In this extraordinary time of confinement in which a good part of the world's population finds itself, it is inevitable that all those people who live with a pet have doubts related to them. Not only because of the virus or living at home, but because of the veterinary services and the possibility of going to the clinics or not
To help answer most of our questions, on our site we are going to explain how online veterinarians and their services for pets work.
Confinement and services for pets
Weeks ago we began a period of uncertainty in circumstances never before experienced in the world we remember. When the World He alth Organization declared a pandemic due to the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, governments around the world began to implement measures to confine the population, more or less restrictive, which raised numerous doubts among pet keepers.
In principle, establishments related to the sale of food or products for animals may remain open to guarantee supply and animal he alth. Dogs can continue to go out for a walk, although complying with rules such as only one person taking them out, always keeping them on a leash, not interacting with people or other dogs, not leaving the home, and then at home, cleaning our dog's paws as a preventive he alth measure. Theoretically, cats with access to the outside can continue to go out, but it is not recommended in the event that one of the caregivers is positive for coronavirus. In fact, it is advised that all COVID-19 patients entrust family or friends with the care of their dog or cat.
But perhaps the most repeated doubt among caregivers is the possibility of going to a veterinary clinic or not. Veterinarians are considered essential services, so even if the practice remains closed, they continue to working and answering the phone Even so, it is logical that caregivers, sick or not, prefer to leave the house only when essential. For this reason, you will find the proposal of online veterinarians very interesting.
Online veterinary services for pets
One of the best online veterinarians is, without a doubt, the veterinary clinic and online store Veterizonia, which not only offers the service of a wide variety of products at homeso that you do not have to leave your home in this time of confinement, such as food items or veterinary pharmacy, but from its website you can directly contact a veterinarian with more than fifteen years of experience at a truly affordable price to solve doubts about the he alth of your dog or cat.
Online veterinary consultation
If you have a question and you don't know if it is serious enough to leave the house, doubts about any medication, test or diagnosis that your dog or cat has received or you can't contact any clinic, this online consultation service with the vet can be very useful. In it they will solve all your questions about food, deworming, vaccination, as well as general questions related to he alth. The service offers direct interaction with the vet, so you'll always find the answers you're looking for. Once hired, you will receive the call from the vet in less than 70 minutes.

Veterinary emergencies during lockdown
Not all questions about the he alth of our pets can be resolved through remote consultation offered by online veterinarians. Some cases are emergencies that can only be solved with a face-to-face consultation They are situations like the following:
- Open wounds.
- Fractures, which we can notice as the deformation of a limb, lameness or pain on palpation.
- Vomiting or diarrhea that does not go away, especially if it contains blood, it is a puppy or there is dehydration.
- Any bleeding.
- Loss of consciousness.
- Breathing disturbances, which may be noted as different noises, open mouth, heavy gasping, or abdominal breathing.
- Cough that won't stop.
- Anorexia, that is, stop eating or eat only small amounts.
- Abnormal colors of the mucous membranes or skin, such as a yellowish, whitish or bluish hue.
- Fever over 39°C.
- Intense itching.
- Worseness in dogs or cats already diagnosed with a disease.
If you face any of these symptoms, in this situation of confinement you should not go directly to the veterinary clinic. The first thing is always to call by phone and explain the situation to the professional. This will give us all the necessary indications to be able to carry out the consultation in safe conditions for everyone.
In addition, if you have tested positive for the coronavirus, it is recommended that someone else take the animal to the clinic. If you find it completely impossible to find someone to take charge, you have to inform the veterinarian of your situation so that they can assess the guidelines to follow in that case.