We can classify birds in many different ways, such as finding out which ones eat seeds. In this article on our site we focus on offering you a complete list of the most representative bird specimens that eat seeds.
Most birds that follow this type of feeding are small specimens that sometimes, and depending on their stage of life, can also eat small insects or flowers.
Are you passionate about birds? Then you will find in this article on our site the opportunity to enjoy photographs and brief descriptions of some birds that eat seeds.
Mandarin Diamond
The Mandarin Diamond is a small, sweet-looking bird that lives in large communities of individuals. It is originally from Australia although we can currently find Mandarin diamonds around the world due to its popularity as a pet.
Indeed, the mandarin diamond or zebra finch is one of the birds that feeds mainly on seeds, although it also incorporates fresh vegetables into its diet to acquire vitamins.

The goldfinch is a bird that stands out for its red face and brown plumage. It is a wild animal that we should all see and hear at some point in our lives, as it is famous for the quality of its song. One of its most characteristic features is the thin black line that stands out against its black wings.
The goldfinch is undoubtedly the bird that is most affected by wildlife and poachers, for this reason it is a protected bird in most countries of the world and its capture in the wild has serious consequences.

It is one of the most common and well-known birds since it lives in cities and towns without any problem, thanks to this we can appreciate seeing it from time to time. The sparrow, like the birds that we have previously mentioned, suffers from sexual dimorphism, which means that male and female have variations in their plumage that makes them different and representative.
It generally lives in Europe and Asia and although it is usually part of a flock of sparrows, it can also share a flock with finches (such as goldfinches or wild canaries).

Of all the birds that eat seeds, this is without a doubt the most special because its beak has a peculiar crossed shape. This variation in its anatomy allows the Crossbill to extract the seeds from the hard cones that come from pine trees.
However, it is a bird that, in order to get seeds to feed it, is capable of anything, even extracting the seeds from apples. Its size is somewhat larger than that of the sparrow. The difference between the sexes can be appreciated by the color since the adult male has a red plumage and the female an olive green one.

The canary is another bird known worldwide for being excellent seed-eating pets. They are certainly intelligent and sociable birds who enjoy singing in the mornings and brightening the day of any bird lover.
Although it is not as common as it happens with other birds, we can find wild canaries around the world, they show brown and subtle tones.

Most of agapornis come from Africa and, as with other birds, can be found around the world as it is a popular pet and appreciated.
There are many species of lovebirds, each with specific colors and markings on their plumage, although they all have one thing in common: they love to live in pairs. We can say that it is an intelligent bird since it can easily learn to do certain things in exchange for food and attention. He is very sociable.

We could not leave out of this list the parakeet, the most popular bird in the world. As with lovebirds, the parakeet is a social bird that loves to live in pairs and enjoy attention and treats from its family.
He is talkative and friendly and we can find him in various colors, depending on whether he is in the wild or not.

Elizabeth from Japan
The isabelitas of japan are small in size and can live wonderfully with other birds, such as the mandarin finch due to its calm and submissive character.
It is another of the granivorous birds that more and more people appreciate for its docility and dark colors. Of Asian origin, this bird is undoubtedly a beauty to behold.

Coral Peak
The Coral Peaks are basically named for their physical appearance, as their tiny, pointed beak is a deep coral color. They are very beautiful and appreciated birds that show a fine shadow on their eyes that reminds us of some girls' makeup.
It is a seed-eating bird that lives in large bird communities over much of Africa. Occasionally, during breeding it can eat an insect to reinforce its protein intake.

Gould's Diamond
We finish the list with the gould's diamond, one of the most exotic and complicated birds to keep in captivity. Its costly reproduction and the slow process to reach adulthood make it a real delicacy.
They are very beautiful specimens and coveted for their beautiful colors, but the truth is that they require an owner with love, passion and desire to care for this distinguished granivorous bird.