They eat turtles? - Complete feeding guide

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They eat turtles? - Complete feeding guide
They eat turtles? - Complete feeding guide
They eat turtles?
They eat turtles?

We know the order Testudines as turtles or turtles. His spine and ribs are welded together, forming a very strong shell that protects his entire body. In many cultures they are the symbol of the warrior, but also of patience, wisdom and longevity. It is due to their slowness and caution, which allows them to achieve a very long life.

Some species can live for more than 100 years. To do this, these curious animals have to take care of themselves and, above all, eat very well. But do you know what turtles eat? If the answer is no, keep reading because in this article on our site we will tell you everything you need to know about the diet of turtles, both marine and freshwater and terrestrial.

What do sea turtles eat?

There are 7 species or types of sea turtles that make up the superfamily of sea turtles (Chelonoidea). Their feeding depends on each species, the food available and their enormous migrations. Despite this, we can summarize what sea turtles eat by dividing them into three types:

  • Carnivorous sea turtles: they eat marine invertebrates such as sponges, jellyfish, crustaceans or echinoderms. Occasionally they may eat some algae. Within this group we find the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), the olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) and the flatback turtle (Natator depressus).
  • Herbivorous sea turtles: The green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is the only herbivorous sea turtle. As adults, these turtles feed exclusively on algae and marine plants, although they often eat invertebrate animals when they are juveniles. It is the turtle we see in the photograph.
  • Omnivorous sea turtles: They are more opportunistic and their feeding depends on what is available. They eat algae, plants, invertebrates and even fish. This is the case of the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta), the olive ridley sea turtle (Lepidchelys olivacea) and the hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).

If you want to know more, take a look at this other article on What do sea turtles eat, where we give you many more details.

They eat turtles? - What do sea turtles eat?
They eat turtles? - What do sea turtles eat?

What do river turtles eat?

We know as river turtles those that live associated with freshwater sources, such as rivers, lakes or swamps. Some of them can even live in somewhat s alty waters, such as estuaries or marshes. For this reason, as you may have imagined, what freshwater turtles eat also depends on each species, where they live and what food is available.

Most terrapins are carnivorous, although they supplement their diet with small amounts of vegetables. When they are small, they consume tiny animals, such as insect larvae (mosquitoes, mayflies, dragonflies) and small molluscs and crustaceans. They can also eat aquatic insects such as water bugs (Naucoridae) or cobblers (Gerridae). So, when asked what the small turtles belonging to this group eat, you can see that their diet is quite varied.

As they grow, these turtles consume larger animals such as larval crustaceans, molluscs, fish, and even amphibians. Also, when they reach the adult stage, they usually include algae, leaves, seeds and fruits in their diet. In this way, vegetables can account for up to 15% of your consumption and are essential for your he alth.

In some turtles, the consumption of plants is much higher, so they are considered omnivorous water turtles This is the case of the well-known Florida tortoise (Trachemis scripta), a very opportunistic reptile that adapts well to any type of diet. In fact, it often becomes an invasive alien species.

Finally, some species feed almost exclusively on plants, although they occasionally consume animals. For this reason, they are considered herbivorous water turtles An example is the terecay (Podocnemis unifilis), whose favorite food is the seeds of leguminous plants. For its part, the coastal plain turtle (Pseudemys floridana) prefers macroalgae.

If you want to learn more about what river turtles eat, don't miss this other article on Food for water turtles.

They eat turtles? - What do river turtles eat?
They eat turtles? - What do river turtles eat?

What do tortoises eat?

One of the main differences between tortoises and tortoises is in their diet. Land turtles (Testudinidae) have adapted to live out of the water, but they are still slow animals, specialized in hiding. For this reason, Most land turtles are herbivorous, that is, their diet consists mainly of vegetables.

Normally, turtles are generalist herbivores, that is, they consume leaves, stems, roots and fruits of different plants, depending on the season and availability. This is the case of the Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo hermanni) or the giant Galapagos tortoises (Chelonoidis spp.). Others are more specialized and prefer to consume a single type of food.

Sometimes, these herbivorous turtles supplement their diet with small animals, such as insects or other arthropods They can be eaten alongside vegetables in a accidentally or directly. Due to its slowness, some opt for the carrion, that is, dead animals. However, meat makes up a very small percentage of their diet.

On the other hand, if you wonder what baby turtles eat, the truth is that their diet consists of exactly the same foods as that of an adult specimen. In this case, the difference lies in the quantity, which is greater because they are in a state of development.

If you want to know more, we recommend this other article on What do tortoises eat.
