Staffordshire bull terrier dog: characteristics and photos

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Staffordshire bull terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Staffordshire bull terrier dog: characteristics and photos
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a dog with a cheerful and positive character, perfect for active and dynamic people. If you are thinking of adopting a dog with these characteristics, it will be very important that you inform yourself in advance about its education, the care it needs or the needs that we must meet so that it continues to be a happy dog for many years.

In this tab on our site, we will detail everything you need to know about the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, so that its adoption is considered, responsible and successful. In addition, at the end of this small guide you will find photographs so that you can appreciate all its beauty and the joy it transmits.

Keep reading about the staffy below and don't forget to comment, share your experiences and images:

Origin of the staffordshire bull terrier

The history of the staffordshire bull terrier is intimately linked to the history of the pit bull terrier and that of other bull-type terriers. The staffordshire bull terrier derives from the extinct British bull and terrier that were used to fight bulls. Later, those dogs were used for dog fighting, until that deplorable activity was prohibited. Currently the staffordshire bull terrier is recognized by canine societies around the world. Many staffies participate in dog sports such as agility and competitive obedience.

Characteristics of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier

The Staffordshire is a medium-sized, short-haired, very muscular dog. Although it is a robust dog with great strength for its size, it is also an agile and active dog The short and wide head of this dog can inspire fear in those who do not they know him or, at least, a lot of respect. The chewing muscles are highly developed, being evident in the bulging cheeks of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. The nose must be black in all specimens of the breed.

The staffy's eyes are medium and round. Dark colored ones are preferred, but the breed standard admits colors related to the coat color of each dog. The ears are rose-shaped or semi-erect. They should not be large or heavy. The neck is short and muscular, and the upper body line is level. The lower back is short and muscular. The staffordshire bull terrier's chest is broad, deep and muscular, with well sprung ribs.

The tail is thick at the base and tapers towards the tip. It is set low and the dog wears it low. It should not be twisted. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier's short, smooth, close-fitting coat can come in a variety of colors:

  • Red
  • Tawny
  • White
  • Black
  • Tabby
  • Blue
  • It can also be any of those colors combined with white.

The height at the withers for Staffordshire Bull Terriers should be between 35.5 and 40.5 centimeters. Males should weigh between 12.7 and 17 kilograms, while females should weigh between 11 and 15.4 kilograms.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Character

The Staffy is an excellent dog, perfect for active families. He is usually very friendly with people and particularly with children, whom he adores and protects. Of all the breeds of dogs, this is the only one in which the standard indicates that it must be "completely reliable". Of course, that doesn't mean that all staffies are completely trustworthy, but that's what the breed ideal points to. They are dogs very friendly, happy and sweet

With proper training, which we will talk about below, the staffordshire bull terrier becomes an excellent dog and very sociable, something innate in this breed so affable and friendly. They usually relate wonderfully with other dogs, without any problem. They love to play, exercise and discover new things. In addition, and it is something that is worth highlighting, the very positive personality that the staffy possesses will last for many years, even in his old age he will be a charming and cheerful dog, always ready to show his love to his family.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Care

To begin with, it is very important to bear in mind that the staffordshire bull terrier is a dog that needs to do a lot of exercise Canine sports such as agility They can help exercise this dog, although we can practice very varied activities with him: jogging, ball games or excursions to the mountains will be different options that will stimulate and exercise him. In addition to physical exercise, we can also include intelligence games in your day-to-day activities that allow you to develop your senses and feel mentally active, something very important for this breed so curious and energetic.

In addition, the staffy must enjoy at least two or three walks a day, in which we allow him to walk in a relaxed, run around without being tied (in a pipi-can, for example) and exercise with a game.

The staffy's coat is very easy to care for and maintain. With such a short coat, weekly brushing and a bath every 1 - 2 months will suffice for a lustrous and shiny coat. To brush him, we can use a latex mitt that will help us remove dirt, dust and some dead hair that he may have.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier Education

Staff education and training should be based entirely on positive reinforcement. Although it is an intelligent dog and it will respond wonderfully to a reinforcer-based one, it may take a while to correctly relate our instructions and what it must learn. Therefore, we must be patient when teaching him, especially if he is a puppy.

We will start his education when he is still a puppy, socializing him with people, pets and objects of all kinds once the vet allows us to take him out to walk We must make sure that he knows everything that he is going to deal with in his adult life (bicycles, dogs and sounds, for example). We must try to make all their interactions as positive as possible and it will be essential so that in the future they do not suffer from fear, reactivity or behavioral problems. Puppy socialization should take place on a daily basis. In his adult stage, we will continue to socialize the staffy so that he remains a sociable dog and enjoys a full life with other dogs, something he will greatly enjoy.

Later on, we'll teach you the basic obedience commands such as sit, come here, stay still… All of this will help us ensure your safetyand that we can communicate with him on a daily basis. We can also teach him advanced commands and we can even introduce him to Agility, a sport that combines obedience and exercise, perfect for this very active and playful breed.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier He alth

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are relatively he althy dogs, as is the case with almost any breed of dog, and they are more susceptible to genetic and hereditary problems. For this reason and to detect any he alth problem promptly, we recommend visiting the vet every 6 months to ensure that our staffy is he althy. Some of the most common diseases that the staffordshire bull terrier usually suffer from are:

  • Waterfalls
  • Heatstroke
  • Respiratory problems
  • Hip dysplasia

Don't forget that in addition to visiting the vet, it will be essential to strictly follow the vaccination schedule, which will prevent your dog from the most serious contagious diseases. You should also deworm him on a regular basis: externally every 1 month and internally every 3 months. Finally we will add that Staffordshire Bull Terriers are relatively he althy dogs whose life expectancy is between 10 and 15 years

Staffordshire bull terrier photos
