Can dogs eat bread? - The whole truth without myths

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Can dogs eat bread? - The whole truth without myths
Can dogs eat bread? - The whole truth without myths
Can dogs eat bread?
Can dogs eat bread?

There is a widespread belief that "bread is bad for dogs", is it true? Being made from a base of flour and water, plus the addition of yeast, the bread becomes a preparation with a high content of carbohydrates. And although bread is not among the prohibited foods for dogs, we must point out that excessive consumption of carbohydrates can be detrimental to the he alth of our furry ones.

Wondering if dogs can eat bread? Well, you've come to the right page! In this article on our site, we tell you about the recommendations and precautions to take into account before offering bread to our furry friends, in order to provide them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs.

Is it bad to give bread to dogs?

Dogs are omnivorous animals that can maintain a varied diet to benefit from the properties of different types of food. However, your nutritional requirements are based on the consumption of high-quality protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals. The other components (such as carbohydrates) can be present in your diet, but always in moderation. Therefore, although your dog can eat bread, this food should not be the basis of his diet Remember that the predominant nutrient in his nutrition should be proteins and not the carbs.

Carbohydrates are basically transformed into sugar at the end of the digestive process. Therefore, a high intake of carbohydrates tends to raise blood glucose, making our dog more prone to a diagnosis of canine diabetes. In addition, if you include many sources of carbohydrates in their diet, your dog can quickly gain weight and we must remember that being overweight in dogs is a risk factor for numerous diseases.

On the other hand, we must consider that bread, as well as pasta and rice, are sources of energy for the body. When consumed in moderation, they can help maintain a balanced metabolism and please the palate of our furry friends. However, we must be clear about some recommendations on how to introduce this food into the diet of our dogs. For this reason, in the following section we give you some tips to offer bread to your dog without hindering its digestion or representing any risk to its he alth.

Can dogs eat bread? - Is it bad to give bread to dogs?
Can dogs eat bread? - Is it bad to give bread to dogs?

What types of bread can I offer my dog?

If you wonder what type of bread is he althier for your dog, you should know that it is homemade bread, without preservatives, dyes or other industrial additivesCommercial breads (both the ones we buy freshly made at the bakery and the industrialized ones) usually contain considerable percentages of s alt and refined sugar, two ingredients that are harmful to our dogs' he alth. In addition, some types of bread also contain dairy (milk, yogurt, butter) and eggs, foods that can cause allergic reactions in furry ones.

If you dare to prepare homemade bread for your furry friend, we recommend preferring wholemeal flours or cereals, such asoats, rice, barley and flax , since they are easier to digest than traditional wheat flour. You should also avoid adding biological (regular yeast) or chemical (baking powder) fermentation to the dough. But if you want to try something different and he althy, you can use brewer's yeast, which offers many he alth benefits for dogs.

Last (but not least), We shouldn't add s alt or sugar to the bread we make for our best friend. If we want to make a sweet recipe, we can use pure honey to sweeten it, since this food brings numerous benefits to our pets. And if we are making a s alty preparation, we can incorporate other species instead of s alt to add flavor. Turmeric, for example, has numerous properties and can be added to almost any type of recipe, always in moderate doses.

Next, we give you a super simple recipe for a nutritious bread suitable for dogs, using natural ingredients that contribute to improving the he alth of our best friends. Do not miss it!

Homemade banana oat bread for dogs

If you want to incorporate new homemade recipes into your dog's diet and let him enjoy a food as exquisite as bread, we suggest you make homemade bread without preservatives, which combines the beneficial properties of 3 ingredients: oats, banana and cinnamon As you can see, we will not use eggs, milk or wheat flour, to facilitate digestion and prevent food allergies in our best friends.

On the one hand, the vein offers a high fiber content, facilitating intestinal transit, improving digestion, relieving stomach pain and preventing constipation. The banana is among the recommended fruits for dogs because it is rich not only in fiber, but also in vitamins and minerals, which are essential to strengthen their immune system and improve their physical resistance. Finally, we highlight the digestive, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties of cinnamon (and not forgetting its exquisite flavor!).

Keep reading and discover how to prepare it!

Can dogs eat bread? - Homemade oatmeal and banana bread for dogs
Can dogs eat bread? - Homemade oatmeal and banana bread for dogs

How to make oatmeal and banana bread for dogs?

For this recipe, we will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 ripe bananas;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • ½ cup olive oil;
  • 2 cups fine organic oatmeal (you can also use organic oatmeal);
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of pure honey;
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda.

Next, we will tell you the step by step to make your homemade oatmeal and banana bread for your dog:

  1. First, peel the bananas and cut them into medium-thick slices;
  2. In a blender or food processor, add the banana slices, water, honey, cinnamon, and oil. Blend all the ingredients until a smooth paste is obtained.
  3. Finally, we add the organic oats and the baking soda, mixing our dough with the help of a spatula or spoon.
  4. Then, pour the preparation into a container and take it to the oven preheated to 180ºC.
  5. To certify that our bread is well cooked, we can insert a knife in the center of the preparation to certify that it is not wet.
  6. Before serving our furry friend, let the bread come to room temperature.

This oatmeal banana bread can be offered as an occasional treat to please your best friend and vary their eating routine a bit. However, we reaffirm the importance of offering complete and balanced nutrition to our furry friends, as well as the risks of exaggerating the incorporation of carbohydrates in their diet.
