enjoys a good quality of life we must try to offer it an environment similar to the one it would have in the wild. The Betta fish is native to Thailand and lives in shallow waters, such as rice fields. They go out with some regularity to take in the air, for that reason you will not need to add a filter or an aeration system. The most important thing is that the Betta fish has a spacious and clean habitat, adapted to its specific needs as a species.
Betta Fish Tank Items
It is very important that the Betta fish tank contains various elements, for that reason below we will mention those that are essential. Don't forget that you can choose the ones you like the most so that your fish tank is unique:
- Sand or gravel: those with a soft and fine texture are preferable so that they do not bother our Betta fish's fins. In addition, it must have a minimum thickness of at least 2 centimeters.
- Plants: we will always use those that are natural to avoid tears in the tail of our fish. We recommend the Elodea densa, the Duckweed, the Sword of the Amazon or the Bamboo. Check in specialized stores what they have available and select it according to your tastes. You'll be surprised how good it can look.
- Rocks: We will try to minimize the use of rocks and other elements that can damage the fins of our betta fish. With two or three elements of this type it will be enough. In the market you will find all kinds of elements, from small pirate ships to Buddhas or dragons, however, we advise you to look for those with rounded edges and smooth textures.
- Lighting: a trick to beautify the environment of our fish tank is to include LED-type lighting elements for fish tanks, available in specialized stores. Use a shade of blue, green or lilac to highlight the decoration or color of your betta fish.
- Hideaway: especially if you use lighting or if you have several Betta fish, it is essential that you create all kinds of hiding places inside the fishbowl. You can bury bowls, make a nest with plants, coconuts, logs, castles…
Maintenance, temperature and extra tips
The temperature of the fish tank should oscillate between 22 ºC and 32 ºC, for that reason, if in your locality it is not Given these temperatures, you should purchase an aquarium air conditioner that ensures the ideal temperature for this species. We also advise you to use water without chlorine and without lime, which you will renew every 7 days, removing half the water to cause a radical change in the environment that affects the betta fish he althIt is advisable that you use bottled water and that it always be the same.
It is essential that we regularly supervise our Betta fish to check that it is physically well and that it has not suffered injuries due to the elements included in the fish tank, as well as those that may be caused by other fish. In addition, it is highly recommended that the tank be covered at the top, since it is a fish with a tendency to jump, which can cause it to come out of their habitat.

Betta Fish Compatibility
A factor that will have a direct impact on the care of the Betta fish, its feeding and the tank is the presence of other animals in the aquarium, whether we are talking about other Betta fish, different species and even cleaning molluscs or aquarium shrimp.
Next we will talk about the compatibility of the Betta fish, whether we talk about females or males:
- A single specimen: in this case, whether we are talking about a male or a female, it will suffice to have a medium 20-litre fish tank set.
- Betteras: These are specific environments for breeding betta fish. They are small and reduced in size, for this reason their use is exclusive during the breeding season.
- Various females: you can gather several females in the same tank, although there must be at least three, so that they establish a hierarchy. Although it is less likely than in the case of males, females may attack each other, in this case you will need to have an extra tank to be able to separate them. To improve the chances of coexistence, you must adopt different females (sisters) that have lived together since they were little at the same time. Use a minimum 30 or 40 liter aquarium.
- A single male and three females: in this case you must be careful with the aggressions that the females may have against each other, follow the tips that we discussed in the previous point. Use a 40-liter aquarium to avoid attacks as well as provide them with different hiding places in case they need shelter.
- Betta fish community: We remind you that the Betta or Siamese fighting fish is an aggressive fish by nature, for that reason and Unless you have an aquarium of at least 100 liters full of hiding places, we do not recommend creating a community.
- Community of different fish: You must learn about the different types of cold water fish before gathering them to prevent attacks and aggression. It is important that the fish tank has a capacity of at least 100 liters and that it has various hiding places. Pearl gouramis are a good choice.
Finally remember that you should never bring together two or more males, as they are very aggressive towards each other and would end up hurting each other. The most advisable thing is to have a single specimen in the tank, however, you can find out about the most compatible species with the Betta fish.

Betta Fish Feeding
The Betta fish's diet must be adapted to its nutritional needs and it will directly influence its scales and life expectancy. We are talking about a fish that, in the wild, feeds on small insects that reside among plants or at the bottom of rivers. Although it is an omnivorous fish, the Betta fish prefers to feed as if it were a carnivore.
- Flakes (or pellets): this food is available in any specialized store and is a daily extra to ensure adequate nutritional intake, however, it should not be the basis of your diet.
- Crustaceans and insects: you must offer a varied amount of food of animal origin, which you can buy in specialized stores, either live or frozen. You can include mosquito larvae, tubiflex worms, grindal, brine shrimp etc.
- Mixed vegetables: you can also enrich their diet by making small "bouquets" of assorted vegetables, such as baby sprouts in salads. You can also bet on zooplankton.
- Betta Fish Porridge: Some people prefer to make a porridge by proportionately mixing all the feed, including 60% feed of animal origin and 40% flakes and assorted vegetables.
Also find out on our site why a Betta fish can stop eating and how to fix it.
More betta fish care
The life expectancy of the Betta fish is around 5 years, for this reason, if you want your fish to reach it you must pay special attention to your care and offer you the best possible quality of life. Do not forget that it will also be important to know the most common diseases of Betta fish, in order to be able to identify them and treat them if they appear.
To finish, don't hesitate to review our list of the types of Betta fish that exist, we leave you with a video from our YouTube channel! Do not miss it!