Papillon Dog: characteristics, photos and videos

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Papillon Dog: characteristics, photos and videos
Papillon Dog: characteristics, photos and videos

In this breed file on our site we will talk about the papillon dog, also known as the dwarf spaniel or butterfly dog, by its literal translation to French. It is one of the most elegant dogs in the world and comes from France and Belgium.

Below we will detail some fundamental aspects that you should know if you are considering adopting one: the characteristics of the breed, how their training works or their possible relationship with children. But first, a little history:

The papillon dog became really popular when Tiziano Vicelli painted them in the 16th century, following which many other renowned painters They began to include the papillon dog in their works, such as Watteau or Fragonard. It was then that papillon dogs were considered royal dogs since the most important kings throughout Europe included them in their family paintings. The papillon created a trendIt is even said that Marie Antoinette had a papillon. This beautiful and gentle spaniel changed its physical morphology slightly in the 19th century, when breeding enthusiasts began to select specimens with upright ears, an aspect with which we know the papillon dog today. Of course, the breed was not recognized until 1935.

Currently the papillon dog is still an excellent companion dog much loved by those who own it. You want to know why? Here we go with everything you need to know about the papillon dog:

Physical aspect of the papillon dog

The Papillon is a small-sized dog measuring about 23 centimeters in height at the withers and weighing between 1 and 5 kilograms. Its appearance is fine and elegant, of which we highlight a soft head together with large butterfly-shaped ears, its well-known physical attribute. Its coat is white with black, chestnut, red or sable spots. It can show very different shades. Finally we must not forget its stunning furry tail, something that gives it a unique appearance.

Finally we will add that there are "two types" of papillon dog: the one we know with upright and stunning ears or another that shows them more upright. Regardless of how it shows its ears, the major organizations classify it as the same breed of dog.

Papillon Dog Behavior

Each dog has a specific and defined personality that can vary depending on the education he receives. After a good socialization of the Papillon puppy, we could say that we would find ourselves before an intelligent and social dog, capable of relating perfectly with people and other animals. Education is the key to achieving an obedient and emotionally stable dog.

He is not particularly sociable with strangers as other more extroverted breeds can be, but in his day-to-day life he is undoubtedly a very dedicated and eccentric dog who will love to be pampered and paid attention to. They are especially playful and active so they will need you to walk them regularly and even exercise with them.

The papillon dog is a excellent watchmanYou will be surprised to see how it alerts you to any sound or movement near your home, something inherent to his personality. We take the opportunity to comment that it is a somewhat barking dog, although it will also be determined by its education.

Papillon dog care

To begin with, we are going to focus on hair care: although its medium/long coat seems to insulate it from the cold, the truth is that papillon dogs do not tolerate low temperatures particularly well. That's because, unlike other dogs, it has a single layer of fur. We should not neglect him in this regard as he is susceptible to colds and tremors. our site recommends that you get a jumper for small dogs at any store, so in winter they will feel warm and comfortable.

We also stress the importance of caring for his coat on a regular basis. Brushing and using a conditioner will help keep your hair extremely soft and tangle-free. You should also clean your eyes daily to avoid the formation of unsightly brown spots. Discover on our site how to remove tear stains.

Possible papillon dog he alth problems

Dog breeds that have been excessively crossed by the same bloodline tend to have a tendency to develop certain common diseases, either due to genetic inheritance or predisposition. That is not so common in dogs without breed.

Below we will explain some of the most common diseases that can affect your Papillon dog:

  • Patella dislocation: This is a misalignment of the bone. It causes pain and discomfort in the dog either when walking, lying down or stretching. It is a very common disease in this breed and is usually genetic.
  • Seizures and epilepsy: Although it is not a fatal disease, it has the drawback of being chronic. It is usually a consequence of the animal's genetic inheritance, although it can also occur for no apparent reason.
  • Dental Problems: Dental problems can be fixed with regular care and hygiene. For this reason, do not hesitate to visit our article on the different ways to brush a dog's teeth.
  • Allergy: Allergies are far from deadly, but they are annoying. A dog may be allergic to certain foods and even to environmental factors such as pollen or certain fibers. If we detect excessive scratching of the animal, we should go to the vet to treat it as soon as possible.

Whatever the he alth problem that affects your papillon dog, remember that it is of utmost importance to go to the vet. The speed of diagnosis may or may not offer treatment to the animal. Do not forget!

Papillon dog training

To begin with, we must remember the importance of socializing the animal when it is a puppy, a topic that we have previously discussed in character. Once our dog begins to grow and is capable of learning things, we must teach him different commands. It's not about tricks and pirouettes that make us laugh, it's about teaching the dog utility commands that allow him to live harmoniously in his community and without suffering damage.

The basic commands for dogs are as follows:

  • Feel
  • Stay still
  • To lean
  • Come here
  • Walk with us

With these five learned commands you can take your dog with you wherever you go, being sure that he will not be hurt crossing a road since you can take him unleashed. our site recommends starting dog training as soon as possible, always using positive reinforcement and never hitting or excessive fighting, this type of behavior causes anxiety and discomfort in the dog.

The papillon dog is capable of learning a wide variety of tricks and is a great athlete, for this reason we currently find papillon dogs in Agility championships. If you have never had a dog before, we recommend that you inform yourself of some things in our article on how many times you should walk a dog. In it you will find useful advice to apply during the walk.

Photos of Papillon
